Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 141: thank you

Wanting world peace, wanting mankind to unite, wanting a better future or letting justice win forever ... Compared to this too extravagant desire, killing something is actually a very simple thing . 35xs

Because life is so fragile.

Before reaching the legend of the fourth-order star-knock, everything is a mortal.

No matter what kind of miraculous incarnation, what kind of sublimator, once cut the throat and pierce the heart, then death is what will happen naturally.

In other words, if something can be achieved by destroying something, it is far simpler than creating something worthy of longing.

This is the so-called murder.

A shortcut, a common solution, even if it is not the best option, but it can always solve the urgent needs, make the bad gait calmed down, and make a messy incident get a clean solution.

If you want to be lazy and pursue cost-effectiveness, there is nothing more suitable than this method.

Therefore, the fire rack, the tribunal, and even the judge came into being.

From the first day of birth, I worked hard to think about how to clean up, wipe out, and even slaughter heretics in a way that maximizes efficiency.

Through 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, a tool like 'Fan Haixin' was created.

Citing the source code of the Genesis chapter in the holy scriptures, the legend of vampires is extracted to create this "heresy that belongs to us" that allows monsters that temporarily exist in the light.

Granted incredible killing skills and invincible commandments, imposing unforgivable original sin and indelible piety, and finally achieved great achievements that cannot be ignored and dark history that cannot exist.

"I know your behavior. You are hardworking, stoic, and jealous. You have tested the fake apostles and exposed their masks ..."

A hoarse murmur came in the pale mist.

Immediately afterwards, the color of blood burst out, dyeing a haze of red to the lingering white mist.

In the roar of the wolf changer, a flickering figure is moving forward, chopping off the knife and axe in his hand, and whispering softly: "I know your behavior, you are just living with a false name, but actually dead ... "

Huai Shi stepped forward, feeling the madness and anger burning between his chests, raising his scarlet eyes, sweeping with a short knife, and chopping the front head. Flash Dance Novel Network

"You have to repent, and you have to remember the lessons you have learned and heard before, and you have to obey. If you don't wake up, I will be like a nightmare, and suddenly come when you don't expect ...

In this way, preach to the dead.

This is the final holy sermon.

There is no need to deliberately seek, naturally, as if there is no breath.

Obviously a cold-blooded creature, but under the intensification of silver, the surging blood seemed to boil, igniting, burning, and walking in the mist of death to create more death.

With the wolf howling, more and more wolf changers gathered and rushed into the mist. But Lei Feizhou stumbled back, struggling to pull out the arrow nailed to his neck.

I do n’t know if it ’s severe pain or abhorrence, the broken face becomes more and more cruel.

But even if the arrow is pulled out, the wound has not healed as expected, and there is no pain, only cold numbness-completely necrotic.

This is the lethality that cannot be repaired even by the human wolf inheriting the divine blood.

"What a poison!"

"It's chocolate."

Someone looked at his faint wolf face and whispered in his ear, "I smeared chocolate on the knife."

Lei Feizhou turned his head in horror, but he saw the black shadow hung upside down on the ceiling ignoring gravity, and the axe that was lifted towards his face from bottom to top.

On the dark green axe blade, there is a sweet fragrance that is refreshing.

Lei Feizhou leaned back subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, the iron and the bone collided, and there was a spark.

The cracks staggered, and a sign of an inverted cross was chiseled from the face of Lei Feizhou, and blood spewed out.

Before he could react, the black shadow waved a short knife from mid-air and penetrated into the lungs of Lei Feizhou. As the wrist twisted, the roaring roar was torn apart.

The blood-stained eyes again appeared in front of Lei Feizhou, with a burning fire light. 35xs

The roar of wind finally lifted from the hands of Huai Shi.

Lifting the heavy axe to the top of his head, he fell towards Lei Feizhou's face again!

At the last moment, Lei Feizhou only had time to crush the talisman on his neck.


The blade of the axe rubbed against the dark fingers.

Was blocked!

Sharp nails popped out of Lei Feizhou's fingers, instantly becoming black like blades, and the torn palms also instantly grew new bones, flesh, and dark hair.

With the hoarse roar, the body of Lei Feizhou rose up and down, the bones of the head made the sound of twisted steel, the nose bones extended, and the eye sockets were deep.

In an instant, the essence of the werewolf was revealed under the disguise.

Between the strands of hair entangled, there was suddenly a faint burst of light, just waving, leaving a dazzling mark in the air, tearing the obstruction's deck like thin paper.

