The sky in the Kyushu Island area is crimson, as if it is burning.

The fleet is running at high speed over the Pacific Ocean.

Su Ran adopted the simplest array of blades, with Yuncheng leading the way, Fugalo and the frigates one on the left and one on the right and half a body behind, followed by Qiao Xiangchen, who was guarded by seven destroyers, on the Apocalypse.

They were driving at an altitude of 10,000 meters above sea level, advancing slowly.

As the flagship, the radar system of the Yuncheng is fully operational, and with the main computer of the Yuncheng, it deduces the route of the previously destroyed sea platform mother nest, and is looking for the location of the Pacific insect nest.

Although they were hiding intentionally, their related stealth technology was not good enough. With the partial fuzzy data given by Huaxia and the parameter reference given by Fugalo, Su Ran quickly located the location of the brood.

"The location of the brood has been determined, and they seem to be moving. It is likely that they are undergoing a strategic transfer." Li Yilan gathered the information and said immediately, "Our communication device has been repaired, and we have just received a message from China. According to the information collected, at present, all large-scale swarm combat units are moving in our current direction on a global scale, with our fleet as the center of the circle, forming an encirclement spanning half of the earth. Although there is no It is impossible to determine the specific number and combat power of the enemy, but what is certain is that they have the ability to eat our entire fleet."

Hearing this news, even if everyone was prepared, it was inevitable that they would be shocked at this time.

"This proves that we have found the right position." Su Ran was very calm.

Because the greater the movement of the swarm, it means that the central brood is not sure that it can block the attack of the fleet.

The encirclement is indeed huge, and the number and combat power of the swarm are large enough, but Su Ran has the information to get rid of the fire before they arrive!

At the same time, Fugalo's communication request came.

The screen was switched on, and what appeared on the bridge of the Yuncheng was a praying mantis-like creature with a height of nearly five meters and thirty-two eyes. With the light, something like a pipe can be seen slowly wriggling.

Although the screen is connected, the dialogue is still transmitted in the form of literal information.

The spore life that has completely controlled the Fugalo sent a long series of text messages.

[This is Fugalo. The organs of these bugs are not suitable for human pronunciation. If we really communicate with you, you will sound like some weird dialect. Heh, strictly speaking, their species advantage is much stronger than yours. This is a living thing, this should be a species that is qualified to step into the universe...]

Su Ran glanced at it. At this time, the entire fleet had begun to turn slowly, and was gradually accelerating, advancing towards the determined position of the enemy's central brood.

He said expressionlessly, "Stop talking nonsense."

[Hehe... well, you don't care about these. It was two months ago that we completely occupied this Fugalo, and the method of single-point erosion one by one is not feasible for the swarm. Therefore, we took advantage of the last "peace talks" opportunity and the "we" who boarded the ship, Successfully left seeds on Fugalo, quietly cultivated a large number of individuals, eroded the entire Fugalo in one burst, and completed its control without disturbing other broods. Of course, This is also related to the fact that Fugalo himself is in a high position in the swarm command system. However, in the past two months, the bug swarm seemed to have noticed something, and consciously blocked key information from this Fugalo,

This time, we don't even know their arrangement on Kyushu Island. It seems that they are indeed very cautious and careful. They plan to use that flying saucer to try us out. They succeeded, but unfortunately, we are more inclined to you. The worm seems to be powerful, but it is...]

"Stop talking nonsense." The veins on Su Ran's forehead throbbed.

He suddenly discovered that the spore life is indeed very good at talking. When "people" communicated before, they were just you and me talking endlessly. Now that they have switched to written form, they have given them full room to play and chatter endlessly. , endlessly.

【Ah. So let's cut the long story short. After we defected, the swarm cut off all information contact with our Fugalo. We have no additional information for you, and what we have is basically outdated. However, we want to remind you that the central mother nest is the core of the insect swarm, where the "queen" is located. There are at least fifteen insect nests guarding it, and seven of them are functional insect nests that do not have combat effectiveness. The remaining eight are called eight "gates" in the swarm, and they are the central brood defense force in the swarm system. The one your people sunk in the Pacific Ocean before is a "gate". In the ocean, there are at least seven more. 】

This is finally a bit of useful information.

Su Ran's eyes darkened. Although he didn't personally participate in the annihilation battle of the mother nest on the offshore platform, he knew the firepower of the mother nest.

There are seven similar battle nests...

At this moment, the dark night sky is being illuminated by a kind of purple.

In the far sky, there is a large piece of purple jellyfish floating slowly towards this side. The number is so large that it almost blocks the sky and blocks the entire fleet.

That is the electromagnetic jellyfish, the swarm combat unit that interferes with the shield.

"The whole fleet is ready for the battle. Incendiary bombs are ready." Su Ran gave the order in a deep voice.

To deal with this kind of thing, it is most effective to use fire. In the last Ice City War, Su Ran was too hasty and had insufficient firepower, but now it won't happen. The whole fleet opened fire, lighting up the entire sky, moving slowly, and the batch of purple electromagnetic jellyfish in the dense divisions didn't exist at all. The way to evade such an attack was quickly set ablaze and engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.

They didn't even get close to the fleet and were engulfed in flames in the sky.

However, despite this, there are still a large number of jellyfish monsters floating in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

But the swarm obviously didn't want them to actually make a difference - it was just stalling for time.

Because of their existence, the speed of the fleet has not really increased.

And the information of the spore life is still coming quickly.

[We must remind you that the swarm still has one more preparation. As far as we know, they have a No. 03 insect nest, which captures a large number of living people, clones and studies them, and has been conducting experiments on stripping dark energy perception and transferring dark energy capabilities, trying to obtain and open the dark energy field from human bodies. key. 】

ps: Seeking genuine subscription~

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