Holding the senbei in one hand and picking his nostrils with the other, Garp's words and demeanor were obviously without sincerity, which made Sengoku on the other side couldn't help but roar again: "Garp~! How many times have I said this? For once, the issue of wanted orders is not decided by us, but by the government! Moreover, what do you think this is? You openly let your relatives take bribes, and you also want me, the naval marshal, to cover it up? "

"Okay, okay, don't you feel tired from speaking in officialdom all day long? That's why I gave you this reason. When you explain it to me, you can say that it was my relatives who took bribes and then wanted to cancel this wanted order. Well~"

Looking at Sengoku with an innocent face, Garp's proficient cheating skills made Sengoku unable to hold his forehead. Even though the two have been friends for most of their lives, even now, he can't help but feel for the other's character. I have a terrible headache.

"Don't be ridiculous, you are one of the faces of the navy. If the naval hero who caught the Pirate King becomes a corrupt person who takes bribes, our navy's face will be lost."

Calming down again, Sengoku's eyes became serious: "Garp, you should have read the information. That girl's navigator skills are second to none. The important thing is that she already has the skills to kill an entire sea of ​​murlocs independently. The capabilities of the thieves, and according to Smoker’s report, her character and methods are also impeccable. It would be the most terrifying thing to put such a dangerous person on the sea, so there is such a wanted order.”

Obviously, the so-called upper-level people do not have nothing to do all day long. On the contrary, they are the most concerned about every move of the lower-level people. Any targets that are truly threatening will be paid special attention to. Nami may feel that she is just a small fish and shrimp, but the naval department that collected the intelligence does not look down upon her so much.

Exquisite navigation knowledge, the fruit power that can kill the Dragon Pirates in the early stage, and the ability to profit from various forces in Rogge Town to finally achieve her own goals. These three important signs are enough to make her Become the dangerous guy on the Admiral's desk who needs to review the information himself.

"In the final analysis, we owe that girl. She just did what we should have done..."

Garp's face no longer had a playful smile, replaced by a deep sense of helplessness. Obviously, it was not the 10 million berries that Nami mailed to Luffy that was worthy of the veteran lieutenant admiral personally asking for favors, but the fact that the veteran navy did everything he could after understanding the whole story. I just want to make amends.

After all, Smoker is considered a qualified and decent person, and he will naturally spare no effort to report clearly the fact that Cocoa Nishi Village was oppressed and exploited by the Dragon Pirates. This is why Nami is motivated to pursue power and take revenge on the Dragon Pirates. Through the analysis of these data, a person's character and behavior style can be clearly demonstrated, so it is natural to record them clearly.

And Garp and Warring States, who had read the information, naturally had a clear understanding of the whole story, which is why Garp behaved like this. Otherwise, given his character, he should just laugh and then put this matter aside. Just forget about it. As for worrying about others impeaching your relatives for taking bribes? It's a joke. The old man has lived for so long and has not had one or two elegant incidents of corruption and bribery to embellish his life experience. It can be regarded as a successful career if his grandson can make up for it.

"Huh... well, according to recent intelligence, that girl did not threaten civilians, but she destroyed two more pirate groups in the East China Sea, which is enough to prove that she is still growing. However, since the government wants Her knowledge of nautical charts, then I think we should try again.”

Sighing, Sengoku's tone also softened. After all, he was also a person who truly pursued justice, but due to his position, he had to do things that were inconsistent with his ideals at certain times. Now that Garp is taking the lead, he is happy to relocate this matter that also feels inappropriate.

"However, it is impossible to withdraw the wanted order. After all, this is where the government's credibility lies. So, I will cancel the targeted armed measures against her in various regions of the East China Sea, and then let the guys in the CP department recruit her again. Anyway, there is already an existence like King Shichibukai, so recruiting a girl who is not considered a pirate does not require the approval of the Five Old Stars."

It is reasonable for the Sengoku to relent. First of all, the reason why Nami is wanted is not to kill civilians or destroy any towns. Secondly, she has navigation knowledge that is coveted by the government, and she has been a pirate during her time. Li has never attacked any civilians. He only eliminated two notorious pirate groups in the East China Sea because of encounters or to show his authority. Sengoku and Garp still can't treat such a pirate with no stain at all as a real enemy.

