Arcane Lord

Chapter 315 Urgency and Conspiracy

Early the next morning, Chateau stood outside the pier of Savile Port and watched the "Lucky Owen" slowly leave the port. Behind it, two cargo ships of similar size were also untying their mooring ropes.

One of the two ships was filled with the new people from the territory assigned to Shado by Niya, and the other was the river workers recruited by Niya to dig the river channel from the Bactria Territory to the ruins of Mystery.

This is what the arcanist of [Hidden Hand] calls the "element channel", which will greatly alleviate the riots of the magic network in the mysterious locked area.

The Tower of Time is always in a state of confrontation with the riots of the external magic network. Alleviating the riots is to save energy for the Tower of Time. Niya finally decided to dig this passage.

Looking at the "Lucky Owen" gradually going away, before it could reach the communication range, Shaduo contacted Layton on the ship and gave one last instruction:

"Follow the plan!"

Seeing Layton waving at the bow of the boat, he turned around and left. Recalling Niya's explanation when she left yesterday, Sha Duo felt a faint sense of urgency in his heart.

Not only because of the arrival of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, but more importantly because the Tower of Time is in a weak state, and the enemies will pounce on them all at any time.

Niya left this time to go to Severton to inquire about information and seek possible foreign aid. When she left, she explained a lot, from the territory to the Tower of Time, in detail.

But it was precisely because of this that Xia Duo had a bad feeling.

Returning to the Tower of Time, Shado first went around to check the working status of everyone, including the apprentices, and made sure that all repair work was proceeding normally, and he felt a little relieved.

But what surprised him was that the Arcane Garden had been sorted out. According to his original estimate, this work would take at least a week.

I didn't expect it to end so soon. It seems that Dean and Sammy did a good job in supervising and motivating us!

Production activities can then be carried out, but Xia Duo's authority in the Tower of Time is not enough to order the tower spirit to activate the relevant functions in the Arcane Garden.

This area can only be left alone for the time being, and only basic maintenance can be performed.

As for other aspects, although he could not yet do the repair of the Tower of Time himself, he had read a lot of books on the knowledge of creation in the past few days, and he had a relatively good understanding of the principles.

Basically, it is to repair the magic circle, and then establish a permanent coexistence link with the Magic Network Chord.

The former only requires skills, resources, and patience, while the latter requires at least an intermediate mage.

Counting peripheral members like Ke Qing, the Tower of Time only has more than a dozen mid-level mages, and the repair work has been scheduled for several months.

During this period, if there is any impact, it will need to be postponed.

Here, Xia Duo had just returned to his room. Before he could sit down, someone came to the door. The person who came was the middle-level mage Depak, the personnel director of the Tower of Time.

When Xiaduo officially joined the Tower of Time, Master Depak was responsible for his promotion authority. Moreover, before Lord Epps made final confirmation, Master Depak lent him a magic book, which benefited him a lot.

After that, the two of them communicated several times and became relatively familiar with each other.

Just now, when Xia Duo was inspecting the repair work of the Tower of Time, the two met. Xia Duo didn't know what the other party wanted from him, so he exchanged a few words and went straight to the point:

"Master Depak, you came to me suddenly. Is there something important?"

"That's right. News came from the Materials Department that there was a gap in the repair materials. Did the tower owner leave any news before he left?"


Looking at De Parker's serious expression, Sha Duo also had a headache. Niya said a lot of things, but she didn't mention the shortage of materials at all.

Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that she said she would be back in two or three days before she left.

"Master Depak, how long can the current materials of the Tower of Time last?"

Hearing this, Depak probably understood something, thought for a moment, and replied: "Other materials are okay, they are sufficient in a short time, but topaz and peridot can only last less than two days. If these materials are missing, With both materials, many subsequent repairs cannot be carried out.”

Topaz, peridot?

Xia Duo has little research on magic materials, but he knows very well that all gems are manifestations of elements and energy. Ordinary people may make them into jewelry to show their temperament, but those who really need them the most are mages.

And in most cases they are treated as consumables.

Only those true treasures will be used as the energy core of magic items and used repeatedly.

Although the two gems Depak mentioned are only used as consumables, they can be used to repair the mage tower, so they must not be cheap.

Xia Duo did not ask about the price of the gems, but asked: "Are there any substitute materials?"

"Yes!" Depak nodded first, but then shook his head, his tone full of regret, "But it is really not cost-effective to replace them with arcane crystals!"


Can we only use arcane crystals instead? Xia Duo was speechless, but he couldn't think of a better solution. After all, he was not Niya, and his authority was very limited, so he could only delay:

"You can ask Mayor Thain to see if there is any in the territory's warehouse. Let's wait until Niya comes back. She said she would be back in two or three days."

"This is the only way to go."

Depak left a little disappointed, and Sha Duo finally felt clean for a while.

At the same time, in the east area of ​​Savile Town, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce is located.

Aquiline sat in the upper seat, and the two maids behind him squeezed his shoulders gently. Looking at the adventurer-looking man below who was respectfully narrating, Aquiline's heart was full of disdain.

How could a little person who was unwilling to reveal the identity of the person behind him have the right to talk about cooperation with him? After listening to him for a long time, there was nothing substantial.

It is said that the two families jointly targeted Savile Territory, but what does this have to do with him!

He only came for the Lost Lost Ruins, and even if he took on the task of investigating Axel's murder, it was just a task. The Hawke Territory's current attitude toward the Saville Territory was one of wait-and-see, not conflict.

"Lord Aquilaine, all the Savile Territory relied on was the Tower of Time left by the Great Arcanist Savile. However, the Tower of Time was not built until the Great Arcanist Savile was lost in another plane.

"My master received a definite message. The Tower of Time has never been completely built. This sudden teleportation has caused it to be seriously damaged. This is our best chance. Isn't Lord Hawke about to become the Grand Arcanist? Maybe he need--"

"Enough!" Aquilaine suddenly interrupted the other party.

When he heard the other party mentioning his lord's secret, his eyes finally changed from impatient to vigilant. How could such tightly blocked news get out? How many others know?

Aquilaine's first reaction was to silence him, but then he thought that the other party was just a small person, and the person behind it was the one who needed to be more vigilant.

"Go back and tell your master that if you want to discuss cooperation, come here in person! Get out!"

When the adventurer-looking man saw this, he said no more and bowed respectfully before turning around and leaving.

After he left, Aquilaine waved away the two maids, took out a palm-sized crystal ball and placed it on the table at hand, and then cast a spell.

Immediately afterwards, a blurry projection screen appeared on the crystal ball.

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