Armor Frenzy

Chapter 502: crippled news

Ye Han strode in front of the attacker and asked condescendingly, "Name."

"Bi, Bi Xiaoyu."



"Why attack the troops." A cold light flashed across Ye Han's eyes.

The attacker's eyes flickered: "In order to grab, grab the gun."

"What else do you have to tell yourself, whether you live or die is up to you."

The attacker immediately came to a bamboo tube and poured the beans, and said a lot in a mess, not knowing whether it was true or not.

Halfway through the conversation, Chi Wei ran to Ye Han from another interrogation scene: "Captain, that one has also been recruited."

"Very well, you go over and ask first, and then give your confession later. If there is something wrong, both of you don't want to live." Ye Han said coldly.

The attacker's breath suddenly stopped, and the originally messy words were even more incoherent, and many words were repeated several times, and then he kept begging Ye Han to save him first.

Naturally, Ye Han would not agree to such a request. He just stood in front of the attacker without saying a word. The attacker also understood what Ye Han meant. Say it.

The interrogation on Chi Wei's side was almost over. The two sides got together to check and confirmed that there was no contradiction between the two's confessions. Ye Han waved to the health worker and said, "Give them a bandage."

"Is it necessary to save these two bastards?" Xiao Yuan frowned.

Ye Han waved his hand to signal Xiao Yuan not to speak, and connected to the communication of the Sports Academy: "President, it's me, the situation has been clearly understood."

"I'm listening." Qu Jiang said.

"It was an extremist organization that attacked us with the purpose of looting weapons. There was no plan in advance, and they said that it was a temporary initiative after discovering the troops." Ye Han said, "The prisoners said they didn't think it was our troops, and after they found that there were motorized infantry in the car I found that I had provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, and I temporarily decided to flee to the border area."

"Do you think it's credible?" Qu Jiang asked. "If you get into trouble, don't hurry to hide and run to the border. Is this a normal person's thinking? Besides, what happened to the satellite?"

"It really isn't." Ye Han agreed, "The prisoners confessed that their organization is under the influence of a foreign force, and the prisoners are ordinary members, and there is no known leader, but according to the analysis of the two people's confession, I think the leader of this organization is very important. It may be directly under the command of an overseas organization, and this attack was a premeditated attack by the organization to obtain power armor."

"Where's the evidence?" Qu Jiang asked.

"No, and I don't need it." Ye Han said, "Didn't they let two people out of the country? Staring them will definitely pay off. No matter what organization did it, they would have to pay the price in blood."

"You don't have to worry about this, there are natural arrangements above."

"I request retaliation!"

Qu Jiang sighed: "Do you think I have this power?"

"At least you can communicate with the above and are qualified to make suggestions."

"I will try my best to report the details as soon as possible." Qu Jiang ordered.

"Yes." Ye Han agreed, "What should we do next?"

Qu Jiang thought for a while and said, "Stand on standby to clean the battlefield and wait for further orders."

"Understood." Ye Han agreed, ordering the soldiers to clean the battlefield and look for scattered power armor parts.

At the same time, Zhongnanhai.

General Qiu briefly reported the situation passed back from the front, and explained the military's analysis. After he finished speaking, he silently looked at the first brother.

The first brother was silent for a moment: "What about the two cross-border attackers? Where are they currently?"

After all, the Chinese side is one of the largest powers in the world. If even two people can’t keep an eye on it, it’s better to buy a piece of tofu and kill all those who are engaged in intelligence.

"After crossing the border, they have been marching north. At present, their destination is not clear, and no organization has claimed responsibility for it." General Qiu said, "But the area where they are located is severely desertified. If there is no one to respond, they cannot hold on for long time."

"Have their identities been found out?" the first brother asked again.

"Clearly, one is a local extremist, and the other has an overseas background and may work for an overseas extremist organization. The time is too short, and the detailed identity is still unclear." General Qiu replied.

"Could they be sent from Outer Mongolia?" Brother One frowned.

"At present, there is no conclusive evidence." General Qiu said, "Our relationship as Outer Mongolia has not been very good. I think it is indeed possible."

The first brother touched his chin: "Outer Mongolia is seriously Russianized, do they dare to leave their hair behind and do it alone?"

General Qiu was slightly startled: "You mean..."

The first brother waved his hand: "Overseas organizations must be responsible for the attack, but if they don't have the support of foreign governments, would they dare to come to our territory to stir up trouble? Not to mention, foreigners are caught between us and Maozi. It has been very uncomfortable, even if they want to do something, they may not have the courage, it is very likely that Maozi is instigating it, and the foreign organization that has not yet been established is also likely to be in Maozi."

What the first brother said was serious, and General Qiu seemed to understand something: "What do you mean..."

"Since the person has entered Outer Mongolia, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs send an official note to Outer Mongolia, and then send a secret note to Maozi to protest."

General Qiu nodded: "Okay."

Whether it is a public note or a secret note, all of them express an attitude. To put it more bluntly, one is to find face for oneself; the other is to find a step for the other party.

Outer Mongolia and Russia are not at the same level, so naturally they should be treated differently, and the five major countries have the same interests in fighting the insect disaster. Although Maozi has been playing very But as long as the brain circuit is still normal, before the insect disaster is over There will be no chaos, so it is extremely unlikely that this incident is related to Maozi officials.

But then again, it depends on the owner of the dog. If the foreign organization is indeed in Maozi, the secret note is equivalent to a memorandum between China and Russia. No matter what countermeasures the Chinese side takes, it can be counted as having called in advance. Vaccine.

The reason why the first brother made such a judgment is also related to Maozi's military technical level.

Although Maozi's technology can't come up with sophisticated power armor, it is not difficult to design a batch of extensive power armor. There is no need to covet Chinese power armor.

Taking a step back, even if Maozi needs this aspect, under the premise of global cooperation, there is no need to play so low-level and rough, as long as you pay a little price, you can get the shrunken version of the design drawings from China. .

Detailed drawings are much more useful than real objects, even if they are scaled down.

And as we all know, Maozi's electronic technology lags behind the world's average level, and getting physical objects can't solve electronic problems, but drawings can solve this problem to a certain extent.

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