It can be said that the wanted order for this girl is at best a means to force her to surrender because some of her own skills are coveted by the government.

Since the purpose of setting out is to recruit him to the navy, then for a person of Warring States status, both hammer and gummy are the methods, it just depends on which one he chooses.

And it happened that Garp took the initiative to talk about it, and Sengoku naturally had appropriate motives. After all, the two of them had very harmonious personalities, and most of the things Garp proposed were in line with Sengoku's wishes. Change is natural.

"Okay~ I've almost finished my tea, I'm leaving~"

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Garp also laughed, then simply stood up and turned around to leave. This made Warring States look up angrily and said: "Watch your grandson who is still in Windmill Village~! Don't let him go to sea too. Become a pirate, remember?”

In response to Sengoku's nagging, Garp just raised his hand indifferently.

"Hahahaha~! Okay, okay, I have trained Luffy according to the Navy's methods since he was a child. He will never become a pirate like his brother Ace!"

(PS1: Well~ This is an unexpected recruitment for Nami~ We can be legal red-top businessmen~)

(PS2: Then the second update~~I still owe 41 updates~)

The 'Great' Axeman Colonel

Of course, Nami would not know about Garp's negotiations with Sengoku, because she had no intention of bribing Garp to get away with it. After all, she did kill the Dragon Pirates according to her own wishes and bear the consequences of her actions. She is quite aware of this.

However, now she is indeed considering bribing a naval officer. After all, according to her current business, if she wants to obtain a steady stream of high-quality iron ore and excellent blacksmiths, she cannot do without the support of Shields Town. Naturally, , the naval officer she wanted to bribe was none other than the actual ruler of Shields Town, the commanding colonel of the Navy's G153 branch, and the dictator known as Monka the Axeman.

"It's really interesting. This feeling of commanding a branch to settle in a certain area and then becoming the emperor of a land makes me want to join the navy."

Arrita was obviously a little emotional when she returned to Shields Town. This was not because she was being pretentious, but judging from the overall atmosphere of Shields Town, it was really just the axeman Menka's separate back garden. The most important thing is that the other party treats his subordinates by lynching them on charges of "slandering superiors" if they disagree with them. This approach is really arbitrary.

"After all, the navy wants to control such a vast sea area. Logically speaking, as long as Mengka can guarantee the supply of iron ore here, it will ignore it."

Nami didn't feel strange about this. After all, the navy in Cocoa Nishi Village also had similar virtues, but they only received bribes from the original Dragon Pirates. The more remote the area, the easier it is for dictators to emerge. This seems to be common sense in any human world. It is similar to various village chiefs, clan chiefs, local lords, etc., and they all have the same meaning.

"So, how are you going to bribe that axe-man Mengka? I think you might as well give him a good beating to make him obedient, and save us from spending more time."

Spreading her hands rather frivolously, Arrita is obviously quite confident in Nami's combat power, but this is indeed true. The navy branch's naval equipment and combat power are inherently poor. In addition, Nami's Devil Fruit has a special attack on flesh and blood creatures. Just brush this. The Navy branch indeed has no problem at all.

"This is not okay. No matter what kind of rubbish the Navy Branch is, they still have the title of 'Navy'. If we offend the Navy Branch, it will damage the Navy's brand name and they will chase us. I’m afraid it’s not just a pirate ship or a branch navy formed on a whim, but a genuine navy headquarters warship.”

For the early supporting role of deputy Mengka, Nami is still somewhat impressed, but purely because she appeared early enough, so the impression of the character at the beginning can be more profound. Moreover, if she remembered correctly, this naval captain seemed to be a pawn used by another plot pirate, and hypnotized him in order to make him obedient. Although the hypnosis was very successful, it also changed his personality as if induced, causing him to form a kind of obsessive-compulsive personality.

If this situation is true, then as long as the right medicine is prescribed according to this point, there is a high possibility that he will agree.

"Then there's nothing we can do. Let's just think of it as dividing the spoils among the cooperating accomplices. Anyway, we can take the lion's share."

Shrugging, Arrita didn't have any firm objections, and Nami deliberately took her with her, obviously because she wanted her to learn some negotiation skills from her. She could still tell this clearly.

