Armor Frenzy

Chapter 314: Willows and Flowers

Ye Han excitedly grabbed the mine clearance task for a while, and calmed down after leaving the road for a few hundred meters, only to faintly feel as if he had been tricked, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and just put the useless thoughts behind him.

It's important to complete the mission!

I have to say that the emergence of power armor has changed many things. From the road to the missile base, there are seven mountains and four mountain beams on a three-kilometer straight-line distance.

Even walking on the plains, you can break your legs without a road, not to mention the ups and downs of mountains with a height difference of tens or even hundreds of meters?

If he climbed on two legs alone, it would take at least a few hours to walk the three kilometers, but with power armor, Ye Han is like a master of light power in the novel. The ten-degree steep **** is easier to walk than the flat ground!

Ye Han opened a bottle of pheromone and carried it on his body, running and jumping all the way, and it took only two minutes to reach the periphery of the base.

Considering that the enemy might place the sentry on the periphery of the base, Ye Han did not dare to approach the target, but spent half a minute walking around the base to disperse the smell of the pheromone, and then he returned to the area just south of the base. On the periphery of the minefield, I found a location with a good view to hide it carefully, silently waiting for the arrival of the ant colony.

The most power-consuming equipment of power armor is the hydraulic auxiliary power all over the body. After hiding outside the minefield and stopping the movement, the power consumption of the armor immediately drops to the lowest point. Three nights, ten minutes of electricity can be left.

However, the situation in the minefield made Ye Han a little dumbfounded. It is said that this kind of base located in the mountains should be loose on the outside and tight on the inside. There is no clue on the surface, but it is actually a very tight hidden defense, but the enemy seems to be afraid. Others didn't know that there was a minefield outside the base. All the trees in the minefield were cut down, and many signs indicating danger were inserted on the edge of the minefield.

North stick is interesting, right? Could it be the explanation of the little sun?

Extending his gaze to the depths of the minefield, Ye Han's pupils shrank abruptly, seeing the traces left by the explosion of several mines, some of which were still very fresh.

Enlarging the image, Ye Han was shocked to find the giant ant's body in the grass near the blast site!

A thought suddenly popped into his mind, Beibang would not be stupid enough to set up such an obvious minefield outside the base. The effect of this circle of minefields around the base is probably not to stop the enemy, but to prevent giant ants from approaching the base!

Suppose that Beibang knows that the giant ants are spreading towards the base, or that the sentinels of Beibang find the giant ants, or that the sentries of Beibang are directly attacked by the giant ants.

All in all, North Stick found that giant ants could threaten the security of the base, and set up a minefield around the base, which made logical sense.

But why Beibang did this was beyond Ye Han's consideration. He had to open up a safe passage in the minefield as soon as possible... It's been so long, why hasn't the giant ants arrived yet?

The corpses of giant ants in the minefield indicate that there is no shortage of giant ants nearby, and there are still a lot of them. How can the ant colonies be indifferent when they smell the signal of food?

Ye Han is very clear that different ant colonies have different identification smells. When he was in the southern area of ​​ants, he often saw two groups of giant ants attacking each other. They are related, but they don't communicate with each other. It's normal to fight each other after meeting.

Therefore, he did not use giant ants to identify the smell of "our own people", but to discover the pheromone of food. Although giant ants are divided into dozens of large and small nests, the time for separation is only a few months. There is a difference, other identification signals should be common to all nests!

It was originally a nest of giant ants from different groups. Could it be possible for them to develop foreign languages ​​or dialects?

He waited patiently for a few more minutes, but still no giant ants appeared. Ye Han couldn't help but feel uneasy, turned on the radio and asked, "Car No. 1, are you sure there is an ant colony nearby?"

"Of course there is!" Gao Ming directly transferred an electronic map to Ye Han. The map was a map of the whole territory of Beibang. The areas not yet occupied by giant ants were displayed in normal colors, and the areas already occupied by giant ants were painted with a Layer blue.

According to the information on the map, the front line of the ant colony has advanced to about 40 kilometers to the south, which is already the hinterland of the ant-occupied area!

Ye Han numb his claws on the spot, subconsciously glanced at the prawn,

From the beginning to the end, the prawns followed Ye Han silently like a ghost, neither interfering with Ye Han's actions nor taking half a step, so that Ye Han didn't think that there was such a thing around him until this time. A "guardian".

Ye Han's knowledge of ant-occupied areas far exceeds that of others. In most people's opinion, the number of giant ants in the depths of ant-occupied areas must be indispensable, but in fact, due to the huge food intake of giant ants, the depths of ant-occupied areas are usually Food is scarce, and the number of giant ants is relatively small.

The situation at the edge of the ant-occupied area is just the There is more sufficient food and can support a larger ant colony. Therefore, the situation in the ant-occupied area is often that the defense is empty in the hinterland, but the border is heavily populated. .

After the expansion of the ant colony in the southern area was restricted by the military, the border width of the ant-occupied area was about five to ten kilometers, and the ant colonies preyed on each other.

Beibang is not strong enough to resist giant ants, and the ant colony here is still expanding southward. Even if the border width of the ant-occupied area is doubled, it is only a dozen or 20 kilometers. This ghost place is the proper hinterland of the ant-occupied area!

Ye Han felt bitter in his mouth, how should he explain it to others?

I just said it so absolutely, now that there are no giant ants, isn't it slapped on the face? Will you still be able to raise your head in front of Gao Ming in the future?

At this time, a smile appeared on Gao Ming's face: "Ye Han..."

As soon as the words started, I suddenly heard the driver's exclamation: "The ant colony, the ant colony is following!"

Gao Ming's smile disappeared instantly: "What's going on?"

"Our ant colony is catching up!" said the pilot.

Gao Ming lifted the top cover and got out. He saw a group of giant ants on the road behind the car quickly moving their long legs, crawling to the vicinity of the armored vehicle at a very high speed, and then jumped off the road without stopping, and quickly climbed to the north direction. .

The appearance of going forward one after the other, with the momentum of a cavalry group charging, is that the height of the giant ant is a bit miserable, if it is as tall as a horse, it will be more perfect.

Gao Ming, who was stunned, immediately changed his words: "Ye Han, the ant colony is here!"

Ye Han was a little dizzy. He didn't think about where the ant colony came from. It took a while to realize that Gao Ming was talking about the group of giant ants brought from China.

Ye Han immediately calmed down and waited for the giant ants to arrive.

A black cat and a white cat, if it can catch a mouse, it is a good cat. As long as it can walk through the minefield, it doesn't matter whether it is a wild giant ant or a domestic giant ant. (To be continued.)

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