Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 61 Searching for Hunchun

Li Yuanhong brought five pikemen, five swordmen, and five archers to Hunchun City. Li Yuanhong came here mainly to find a way to get important machines back to the base. Before coming, Professor Yuan and Dr. Han, Everyone gave him a list, which was filled with various equipment catalogs. Looking at the two lists, Li Yuanhong felt a lot of pressure. Although the main zombies in the entire city were attracted to their own bases to be wiped out, there were still zombies trapped in many places, and perhaps high-level zombies. Li Yuanhong had to clean up the entire city by himself. I am afraid that it would not be possible to clean up the whole city by himself. Finish. Therefore, Li Yuanhong gave up many interests in order to speed up the progress of the cleanup and occupy Hunchun City as soon as possible.

Li Yuanhong took the people and first came to the Hunchun People's Hospital, which is the largest hospital in Hunchun. The reason why Li Yuanhong came here was because of the experimental equipment that Dr. Han needed, most of which should be available here. Thinking of the sea of ​​corpses in Yanjing's hospital, Li Yuanhong was particularly cautious when he came to the hospital. When it comes to where a large number of zombies are hidden, Li Yuanhong will first think of the hospital.

The gate of the hospital is empty, all traces of cruelty are covered by snow, while the main building facing the gate is black hole. Under the cold winter wind, the broken gate of the main building squeaks out from time to time. "Ah", everything seemed so strange and bleak.

Of course, Li Yuanhong would not rush to unfamiliar places rashly. He used the old tactics to lead the dead to fly a kite. So Li Yuanhong asked the spearmen and swordsmen to open the main building door, and set up various obstacles and traps. Then Li Yuanhong took out a string of firecrackers, which he obtained when he searched a newly opened store, and then put the firecrackers in one. Hanging at a place ten meters away from the gate. After everything was arranged, everyone backed up and found a place that was convenient for attack and retreat. Li Yuanhong lit the firecrackers. Within a minute, the loud "cracking" sound of the firecrackers rang stand up.

Perhaps the city has been silent for too long. The sound of firecrackers awakened the demon hiding in the hospital. He heard a roar, and then a black tide poured out from the hospital. This is a group of corpses hidden in the hospital. There are not many corpses, there are less than fifty. Most of them are physically incomplete, either missing arms or broken stomachs. No wonder the group of corpses left and these zombies did not follow. The giant zombies really don't look down on these remnants.

Although these are remnants, the danger is not low. Each zombie is at the lowest level, and the speed is not slow. It rushes out of the main gate of the hospital and dashes towards the sound of firecrackers at a speed of 100 meters, of course. As they entered the outdoors, the severe cold gradually slowed down these zombies, but Li Yuanhong would never despise them.

Just as these zombies were approaching the firecrackers, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the middle of the corpse group, and half of the zombies in the entire corpse group were killed by the bombing, especially a third-level giant zombie hiding in the middle of the corpse group was directly bombed. fly. This is the gasoline and bomb trap arranged by Li Yuanhong in advance. Li Yuanhong doesn't want to run around the street chased by corpses. However, Li Yuanhong did not expect that the number of zombies was so scarce, which made Li Yuanhong feel distressed by petrol and bombing.

After the explosion, there were less than ten zombies still standing, and the violent explosion sound never led to the zombies in the building. It seems that there are only so many zombies left in this hospital. So Li Yuanhong and the archers fired bows and arrows together, and all the standing zombies were knotted, and then the spearmen and sword soldiers stepped forward to clear the field.

After the zombies were cleaned up, Li Yuanhong let the sword soldiers take the lead and began to advance towards the main building of the hospital. The entrance to the main building of the hospital was dark. Li Yuanhong turned on the pre-prepared spike flashlight. At the same time, Li Yuanhong opened the real eye and scanned the corridor. This scan shocked Li Yuanhong. It turned out that there was still hidden in the corridor. There are many monsters with long tongues, and there are actually two invisible zombies inside. These long-tongued monsters all climbed on the walls of the corridor and stared at Li Yuanhong's people, which made Li Yuanhong's backbone brave cold. Fortunately, he was cautious. If he rushed deeper, he would definitely be making dumplings.

