Arcane Lord

Chapter 3194: Top-down transformation

There are many upper-class elves fighting for power, but few are like Regan, who openly says that they are nostalgic for power. Most people in power prefer to use "people" as an excuse, and always say "for the people".

Of course, Shado also believes that Elder Regan, who can go against the mainstream concept to find ways to improve the status of druids, is not retaining power to satisfy his own desire for power.

Sure enough, after Shado asked further questions, Regan also gave an explanation-

"There is an unwritten convention in the Elder Council of Everiska, which is also a convention in almost all elven countries, that is, once a high-level wizard needs to resist death, he will no longer have real power.

"At that time, he still had a strong deterrent power and even a higher social status, but he could no longer be in charge of specific affairs.

"To put it simply, once my lifespan reaches its end, I must resign as an elder of the Council. After that, although my words will serve as a reference for the Council's decision-making, it will be difficult to change anything directly."

"Why? Elder, why are you so persistent in changing something yourself? I know that you have been committed to changing the status of druids in Everiska in recent years, but if I may be frank, I think the change in the status of druids since the establishment of the Northern Alliance may be greater than all your efforts in the past!"

Shado's words seemed to hit Regante's sore spot. Indeed, he had made countless efforts in the past, but failed to substantially change the status of druids. On the contrary, after the establishment of the Northern Alliance, exchanges between countries became more frequent, and the influence of abnormal climate improved the status of druids, but that was all.

But soon, Regante re-firmed his will. If he thought about it, if he didn't insist on it, how could he be persuaded by Kalish?

Is it just based on the other party's promise of immortality? In fact, high-level mages do not need to rely on additional means to achieve longevity or even immortality. Only when they need to retain power do they need to avoid the end of their physical lifespan.

"Although I cannot guarantee that the status of druids will definitely change qualitatively in this position, it will definitely not deteriorate. As for the positive impact brought by the alliance, I admit that it does exist, but the alliance has only been established for a short time. If there is a proven impact now, it does not mean that there will be in the future. If I can't keep an eye on it in person, I will not be at ease!"

What a straightforward reason. If someone else said it, Xia Duo might think it was hypocrisy and a desire for power, but when Regent said it, he had an inexplicable sense of righteousness.

It seemed that what he was nostalgic for was not power, but a kind of responsibility.

Perhaps this is what Regent really thinks.

However, in the eyes of Shado, such an idea is admirable but not worthy of imitation. He told Regent, "The reason why you are worried and your previous efforts have not yielded results is that you have not cultivated companions with the same ideas. If there are, will you still be worried?"

"No, Consultant Shado, you are wrong!" Regent seemed very happy. He finally picked out a point where Shado was wrong, but after laughing, a trace of unconcealable sadness flashed in Regent's eyes.

"In fact, as early as two hundred years ago, I tried to cultivate subordinates who agreed to improve the status of druids, and even tried to cultivate from the druid group. At the beginning, it was indeed successful, but over time, they became the same as other elf wizards. After trying this many times, I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to cultivate."

It really was cultivated! This made Shado respect him, and at the same time, Regent's experience inevitably made him worry about the original intention of joining the society again.

Now he is still here, and he still firmly holds all the resources for advancement of the Institute, but in the future, when the advancement of the members of the Institute does not need to rely on him, will he still have the influence he has now?

Definitely not!

So how to maintain the same concept and the same goal for a long time in an organization where everyone is equal? ​​This is indeed a difficult problem.

Even if Xia Duo has the case of his hometown to refer to, it cannot guarantee that the entire Institute will be of the same mind as him, not to mention that even the ready-made case of his hometown cannot make everyone keep their original intention.

It's just that it won't deviate too far in the general direction.

Perhaps this is also the future path of the Institute.

Even the territory may not be of the same mind as him in the future, but Xia Duo believes that the attraction of the Free Kingdom is attractive enough, even without considering any external factors, it is enough to attract a group of like-minded people.

And to be honest, the goal that Regante wants to do to improve the status of druids is too small and too easy to achieve, so that those druids who changed their status overnight immediately changed their class positions.

Perhaps only a common goal that is big enough can truly unite a large number of like-minded people and work hard for this goal.

Otherwise, the group that can gather for this small goal today may disperse tomorrow for their own other small goals.

This is the most true portrayal of Regan's experience. If the goal is ambitious enough and attractive enough, perhaps not only the low-level druids are interested, but also other high-level mages may join.

That is the power that can really change the situation!

Judging from Regan's past words and deeds, this should be an ally worth fighting for, so Shaduo told him his idea.

After hearing this, Regante was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said after a long time: "Are you saying that my goal is too small and too easy to achieve, so that it will be difficult to unite people after the goal is achieved?"

"Yes, there is another point. If you only mention improving the status of druids, what will ordinary civilians think? It has nothing to do with them, so why should they support you? But is the status of ordinary civilians already very high? Doesn't it need to be improved?"

Not only that, Xia Duo also proposed, "There are also low-level mages. Magic knowledge and resources are monopolized by the upper class. Don't they need to improve their status and situation?"

After this, Regante suddenly woke up and blurted out subconsciously, "You are going to overthrow the rule of the upper family!"

"What else? Or do you think that without those upper families, ordinary people can't survive? Or you can't face your own family?"

Of course, the revolution must be thorough. An incomplete revolution is sometimes more hateful than surrendering directly. This can also be explained by the classic saying-heretics are more hateful than pagans.

After that, Shado stopped talking. At this time, the last bit of sunset light had also ended. However, because it was near the end of the month, the moon was very bright, so it was not completely dark.

At this time, Shado glanced at the butler Urban who was waiting silently not far away, and a trace of regret rose in his heart. He felt that he should not have said these things to Regan, so as to delay the important business.

It is still known that Kalish used the promise of immortality to exchange for Regan's attitude change, so it is speculated that Yeerlan may also have this reason.

Even further, Komanso, whose attitude has not changed yet, may also change his attitude for this reason.

After all, King Ilithel has ruled Komanso for a thousand years. Who knows if he wants to rule for another thousand years! ()

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