The size of the G153 branch is still considerable. After all, the town of Shields below it is built around it. However, the navy here obviously has a very rare sense of uneasiness. To describe it in words, it is like these people are behind the scenes. It was as if an invisible ghost was forcing and whipping them, and even the fear in the eyes of the navy standing guard could be seen.

Of course there are no ghosts, but power, and the kind of brutal power that can do whatever it wants, can still achieve such effects.

"Who?! This is the Navy branch, ordinary people are not allowed to enter."

Spotting Nami and Arrita who were walking straight towards the branch door, the two navy soldiers on guard instinctively spoke to warn. Nami also stopped and responded with a polite nod: "I am a businessman. , I want to have an interview with the great Colonel Mengka based on some matters, I wonder if you can inform me?"

"... Got it, then please wait here."

As a subordinate, there is nothing wrong with answering like this when the superior officer has a visitor. However, although the two marines said this, the expressions on their faces were undoubtedly a bit strange, like fear and reluctance. Finally, an older naval sentry gritted his teeth, then turned around and entered the branch building, seemingly going to report the matter.

The discovery of this detail made Nami believe the plot of the original work even more: it seems that because of the sequelae of hypnosis, Mengka suffered from a serious arrogance disorder, and all he thought about all day long was how to make himself become He is even greater, and therefore does not regard his subordinates as human beings at all, and it is commonplace to scold and even execute him at every turn. The fact that the two navy men on guard were so afraid of meeting Mengka can obviously prove this.

If this is the case, it seems that we should be able to choose the most appropriate communication method.

"The colonel agrees to your request. Please come in with me."

Not long after, the naval sentry who went to report came back. From his face, you could even see a feeling of surviving a disaster, just like a goat that ran in front of a tiger and turned around.

"Thank you."

Nodding to Arrita, Nami also stepped into the naval branch in front of her. She was not worried at all about their identities being exposed, not to mention whether Mengka, who had been hypnotized into a megalomaniac, was there. With such leisurely attention to others, even if he could recognize them, he might not be able to expose this matter alive.

However, speaking of it, being a branch general is quite convenient. This kind of power to completely control a regional town is undoubtedly the best development opportunity. Unfortunately, although the base level of the navy in this world is quite corrupt, it is still not easy to obtain a legal navy status. It is probably impossible for her to be a wanted criminal by the government, unless there is some opportunity.

Looking up, Nami's eyes also fell on a naval mark on the wall, which looked like a seagull holding a double-headed wrench. There is no doubt that in this sea, this is probably the most powerful symbol of power. The simple pattern represents the military power that can control almost the entire sea area. If it were not for the two additional forces of the Four Pirate Emperors of the New World and the Shichibukai arranged by the World Government, then this mark would undoubtedly be the only force on the sea.

Unfortunately, even the Navy Headquarters, which is a direct subordinate of the World Government, does not seem to be completely trusted by the government. Otherwise, there would be no King Shichibukai.

At this time, the navy who led the way also opened the door to the office. Although he tried to be calm, both Nami and Arrita could see that his fingers were trembling slightly, and they reluctantly made a naval salute. , the navy man spoke: "Colonel Mengka, I brought the two ladies who asked to see you."

"It's the 'great' Colonel Monka! Bastard!"

A rough and violent voice sounded like thunder from the office window, and the navy who was roared was like a duck frightened by the thunder, and the edges of his whole body seemed to form some kind of tremor due to trembling. The wavy edge lines and the tone are particularly clear: "Yes!! The great Colonel Mengka!"

Nami and Arrita raised their eyebrows almost at the same time, for no other reason. Even though they had known for a long time that Colonel Mengka was an arrogant maniac, being arrogant to such an extent was simply full of a sense of shame.

"So, you two, come to the great me and give me any advice?"

Sitting behind the desk is an extremely thick and tall middle-aged man. His biggest feature should be his chin wrapped in iron and the huge ax directly attached to his right forearm. Look. It can be concluded that the other party lost his right hand due to some accident, and then directly put such a big ax on his arm. The name of this 'axeman' is completely consistent.

"Oh, it's really scary to harass the great colonel. Because, I thought of something that can help your greatness, so I hope to let the great you know about it as soon as possible."

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