Armor Frenzy

Chapter 468: poison

The driver was stunned, but nodded immediately, started the loader and approached warehouse No. 1, and the flat end of the bucket plowed through the wall, carving a deep mark on the wall.

The harsh rubbing sound attracted the attention of the giant insects, and several giant insects turned around suspiciously, as if hesitating.

The bucket cut through the wall again, and several giant insects rushed to the No. 1 warehouse with alertness. Their movement affected some nearby giant insects, so the team that rushed to the No. 1 warehouse expanded to a dozen giant insects.

Ye Han had already set up the machine gun and waited silently for the giant worm to approach, until the giant worm entered within 30 meters before Ye Han opened fire.

It is difficult for a pistol to hit a moving target 30 meters away, but the veteran's machine gun should not be too easy to hit the target, and the not intensive firepower will knock down the rushing giant insects one by one.

The deafening sound of gunfire alarmed a large number of giant insects. They woke up like a dream and rushed to the direction of the gunshot.

Ye Han held on to the trigger, aiming at whichever giant worm appeared. Anyway, there was only so much distance between the office building and No. 1 warehouse. A machine gun could completely guard the space between the two buildings.

The 12.7mm bullet is powerful. After penetrating the giant insect, it still has a lot of power. It continuously hits the pipelines and transport vehicles in the backyard, and the stray bullets that did not hit the giant insect fly around, piercing the pipeline and transportation tank. Some bullet holes leaked unknown liquid, and some bullet holes jumped out of unknown gas.

The bullet hit the pipeline and sparked. I don't know which tank leaked flammable gas and was detonated by gunpowder. With a bang, a raging flame erupted between the two trucks. Just shake it.

The bullet hole on the tank still leaks combustible gas. After the deflagration flame dissipates, the leaked combustible gas becomes a fire beam sprayed from the tank.

This is because there is no air in the tank, so it will not explode for the time being. When the combustible gas in the tank is exhausted, the air is poured into the tank, and the residual combustible gas is likely to explode.

Wish there were more combustible gases left in the jar!

The wall of the No. 1 warehouse is much thicker than expected, and the bucket was cut down on it. It has dug into the wall for more than 20 centimeters, but there is no sign of digging through.

Ye Han took out two bullet chains in one go to kill all the giant insects in the backyard. The various chemical gases and liquids leaked from the pipelines and tanks have been mixed into a ball, and the gases and liquids of different colors are mixed together to form various The gaseous liquid with strange color, and I don't know what kind of chemical reaction is going on.

Ye Han grinned and stood up holding the machine gun: "Stop digging, Wulian, just open the door and come out."

The loader retreated to Ye Han, the door of warehouse No. 1 opened from the inside, and a group of fully armed soldiers poured out of the warehouse.

"This way!" Ye Han beckoned, and the people of Wulian came running over the corpses all over the ground.

Boom - another explosion, not knowing what the flames detonated again, Ye Han's heart skipped a beat: "Quick, hurry up and leave!"

The people of the fifth company ran out immediately, and the commander of the fifth company who took the lead hurriedly saluted when he saw the lieutenant colonel's logo on Ye Han's body.

Ye Han pointed to the loader and said, "Replenish the bullets, hurry up and withdraw to the airport!"

"Yes!" The fifth company commander agreed, commanding the soldiers to surround the loader.

The ammunition is placed in the large bucket of the loader, and the soldiers who get the ammunition quickly regain their combat effectiveness. The soldiers who finished taking the ammunition returned to the front yard under the organization of the fifth company commander. A platoon of soldiers was ordered to enter the office building to look for survivors. Everything was in order.

Ye Han nodded secretly, the organizational ability of the fifth company commander is still good.

He looked around and was satisfied that he could not find any moving giant insects in sight. There were several flying giant insects approaching in the air in the distance. He could not bear the danger of flying giant insects. Insects that live in the sky.

A second lieutenant officer suddenly sniffed: "Fruit smell!"

"You're crazy!" The fifth company commander pouted and stuck a chain on the gun.

"I smell it too!" said a soldier.

"Maybe it's some kind of chemical substance." Ye Han looked at the weird gas and liquid in the backyard, and suddenly found that the gas of various colors was just mixed together, and after such a short time, the yellow gas had dominated the world.

This pale yellow gas spreads very fast, and several giant flying insects flew close to the chemical factory, but when they were about to fly over the factory, they turned abruptly and flew away as quickly as possible.

Ye Han's brows tightened, always feeling that something was wrong.

The soldier closest to the warehouse of the Fifth Company suddenly gasped violently, then retched, and then fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching violently.


These two words immediately popped into Ye Han's mind.

The rest of the Fifth Company turned around at the same time, and two nearby fighters immediately grabbed it, but both of them also had an abnormality, breathing rapidly like asthma, and they both fell to the ground after taking a few steps back.

Ye Han's head buzzed: "Run, this is poisonous gas!" He didn't know what the soldiers But from the symptoms, it was definitely inhaled some kind of poisonous gas.

Everyone woke up like a dream and rushed to the front courtyard immediately.

However, the police felt that it was too late. The soldiers fell to the ground one by one before they could run far. Many people grabbed their throats, but could not breathe normally.

Ye Han went crazy, dragged a soldier with one hand and dragged it to the front yard, and then flew back to drag the others, but after a few runs, there were no more breathing soldiers near the loader, and he died near the loader There were at least 30 soldiers in the group, and even the driver of the car was not spared.

More than 30 people are still dying in the front yard.

Ye Han is not a military doctor, so he can't tell what kind of poison the people were poisoned with, and even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to find medicine for treatment. He could only watch the soldiers struggling in front of him, and then die one by one. After a while, he was the only living person left in the yard.

There was a scream from the main entrance of the office building, Ye Han suddenly woke up and shouted loudly: "Go back, don't come out!"

The soldier who stepped out of the door with half a foot quickly retracted into the door, Ye Han gasped violently, his mind went blank, and a strong sense of guilt filled his heart.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. If he hadn't shot and pierced the tank, the poisonous gas stored in the backyard would not have leaked, and these dozens of people would not have been poisoned to death.

But things have already happened, no matter how self-blame can not change the fact that dozens of people lost their lives, what needs to be done now is to find a way to save the lives of the living!

Ye Han sighed in the sky and rushed to the main entrance of the office building, looking at the seven or eight soldiers in Rangli through the glass door: "There is poison outside, immediately seal the doors and windows and wait for rescue, understand?"

The corporal squad leader nodded heavily: "Understood!"

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