Chapter 84 Destroy!

Li Yilan was terrified when she heard that, Su Ran's order was to list the bridge as a secondary protection target, and to fight to the death with the Central Brood at all costs!

However, Su Ran thought very clearly that he had no way out when the Yuncheng was lifted off today. If he took a step back and let the swarm recover, he would never be able to make peace with the fleet again. Today the fighter plane is in the hands of the fleet, so we must decide the outcome!

The temperature inside Yuncheng continued to rise, but Su Ran gritted her teeth, waiting for the main gun to finish charging.

The short tens of seconds seemed extremely long at this moment.

The Yuncheng was burning, and the powerful firepower of the two Fugalos was fully displayed at this short range, almost tearing the entire Yuncheng to pieces.

The outer armor was severely damaged, and the short-range cannons on both sides were hit in many places, many of which had turned into raging fireballs. The plasma cannons of Youlan were still fired one by one from the two swarm Fugalo battleships. Shoot out, bombarding the Cloud City M.

In some internal corridors of the Yuncheng, the outer wall of the battleship around some running soldiers or logistics personnel was directly blasted, and the people inside were either instantly engulfed in flames, or thrown into the sky together with broken and burning parts and fragments , screaming and falling downwards.

And the naval guns of the Yuncheng were also fully firing, bombarding the Fugalo warships on both sides, guarding the nest in the center.

In the sky, Lin Yuandong and Qiao Xiangchen almost unanimously ordered the warships to transfer the entire fleet to help, but at this time, they were supposed to intercept the war brood, but were instead intercepted by two war broods.

The war brood's firepower is powerful, its size is huge, and its fleet can't cross it at all, and their fleet may even be wiped out if they break through forcibly.

Qiao Xiangchen had just watched helplessly as Hu Huahui's destroyer was shot down and fell into the ocean below with billowing smoke.

Lin Yuandong sent messages over and over again to the Fugalo that was controlled by the spore life, hoping that they could help open a life-and-death line and rush to the rescue of Su Ran's Yuncheng.

But the spore life remained motionless as if it hadn't received his message at all. The Fugalo they controlled had been in a very high position and continued to attack the other two war broods.

Seeing this, how could Lin Yuandong not understand that Fu Jialuo did it on purpose, they wanted to watch Su Ran and the swarm die together!

"Damn it!"

Lin Yuandong punched the control panel in front of him, and just watched Su Ran's Yuncheng fly all the way down, obviously under a piece of sky, separated by only a few thousand meters, but like a natural moat that cannot be crossed.

Lin Yuandong suddenly remembered the scene of Chu Xiangdong crashing into the enemy ship with his bomber. The boss gritted his teeth, but couldn't think of a way out.

These tens of seconds flew by in such a see-saw.

Bright rays flew out from the main gun of the Cloud City.

The particle beam connects the sky and the ocean, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a ray of skylight, piercing through the thinning fog and falling into the dark and deep sea.

Without looking at the result, Su Ran directly took over the control and forcibly raised the battleship. The Yuncheng rose from the ground amidst the wailing sound, and with a turning point beyond the limit, it raised the altitude from the far point of the strike and flew far away. sweep.

The entire Yuncheng was trembling, every layer of structure seemed to be creaking, and a series of flames erupted in the bridge, as if the battleship would be torn apart at any time.

But Su Ran succeeded. He forcibly reversed the course of the battleship. After a brief collision with a Fugalo, he quickly raised his altitude and opened the distance.

The two Fugalos were even thrown away by a distance in an instant.

As soon as the blow was successful, Su Ran was ready to lift up quickly and distanced herself to avoid Fu Jialuo's shooting.

The central insect nest has disintegrated and turned into another blooming fireworks in the Pacific Ocean, but the ones here are all high-level insect nests. From the current point of view, none of the insect nests has stopped attacking because of this.

Su Ran faintly felt that there was something wrong - was it true that this place was full of high-level insect nests? Self-judgment and attack even without a "brain"? Or because of the wrong target? That's not the Central Brood at all? !

No. This is impossible, with the confirmation of spore life, this must be the central brood of the swarm, there is absolutely no mistake. The spore life might really want to watch me die, but they never want me to die before the swarm. What they want most is that I die with these worms. It is absolutely impossible for me to fight a fake swarm center... Su Thoughts raced through Ran's mind, he considered countless possibilities in an instant, and passed them all.

However, Su Ran, who was bitten by the two Fugalos, had no way to confirm the situation, and it was even impossible to launch a second round of attacks. Of course, even if he launched a second round of attacks, he didn't know who to point at now, so he had to dodge as soon as possible. The attack of the two Fugalos, otherwise, before Su Ran can confirm the real situation, he will be shot down from the air, and he will die without a place to die!

If the Cloud City crashes, then there's nothing left.

Knowing the power of the main guns of the Yuncheng, the two swarm Fugalo battleships bite extremely tightly, leaving no room for the powerful firepower of the Yuncheng, and their maneuverability is not inferior to that of the severely damaged Yuncheng. The City, pressing down on the Yuncheng, was unable to rendezvous with the fleet, so Su Ran could only circle the battlefield in circles first, and see-saw with these two Fugalos, looking for the possibility and opportunity to counterattack.

And at this time, Li Yilan saw the condition of the nest under her feet through the holographic screen.

The central brood is exploding magnificently.

However, in Li Yilan's eyes, a shadow suddenly flew out of the exploded central mother nest at lightning speed. And the first to catch up to the burning Yuncheng in one breath.

Accompanied by a loud noise, Li Yilan immediately found another new impact report among the many alarms.

[The damage to the 17th deck of the Yuncheng's flank has intensified, and unregistered objects have invaded! 】

Li Yilan glanced at Su Ran in front - at the moment Su Ran was trying her best to maintain the peace of the battleship, manually closing some severely damaged areas, and even constantly changing the direction of navigation to avoid the attack of the two Vogalos.

Li Yilan gritted her teeth, and immediately dispatched the nearest marines to approach: "The position of the 17th deck is damaged. Something unknown has entered the battleship. Please go there immediately, confirm its subject, and report it immediately!"

And at this moment, the team that is closest to the damaged No. 17 deck is Xue Feng's team.

In this case, the role of their battleship inland warfare team is almost zero, and they can only help to fight fires.

Xue Feng was originally ordered to hunt down a strange-shaped creature that escaped from the damaged battleship and was captured from a flying saucer before. It was quite close to deck 17. When the high-speed aircraft crashed in all the way, they were shaken. Almost fell. At this time, after receiving Li Yilan's transfer order, Xue Feng directly raised the cutting-edge directed energy rifle in his hand, and immediately led the team of twelve people left to the target location.

During this process, the hull vibrated violently. However, Xue Feng and the others had received strict training, so the impact on them was not so severe in such a bumpy environment, and when they approached the target position, Xue Feng changed his color slightly.

It was an oval object about seven or eight meters long. From the appearance, it looked like a meteorite with a smooth surface, and no power device was seen... But Xue Feng immediately realized that it was a boarding ship. Bandit!



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