Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 53 Dark Energy Artificial Man

The destroyer was piercing through the clouds and speeding over the Yellow Sea.

The sky behind was cloudless, and the artillery fire on the Xinjing battlefield had long been left behind, but it was difficult for Hu Huahui to relax.

Because their front is a big group of dark clouds.

It was a huge group of thunderstorm clouds, which were passing through the sea at high altitude at high speed. From the outside, one could see lightning flashing inside, occasionally reflecting the towering bodies of terrifying creatures.

That's the Sky Brood Battlegroup.

In the sky, it is like a gathering cloud that can't be seen at a glance, casting continuous shadows on the sea level.

Hu Huahui looked to the other side - another destroyer was driving alongside him.

Controlling that destroyer is Queen Seven, a warship controlled by artificial intelligence.

The two destroyers seemed so insignificant in front of this huge sky brood battle group.

Hu Huahui took a deep breath, and slowly ordered: "Nuclear torpedo preparations, directly ahead, at the core of the thunderstorm cloud, our ship is ready to launch first!"

There is no comparison between two destroyers and an integrated sky brood battle group. Coming here and dropping nuclear weapons is their only combat mission.

The two nuclear weapons will definitely bring incalculable battle damage to the Sky Brood Combat Group.

Behind is the clear sea and sky, and the front is covered by thunderstorm clouds like mountains in the sky. The destroyer is flying between the two. At this moment, it quickly escaped from the invisible state, and the long-awaited nuclear torpedo It was thrown out, galloped at high speed, and flew towards the thunderstorm cloud tens of kilometers away from the two destroyers.

The two destroyers made a sneak attack, but the swarm didn't react at all, and the gun hit the target.

From afar, it looks like a flying bird has plunged into the clouds.

However, in the next moment, this "bird" tore apart and illuminated the entire cloud.

Hu Huahui couldn't see the blazing mushroom cloud, but under his gaze, the monstrous thunderstorm was torn apart in the violent stress wave, breaking apart like biscuits falling on the ground or bubbles being blown away.

Pieces of migratory locusts fell from the sky, and a large number of war insects howled and raised their altitude.

The impenetrable sky brood attack group,

A huge hole was blasted out by this nuclear bomb on the spot!

The surrounding cloud clusters were swept away layer by layer.

And the second nuclear torpedo of Queen Seven was activated at this very moment.

The two destroyers threw out a large number of missiles at the same time, covering the advance of the second nuclear torpedo.

And Hu Huahui is full of confidence in this second strike.

Just now, the front of the Sky Brood attack group was almost pierced. In this case, how can they have time and space to intercept the second nuclear bomb?

Hu Huahui seemed to have seen the scene where the second nuclear bomb passed through the explosion cloud of the first nuclear bomb, hit the sky brood battle group deeper and expanded the battle results, and disabled them in one go!


At this moment, a bright starlight lit up in the sky.

Like a blue galaxy coming to the mortal world.

Dense plasma balls and plasma cannons pierced through the explosion cloud. They were huge in number, covering the sky and the sun. The second group of missiles with nuclear bombs as the core was directly intercepted in the air, turning into pieces of gorgeous flashes .

The two destroyers invariably raised their heights to avoid the impact of close-range explosions.

High in the sky, Hu Huahui lowered his head in surprise and looked down.

The Sky Brood combat area was indeed split in the middle, and because of this, the core of the "Sky Brood" combat group was fully exposed.

It was not the semi-steel aerial platform that Hu Huahui had seen in the Northeast Plains battle, but a super-giant brood that floated like an island among dense swarm flying units and was guarded by countless sky watchers and howlers. , Moreover, on that huge island-like mother nest, there are countless heavy artillery, but they are all flashing, ready to fire at any time!

It was a "door" level nest.

The swarm of migratory locusts in the outer circle is just an illusion. The interior of this "Sky Brood Combat Swarm" is a door-level super brood guarded by swarms of Wailers and Skywatchers as the main force!

At that moment, Hu Huahui's pupils contracted inch by inch, and he felt as if his heart had stopped beating for half a beat.

The information is wrong!

"The information is wrong! The information is wrong!!" Hu Huahui roared, "We will return immediately, notify Queen No. 5 to return immediately, and report back to Your Excellency Commander immediately. There was a major mistake in our preliminary investigation. This is a deliberately hidden door. Level brood, please prepare the fleet for the battle! Please prepare the fleet for the battle!!"

Hu Huahui ordered to return almost without hesitation.

If this is a Sky Brood attack group, Hu Huahui might have to stand up here with Queen Seven in order to buy time for the fleet.

But it can't work now, it has been confirmed that this is a gate-level brood, if he and Queen No. 7 stay here again, it will not be a delay, but a death.

The fleet is now empty, and their two destroyers are also one of the main combat forces, and they must not be lost here in vain!


At the same time, on the land of Europe.

Tong Miaoqiu, who was negotiating with the Irish Prime Minister, received the urgent news, immediately stood up, said goodbye in a hurry, boarded the Mandala in a hurry, and took off in an emergency.

The Irish Prime Minister frowned: "What happened?"


At the same moment, the Xinjing Fleet.

The turbolaser cannons are firing continuously, emitting a huge hum that makes the eardrums tingle. The Awakener and the frigate are re-establishing their positions in the sky. refraction.

It was as if two giant beasts were walking through the air.

And Su Ran was jumping off the command vehicle, standing in the shadow of the two destroyers.

The ground trembled slightly, and the stones on the ground were beating restlessly.

That is also affected by turbolaser guns and battleship fire.

But at this moment, Su Ran's eyes fell on the empty airport.

The four meteorite-like spherical cabins that successfully landed are slowly opening.

They were scattered in several locations on the Nuoda Airport. After falling to the ground, the internal troops of the fleet immediately dispatched a mobile force. Twelve people were paired with a land killer and a Raptor armored vehicle as a group, a total of four The group quickly approached the four sphere cabins.

On the way, many groups received the order from Su Ran just now, and opened fire quickly before they could get close.

Because Su Ran vaguely guessed what was loaded in these meteorite-like sphere cabins.

It is very likely that the swarm of insects like Meng Yibai "dark man-made man".

If there is a Meng Yibai-level dark energy artificial human in the four meteorite spheroid compartments, then...

Things could get worse...



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