Armor Frenzy

Chapter 260: Gangs in action (2)

The gangsters in the Science and Technology City did not know that there was another group of colleagues hiding across the road. They thought that the large army downstairs was here to encircle and suppress the Science and Technology City.

The bandits thought they were fully prepared and staffed, and it was not a big deal to clean up a few soldiers. How could it be self-defeating, and they actually set the good technology city on fire, forcing their family members to have no way to escape, causing heavy casualties. .

They all say that they are not afraid of god-like opponents, but are afraid of pig-like teammates, but Ye Han's experience today made him understand a truth. Sometimes, pig-like opponents also kill people without paying for their lives.

And Ye Han's dealing with the gang is not just out of anger, another important reason is that the three of them have nowhere to go!

The street downstairs is full of ants, and now going downstairs is completely courting death. Staying on the rooftop is safer than returning to the ground.

Ye Han needs the roof as a safe place to live temporarily. Once the gang crosses the gap between the two buildings and reaches the roof, the conflict between the two sides will break out again. When the world is full of enemies, it is impossible to rely on Ye Han and Xiao Yuan alone. Defeat the crowded gang.

At that time, the only way out for the three of them was to leave the rooftop.

For now, the only way to effectively ensure the safety of the three is to keep the gangsters in the sky of the shopping mall and prevent them from flying over the rooftops.

There was no need for Ye Han to explain the reason. Xiao Yuan immediately voted in favor of taking the initiative to counterattack. In view of Hu Bin's bad behavior, a few people briefly discussed a few words. After obtaining Hu Bin's consent, they hid him between the air conditioner and the top stairs. in the gap between.

Although Hu Bin's arm hurts badly, Hu Bin, who is inconvenient to move, is more reluctant to be the target of gangsters. At his insistence, Ye Han put the loaded pistol in his hand and said earnestly. : "I hope you don't need it."

"I hope I can't use it," Hu Bin said, "but without him, I wouldn't even have the last bit of resistance."

Ye Han wanted to pat Hu Bin on the shoulder, but the hand he stretched out was eventually retracted. There was nothing else, he was afraid that Hu Bin would be hurt.

Ye Han took out Hu Bin's magazine, kept one for himself, and handed another to Xiao Yuan: "We took the magazine, you won't need it anyway."

"Take it, I'll keep one for myself. If you two die in front of me, I'll definitely keep a bullet for myself."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'll try my best to help you save the bullets."

"Thank you!" Hu Bin moved his hand reluctantly.

"I'm going to jump!" Xiao Yuan reminded.

Ye Han stood up and looked in the direction of the shopping mall: "It's still you left and me, let's go around and count the bullets."

"Understood!" Xiao Yuan nodded and jumped out.

Ye Han's speed was not too slow, he continued to cover himself with a pipe, and dashed to the south side of the roof.

The rooftop of the shopping mall was condescending, and the actions of the two could not be concealed from the gang. When the gang discovered the actions of the two, in addition to urging the gang to jump over immediately, they immediately arranged for people to intercept them. A dozen gunmen stood behind the parapet and shot.

The rooftop where Ye Han was located was a little wider than the shopping mall rooftop. Even if the gang gunmen stood on the very edge of the shopping mall rooftop, they would not be able to surpass the pipe.

Although there are some gaps between the pipe and the supporting low wall, firstly, the position of the gang is too high, and there is no angle to shoot the gap at all; secondly, the gunmen of the gang don't have such good marksmanship, so Ye Han can fly all the way with confidence and boldness. Swiftly, run straight to the end of the pipe.

The end of the pipeline is still more than two meters away from the parapet. In order to avoid unnecessary damage, Ye Han stopped at the end of the pipeline and waited for an opportunity.

Xiao Yuan had no pipes, but he found that there was an extension of about half a meter outside the parapet. He simply jumped over the parapet and took small steps behind the parapet. Ordinary people would faint for half a day at a glance. It was as if it didn't exist in his eyes, only a few seconds later than Ye Han.

On the rooftop of the shopping mall, a gang leader brandished a pistol and shouted angrily, "Do you dance or not, I will send you to your grandma's house if you don't dance!"

The short-haired bandit standing on the starting line shivered, but there was no place to move under his feet.

The leader was furious, and pointed at the short-haired gangster's feet with two shots. The short-haired gangster jumped again and again, but still didn't move.

The leader simply shot the short-haired gangster who was always uncooperative, and half of his skull flew out several meters away, splashing red and white all over others.

The leader swung his gun and pointed at the colorful-haired gangster beside him: "You, jump or not!"

Cai Fa gangster's father and mother got married, and two words jumped out of his throat: "I jump!"

"Okay!" The leader applauded expressionlessly, "Let's talk about the ugliness ahead, if your kid dares to play tricks, my bullet won't have eyes!"

The Caifa bandit swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes were hesitant, and he swept around.

The leader's eyes flashed fiercely, and bang bang was two shots.

The Caifa gangster jumped out like a frightened rabbit.

He opened the bow and did not turn back and arrows, the color-haired gangster surged into his heart with a single force, his heart slammed, he lifted his foot against the parapet, and used all his strength to jump out of the roof.

Ye Han suddenly heard an extremely frightened, heartfelt turned his head and looked, a dancing figure suddenly jumped out of the shopping mall roof, like a large turtle falling from the sky, that frightened It looks like someone kicked him off the rooftop.

The Caifa gangster didn’t know anything about parkour skydiving at all, and of course he didn’t know that he needed a suitable posture to land. It was a sad one-leg landing, only to hear a crackling sound, and the Caifa gangster’s knee joint was at an abnormal angle. Broken on the spot.

The screams of horror turned into screams of pain.

This guy is too sad, isn't it?

Just as this thought popped into Ye Han's mind, there was a long roar from the rooftop of the shopping mall, and another gangster jumped out of the rooftop.

This guy is tall and strong, and he successfully landed next to the Caifa bandit. The moment he landed, it seemed that the entire rooftop was shaking.

Ye Han didn't dare to neglect, and fired two shots in a row, successfully hitting the tall gangster's left chest, and the tall gangster fell to the ground with a scream.

I thought that the failure of two gangsters in a row would make the gang hesitate for a moment, but I never imagined that there was a shouting N chorus on the rooftop of the shopping mall, and a dozen people usually jumped out one after another after eating dumplings.

Seven or eight people landed successfully. Some of them fell on the spot and gnawed on the mud. Some fell on their side. Another lucky one stomped on the Caifa gangster. I don’t know how many ribs were broken. Little, it's about to be played.

The other three were unlucky enough to fail to cross the gap between the rooftops, hitting the parapet and falling into free fall.

The worst guy is a fat guy. He didn't even touch the female wall. He just pulled the long sound and fell from the Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users please go to read.

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