The narrow room fell apart in an instant, and even the silver mist was blown away in the gust of wind caused by the lightning, revealing the blood and debris of the devastation.

The other hand, which was several times thicker, was screaming at Huai Shi's face!

The fist entangled with thunderlight hit the handle of the axe, hitting Huai Shi flying, hitting the wall, almost knocking him out of the cabin and throwing him into the sea.

Feeling the numbness of paralysis coming from his arm, Huai Shi gasped violently, raised his head, and stared at the unrecognizable Lei Feizhou: "This dress is pretty good, you should take it out early."

The wolf-shaped face twisted more and more.

Obviously, this state is not something he can use casually.

The limited gifts of the gods never allow servants to squander profligately.

But once it is taken out, it is enough to control the situation.

Now, as he roared, the wolf-shakers in the hallway tore the wall and rushed into the cabin, which had completely surrounded the place, and the mist that was used to hide had disappeared.

Lei Feizhou sneered: "I have to say, you missed the last chance to escape."

"You made a mistake."

Huaishi reapplied the poisonous sword oil on the sword and axe, and calmly replied: "I never thought of running away."

Lei Feizhou froze for a moment, and immediately couldn't help laughing at the smile:

"Just for an np?"

An np?

Is it just np?

Huai Shi looked down, looked at the **** dictionary in his arms, and did not answer.

He actually has a lot to say and wants to tell the inspector behind Lei Feizhou: Many people like you, after becoming sublimers, treat everything as a luxury game ... even if we do n’t survive In the game.

They will mess everything up with no scruples and respect, wantonly, leave the ground messy, and then smile to you, relax, this is just a game, I am not going to hurt you, but you are np only.

But for those who died as a result, this is not a game.

Death is real, cruel and sad, disgusting. There will be no change no matter how many times you experience.

It shouldn't be a light excuse and reason to smooth things.

But in the final analysis, it makes no sense to say that.

Weak words alone can never convince anyone-otherwise why there will be a trial court, and why would such a thing as Fan Haixin be created?

Somehow, Huaishi suddenly remembered the village in the record again.

There are also the dead old men, women, and children—the rickets who lost their temperature lie in the pool of blood, and their empty pupils reflect the barren world.

They died silently in a trivial struggle sixty years ago, like weeds.

No one knows, no one remembers.

Except for Huai Shi himself.

So he clenched his knife and axe and replied softly: "Yes, just for an np."

"I believe what Yin Yan said now, you really are not Ai Qing ..." The inspector behind Lei Feizhou sneered: "At least, she will not be as stupid as you."

"Really? You probably didn't see her when she was angry?"

Huaixi gazed calmly at the werewolf, and after a lot of wolf-like runaways, told him: "But no matter what, I have to thank you."

Thank you for reminding me again-how powerless I am that I can't even save a np.

At that moment, the knife and the axe collided in the hands of Huai Shi, and the demon hunter raised his blood-red eyes, grinned, and showed to the beasts the same fierce canine teeth as they were.


He took a step forward. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

From the burst of sparks, the sound of steel chirping sounded, and the sword chopped!

The tight bowstring broke at this moment.

The short-lived calm was broken, as if the ice had broken, and a turbulent wave burst out in the roar.

In the roar of the Wolf Wolf, blood spewed out from under the edge of the axe, staining the pale face. He took the second step, moving forward from the surging out of control!

Regardless of the ripped tear in the back, Huai Shi raised his axe and cut it again!

The bones and flesh collapsed, and the broken head and limbs flew into the air. Immediately thereafter, the short knife thrust forward, penetrated into the throat, and swung horizontally, and a **** color was swayed.

Numerous blue and purple broken blood vessels emerged from the neck and extended upward, covering the face of Huai Shi, like layers of spider silk.

The plasma mixed with silver and various alchemy agents has already been injected into the pulse from the needle under the cuff, bringing him endless pain and strength.

It's like drinking a thrush to quench your thirst.

But consciousness became extremely calm, like ice iron thrown into the deep sea.

The knife and axe swayed in his hand, drawing a complicated arc, and sketched the bleeding traces in a fleeting moment.

Huai Shi raised his hand and shot the last crossbow arrow behind him, ignoring the guy nailed to the wall, but opened his mouth, crushing the throat of a wolf transformer, sucking the blood representing life, and tearing his The throat made a fatal blow with an axe blade.

The wolf poison mixed in the blood flowed into his body, but was killed by the toxin in his blood.

He is moving forward.

Roaring from the siege of blood and death.

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