Through the layers of darkness, Chen Ye could probably see clearly that what was staring at him was a mouse.

Huge rat!

This guy was hiding in the stairwell of the unit building, and his exposed head was as good as a car wheel.

The mouse, which was originally supposed to be only the size of a palm, is now as big as a tiger or leopard.

Scarlet eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light in the darkness, and sharp claws kept scratching the cement floor, leaving traces of feet deep on the ground.

Obviously, it has set its sights on Chen Ye.

Although the people stationed here are private soldiers of the Chen family, they are still acting under the official name outside.

Therefore, as soon as a large number of mutant beasts were discovered, most of the villagers in the village had been moved away.

The place is empty now. Chen Ye, who ran in alone, is like a light in the dark night in the eyes of these mutated beasts, dazzling and out of place.

It is understandable to attract the attention of these mutant beasts.

Faced with the prying eyes of this monster, Chen Ye not only had no intention of leaving, but after a pause and seeing that the guy didn’t attack, he took the initiative to walk towards the unit building.

Before anyone could get close, they heard the giant rat roaring in warning, and at the same time, its claws digging at the ground became more and more impatient.

There was doubt and hesitation in his eyes like light bulbs.

It’s observing Chen Ye!

Rats are inherently timid and cautious. Even after mutating and gaining terrifying powers, their nature is still there.

Facing ordinary people who are running away, it will go up and tear them apart, and then eat them alive.

But when faced with someone like Chen Ye, he wasn’t afraid when he saw it. Instead, he took the initiative to come over.

It instinctively felt that the person in front of it seemed different from the humans it had encountered before.

If it were instinctive, it would definitely sneak away first to show respect.

But it was hiding in the stairwell here. It originally wanted to attack people passing by outside, leaving no escape route at all.

There is no place to run if you want to run now.

Seeing Chen Ye getting closer and closer, he could only sound a warning in an inward voice in an attempt to expel this “unusual human being”.

“I’m afraid it’s too late to run away now.” Chen Ye walked to the unit building and was only seven or eight meters away from the giant rat.

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the other half of the door that was closed on the side.


The metal door made an explosive sound and instantly deformed and shot out from the door frame.

Before the mouse could react, the deformed metal security door hit it squarely on the head.

The guy who was hit couldn’t help but scream in horror.

But this time, the bloodthirsty instinct of the giant rat was finally aroused.

The next moment, it threw away the unit door that hit it and rushed straight towards Chen Ye.

Chen Ye turned sideways slightly, and then the sword flashed.

After the giant rat flew several meters in the air, it hit the ground heavily, lifeless.

The huge body was still twitching, but the big head, which was comparable to a car wheel, was gone.

The smell of blood immediately filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ye heard many chaotic footsteps around him.

There was the dull sound of hooves striking the ground, and the rustle of reptiles crawling on the ground.

Obviously, many mutant beasts in the surrounding area were attracted.

Chen Ye wanted this effect, so he didn’t panic at all. He stayed a little away from the smelly giant rat, then rubbed the sword without any trace of blood, and quietly waited for the arrival of other mutant beasts.

:ah? !

: I am super, this big rat is bigger than a tiger! It’s so annoying!

: Man, shouldn’t the really scary thing be that the brother below chopped this thing off with just one knife? What’s the difference between this and killing a tiger with a sliding shovel? You don’t even need a sliding shovel!

: Let me tell you something, this mouse looks much more powerful than an ordinary tiger.

: Originally, I thought seeing a tiger making a sliding shovel was a joke, but now I realize that it turned out to be extremely realistic!

: Don’t be embarrassed, people don’t use slide shovels, they just avoid being killed by sideways, and then kill this huge old Su with a single blow.

: I once suspected that I was not the same creature as others.

: This is too fierce. Did you just say that people are seeking death by grandstanding? say!

: Fortunately, I didn’t say anything. I knew that when he came over, even the frontline soldiers didn’t stop him. He must be powerful. A group of clowns were still questioning him.

: No, when did humans evolve? Why do not you take me? !

:…Chen Ye killed a monster that couldn’t even be dealt with by ordinary firearms in such an understatement. After being stunned for a long time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but gasp.

If Chen Ye could see it now

If you see the barrage, you may be tempted to say that everyone has already started to evolve, but in the future some people will evolve into superpowers, and some will evolve into mindless zombies.

Everyone has a bright future.

There is no need to envy others.

He definitely didn’t have time to say this now, because a large number of mutant beasts were already approaching quickly after smelling the bloody smell of the mutant rat.

The one that appeared first surprised Chen Ye.

It’s a snake.

This thing is huge, its body is thicker than a water tank.

The most important thing is that this is a poisonous snake!

Judging from the appearance, Chen Ye estimated that before the mutation, this was probably a king cobra, which was originally much larger than an ordinary snake.

But now after evolution, the length of this thing has exceeded thirty meters.

After being coiled on a five-story building and spreading out the scales on his neck, his head was like the front of a large truck, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

His cold vertical pupils stared at Chen Ye, and drops of venom kept falling from his slightly opened mouth.

Once it falls to the ground, the venom reacts with the ground and makes a sizzling sound.

If bitten by this thing, let alone ordinary people or people with supernatural powers, I am afraid that even a blue whale would be poisoned.

There is no doubt that it is the most powerful mutant beast now except for the harmless white tiger.

Ordinary superpowers would probably just run away when encountering this thing, and would not be its opponent at all.

But it was Chen Ye who was present now.

Seeing the giant snake appear, not only did he not panic at all, but he looked around on the spot. Wherever he looked, there were basically mutant beasts hiding in the dark.

These mutant beasts obviously did not dare to provoke the big snake in front of them. They were secretly waiting for the big snake to fight with this unusual human being in front of them, and then they could take the opportunity to tear off a piece of meat from the killed mouse.

As time passed, the giant snake kept making “hissing” sounds, but it never took the initiative to attack.

Chen Ye also kept observing the surroundings as the mutant beasts gathered around him, but showed no intention of attacking.

I do not know how long it has been.

Chen Ye noticed the sound of crushed rubble coming from a collapsed ruin two to three hundred meters away from him, and then he finally nodded: “We’re all here, it’s time to send you beasts on your way.”

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