Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 111 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 111 Ancient Battlefield

The history of human beings visiting the universe and exploring space has actually been very long.

As early as 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to come to the universe, not to mention the Apollo that landed on the moon, it was the first time in human history that an alien planet Exploration - even if it's just a satellite of the earth.

But that also means that humans have really touched the moon.

However, for many years, human beings have not been able to make much progress in the exploration of the universe. The vastness of the universe and the limitations of technology make the universe still unknown to humans.

Even for the current Su Ran, he has learned a lot about other civilizations from the swarm and spore life, but when he stepped into the starry sky and even landed on the moon with the Yuncheng, he still had a feeling of The feeling of a racing heart.

That is the natural palpitation of human beings engraved in the bones of the unknown.

The universe is too big, while living things are too small. No matter how powerful a civilization is, it cannot guarantee that it can understand every mystery and solve every threat in the universe. Earthling?

But Su Ran came here with a purpose.

In the last century, the US emperor was the first to land on the moon, but it was not as simple as just planting a flag.

They found something on the moon.

Now that the global united front is formed, Laomei is unwilling to fully disclose their gains, but at that time, Su Ran has given a lot of information about the back of the moon, but...

Regardless of the information, it feels better than seeing it yourself.

The Yuncheng landed in a huge crater, disembarked from the spaceship, stood here and looked into the distance, and could even see the edge of the crater in the distance.

The crater is so shallow that the edge looks like a sand dune when viewed this way.

Because the moon always faces the earth on one side and the starry sky on the other, there are more craters on the back, but what is interesting is that the meteorites on the moon are very shallow, and there is no such thing as an abyss.

Standing on such an alien planet, Su Ran also had a childlike thought, wondering if my dark energy enhancement has the ability to survive in a vacuum, will I die standing outside without wearing equipment?

This idea is not groundless,

Before World War I in the Pacific, he and Meng Yibai were washed up on the beach in San Diego. This may sound like nothing, but in fact, the battlefield at that time was more than ten nautical miles away from the island of Hawaii, let alone the coastline of San Diego. Having said that, under such circumstances, if a normal person was washed up on the beach in the sea, it would be impossible for him to wake up, and he would have drowned in the sea long ago.

But Meng Yibai and Su Ran seemed to be still alive.

Needless to say, Meng Yibai, although she looks like a human, she is essentially out of the category of human beings. She is an excellent creature created by the swarm, but Su Ran is different.

Even though he is the commander of the fleet, he is still an ordinary person in front of nature. After thinking about it, Su Ran found that the only thing that can make him different from an ordinary person may be his own dark energy traits.

But how in the world is this possible?

Su Ran has not been able to find the answer to this question, but just handed over this question to Chen Ling and his research team to study.

These thoughts flashed through Su Ran's mind, and he quickly looked away, because at this time, their exploration team set off.

In order to ensure absolute safety, it is of course impossible for Su Ran to go down to measure the moon by himself, that would be too nonsense, so he sent a drone.

Although the moon is much smaller than the earth, its surface area is 38 million square meters, and the area on the back is at least half of its total area. If you are young, it is unrealistic to search the entire moon in a short period of time.

Unless the threat of the Proxima Star fleet does not exist at all, Su Ran obviously would not be so idle.

Therefore, their goal today is only the suspected ancient battlefield area on the moon that the United States has harvested before.

For safety's sake, the cautious Su Ran even chose a relatively far place for the landing point of the Yuncheng.

In this way, safety is safe, but right now drones have to fly for a while longer.

Su Ran raised his head and looked up at the sky. From his position, he looked into the sky. At the far end of the moon's sky, there were dots of stars and rivers, and occasionally there were flashes of light.

That is, the actual combat drills of the fleet are in full swing.

However, Su Ran was slightly disappointed by the pictures brought back by the drone.

The back of the moon is full of devastation, and the ancient battlefield where the US emperor found the wreckage of the alien spacecraft is almost invisible, and can only be vaguely restored from the traces.

But if you want to restore it completely, you need to record the data in detail, and spend time to review it after returning to the fleet.

But judging from the current picture and analysis, it can be seen that that piece of land, involving three craters, seems to have erupted in an area of ​​nearly 30,000 kilometers. On the ground, there are occasionally huge deep ravines, deep Bottomless, as if someone cut a knife on the "face" of the moon with a scalpel.

Some clues can also be glimpsed in other places, but there are no other discoveries, and there are no other warships or wrecks here. Even if there are, they have long been buried by history—according to the scene brought back by Lao Mei According to the analysis of "soil samples", these traces here were formed at least tens of thousands of years ago.

At this moment, Li Yilan, Su Ran's adjutant, asked, "Your Excellency, Commander, are we going to bombard the surface?"

This was the original plan.

But Su Ran looked at the sky, and then at the boundless and tragic surface of the moon in the picture, and suddenly remembered that he ran into that small village when he just came out of the ice city.

What happened at that time, Su Ran can't remember now, and he has no way to find the spore life to confirm, but what he can be sure of is that in the last life, he didn't crash into that small village, and the spore life didn't appear at all. over the earth. Although Su Ran had a vague feeling that the fact that he "coincided" with the village where cowards were hiding might have something to do with the system. But at that time, Su Ran walked in by himself, and that experience also taught him a painful lesson.

This is not an elementary school classroom, ignorance and aggressiveness may harm others and oneself, even death does not know how to die.

Therefore, after a slight silence, Su Ran still chose to be cautious, saying, "Bring back the samples first, model and analyze, and confirm the situation. We will cancel our previous 'digging' exploration policy, and the drones will scatter around. Look." See if there is anything else."




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