Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 42 The Hole Project

Chapter 42: Hole Project

Sitting in the car, Su Ran finished reading the relevant materials of the relatively simple hole plan.

Jin Siyuan's information is very one-sided, not complete and comprehensive, more like a general outline, but it is enough for Su Ran.

The hole project actually originated from the Soviet Union and the United States. It is said that the Soviet Union found a huge hole piercing the earth in the North Pole, while the United States found a mysterious space under the Pacific Ocean.

The "Earth Hole Theory" is not groundless. As early as the last century, John Cliff Simon Jr. proposed that the Earth is hollow. Kilometer opening. Simon became the most famous proponent of the Earth Void theory. And the British writer McClelland even published a book "The Mystery of the Hollow Earth". The US weather satellite ESSA7 has captured a photo of an open cave in the North Pole. It is bottomless, and it is unknown where it leads. Many people believe that this is the mysterious passage leading to the "hole" on the earth.

And not only that, in the Antarctic and the North Pole, there have been many scenes of suspected alien creatures and so-called "UFOs" flying across the sky.

The United States and many countries in the world began research in this area as early as after World War II, exploring the universe and diving deep into the earth.

Due to various special reasons, Huaxia took the step of exploration about 20 years ago, looking for the so-called underground cavity.

In recent years, exploration has been quite successful.

According to the description in the data, the Huaxia side explored along the Asian plate and the North Pole, and indeed found something. The huge black hole above the North Pole may really be the door to the so-called hole.

And not only that, under the earth, there is not only such a void, it seems to have a system of voids extending in all directions, like a huge underground labyrinth, buried deep under the continents and oceans, and even connected to the southeast of the earth and northwest, however, most of the hole has been submerged by sea water, and the entrance is not only the North Pole.

The deep cavity structure possessed by the earth shocked countless people at that time.

However, most of the previous data were explorations of the underground cavity itself.

For example, an underground entrance was discovered somewhere in XX, but because of the extremely deep ocean environment, deeper exploration has not been successful. The strangest question asked by the Chinese scientists at that time was: Since the existence of underground cavities has been confirmed, why not make it public?

The territory of the underground cavity may become a place of contention for all countries in the world in the future, but judging from the technology and discoveries at that time, almost no one can really "expand the territory" in the underground kingdom, and most importantly,

Although the underground kingdom is intricate, spreading and penetrating the entire earth, 90% of the tunnels are swallowed by the deep sea water, so it seems understandable to make it public.

It wasn't until a few years later that Huaxia's technology made a breakthrough, allowing it to continue diving, and found a strange creature in the underground cave.

That was a "non-terrestrial creature" that Huaxia found.

It was a gecko-like thing, rooted under the ocean, clinging to the wall of an underground cave, its whole body was transparent, it seemed to have no blood vessels or organs, but it was extremely aggressive, it was discovered In an instant, he broke through the protective clothing and got into the body of an explorer, causing the explorer to die on the spot. It was then brought to the mainland, where it died due to a change in the stressful environment. Scientists at the time thought it was just a strange marine creature, but after deeper research, they found that its gene sequence and origin of life were completely different from those on Earth.

It has no nucleic acid, but is composed of another chemical formula and unknown elements that have never appeared on the earth.

Since that year, Huaxia's hole plan has been formally established. People realize that there may be huge secrets hidden under the ground.

The Hole Project has changed from a spontaneous scientific research and exploration group to an important institution with national characteristics. A lot of resources have been invested in this plan, and countless people have served it. As an important plan to explore alien life on Earth, the Hole Project has also become an absolute secret.

Since then, all relevant content on the Internet has disappeared.

As the intensity increased, more entrances were discovered.

The entrance of Xiaozhai Tiankeng in the mountain city, the entrance of Changbai Mountain Tianchi...

The secrets under the ground are being unearthed little by little, and the new world map is being reconstructed.

Su Ran glanced at the fuzzy underground map, many places are unknown, but judging from the division, the underground structure does extend in all directions, as if the whole earth has been penetrated by holes

subsequently. Just five years ago, along with the technological cities, the Hollow Project had major discoveries in many places. They found a suspected ancient battlefield in the underground ocean of holes, and not only that, but also some traces of aircraft activities.

This confirms a point.

On the earth, it seems that there are traces of alien civilizations, but they never show up, but they can't shrink back one by one.

Seeing this, Su Ran thought of the spore life and the group of "cowards" who were still hiding in the northeast plain.

It seems that every alien civilization on earth is in a state of bereaved dogs!

And one is worse than the other, they don't dare to show their heads, and they don't know whether they are afraid of being beaten or are they afraid of something?

Is someone watching them?

Thinking of this, Su Ran couldn't help raising her head to look at the moon in the sky. Among the many mysterious science fiction theories, there are many monitoring systems claiming that the moon is the earth.

The discovery of the Hole Project is not only that, they also discovered the unknown spacecraft under the Dongying Island.

It's just that before Huaxia found out, Dongpu seemed to have already begun to excavate this behemoth under their Kyushu Island.

At that time, in order not to attract attention, Huaxia only carried out long-distance observations, and noticed that most of the spaceship was buried under Kyushu Island, and only a small part was exposed.

There is also a related photo in the file, Su Ran glanced at it.

The picture is very blurry, but it can be roughly seen that the exposed part of this unknown spaceship is really circular, and it looks like a flying saucer as a whole...

Is this really a flying saucer?

According to the data, Dongying seems to have started the development of this giant flying saucer long ago, but the progress seems to be very slow, or there is progress, but Dongying has not made it public.

Have you been in touch five years ago?

Su Ran's eyes were dark. It's been five years, and he still regards other flying saucers as his ancestors. Do these Dongying people recognize their ancestors and think they're crazy?



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