Now that I found out, there was nothing to say, so Li Yuanhong and the archers began to shoot arrows. The swordsmen raised their shields to cover, and the pikemen hid behind the swordsmen for close-range attacks. The two invisible zombies were used as the primary targets of attack. They were hit by three arrows and fell off the wall first. It was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and other long-tongued zombies crawled towards Li Yuanhong and the others, attacking from all directions.

Li Yuanhong instructed the spearmen to withstand the attack in three directions from the front and the side, while he and the archer frequently draw bows and shoot arrows, attacking the long-tongued zombies above. Although there are not many long-tongued zombies, there are less than twenty, but they attack at the same time. , It also made Li Yuanhong busy, especially the sword soldiers in front of them. From time to time, the sound of "ding-ding" on the shields, such as dropping beans on the ground. Obviously, the tongue attacks of the monsters with long tongues are very intensive. In this enclosed space, he and the soldiers will definitely be injured. Fortunately, the soldiers said that the soldiers created by the system will not be infected by the virus, but if they are injured, they can only wait to die.

As Li Yuanhong and the archer's arrow rain continued to fire outward, the pressure on the swordsman gradually decreased. For twenty minutes, all the long-tongue monsters fell to the ground. At this time, the pikemen and sword soldiers who were in front of them all had wounds of varying severity, but they were not in danger of life. Li Yuanhong quickly took out the healing medicine from the space and asked the soldiers to apply it, and began to observe carefully. From the hospital.

Although this hospital is not as big as Yenching’s hospital, the lobby is also very large. The front desk and equal-sign chairs have been torn down and messed up. There are still blood stains on the ground, although it has been covered with a layer of dust. But still faintly can see the tragedy at the beginning. Li Yuanhong began to look around for the map of the hospital. Generally, there is a map of the hospital on the first floor for the convenience of patients. Soon, Li Yuanhong found the map of the hospital on a notice board lying on the ground. Although it was covered with footprints, it was basically clear. On the map, Li Yuanhong soon found the place he was going, so he led the soldiers, searched forward, and walked to the laboratory.

Soon, Li Yuanhong brought people to the laboratory. It was extremely quiet here. There were even no footprints on the thick dust here. This showed that zombies had never approached here. This is an incredible phenomenon in a hospital full of zombies. Li Yuanhong had to pay 200% of his attention to the so-called something abnormal, and even blessed himself in advance of the magic protection he had just learned.

Li Yuanhong fumbled forward cautiously, and suddenly heard a faint dripping sound at a corner of the corridor. Li Yuanhong immediately stopped everyone and began to search around to find the source of the dripping sound. In the last days, the water has been suspended for almost two months, and there are still dripping water. There are only two situations: one is there is a water source nearby, and the other is there is a monster.

As Li Yuanhong paused, the dripping sound gradually increased and began to approach Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong finally determined the direction of the sound source, which was the corner of the corridor.

Li Yuanhong quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat to prevent surprise attacks by monsters. When Li Yuanhong retreated, the sound of dripping water accelerated again. Every minute, he reached the corner where Li Yuanhong was just now. At this time, a monster's figure appeared from the corner extremely quickly.

This is a long-tongued zombie lying on the roof. The head of the zombie is obviously larger than the head of the zombie just now, and the dripping sound comes from its growing mouth. Liquid drips constantly. The falling liquid emits a pungent white smoke when it falls on the ground. Obviously this liquid is very corrosive.

Li Yuanhong immediately threw away the real eye: "

Poisonous thorn of fourth-level mutant zombie thorn of long tongue

Skills: Bite, Tongue Stabbing, Wall Climbing, Claw Attack, Poison Kill

Attack power: 8~14

Health: 180 Mana: 30

Defense: 8 Spirit: 3

Constitution: 8 Strength: 10

Speed: 9 Wisdom: 1

It is mutated from ordinary zombies and can climb walls to attack, and can even cling to the wall to sneak attacks. With a tongue that can stretch like a whip, it is an assassin among zombies. It cannot directly kill the prey directly, and it can also kill the prey through the poison.

Weaknesses: fear of fire, head and neck. "

Seeing this data, Li Yuanhong cursed unlucky secretly. He didn't expect to encounter a fourth-level mutant zombie.

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