Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 559: Brainstorming

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At this time, Hope looked at Xie Zhi with eyes full of respect, respect and kindness: "Uncle Xie, I don't know how to thank you. If you are useful to me, just ask."

Xie Zhi waved his hand, and said despondently: "Hey, I've seen you outside. If you call me uncle, then I'm not an outsider."

Hank coughed dryly: "Then what, I said what should be said, it's your turn, thank you, what did you find?"

"It's nothing, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has allowed Hydra to infiltrate half of it. By the way, I want to ask you, do you also work for Hydra?"

Hank waved his hand: "This is impossible! Hydra is already finished!"

Xie Zhi said indifferently: "It's fine if you don't believe it, you're still a conceited man, Hope, you just have to know what you have, don't be like Tony Stark, who was cleaned up for no reason."

"Dad! Uncle Xie Zhi will joke with us about such a big matter?" Following Hope, he looked at Xie Zhi again: "Uncle Xie, please ignore him, my father is confused, tell me, I believe it from the bottom of my heart. you."

"Good boy, sensible, uncle didn't come in vain."

Hank was speechless, feeling bitter.

I'm your own father and daughter, if I say you don't believe it, what do you believe in what people say, even if you don't even show evidence, okay?

But who can blame this, who told me not to tell the truth earlier, no wonder my daughter didn't believe it.

Xie Zhi smiled and continued: "To put it simply, Hydra is not finished. Not only is it not finished, but its tentacles are almost all over the world. Not only SHIELD, but also the old US government and military have been infiltrated. NATO countries have also been infiltrated. Same.

So to be precise, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a subsidiary organization of Hydra. Although your father is not the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is still considered a veteran. As a result, he still doesn’t know that he has been working for Hydra until today. It is also enough.

He thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would not dare to deal with him, hehe, Hydra has already figured out his skills. With such a huge force, they have not studied how to deal with Ant-Man for so many years. Hope, do you believe it? "

Hope shook his head again and again: "I don't believe it! Existence like Ant-Man is the number one threat. If it were me, I would definitely arrange a special think tank to study countermeasures!

I know something about my dad back then, so Hydra has been studying Ant-Man for at least 20 years. The possibility that there is no countermeasure in 20 years is extremely low. The reason why I haven’t done anything... must be to get Pym particle. "

Xie Zhi gave a thumbs up: "Look, this girl is called smart, I think you can follow your mother and be reliable."

Hank sucked his teeth hard.

"Uncle Xie's reputation is too high, and it's not that complicated. This is a common sense analysis."

"No reputation, you continue, uncle wants to hear your analysis."

"Okay, let me tell you what I think. Since you said there was a problem with the cause of Howard's death, and Hydra actually infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., since Howard is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. He might have noticed something was wrong, or he might have some evidence, so he was killed by Hydra.

In any case, Hydra is the most suspected.

And the latest news, Tony Stark also had an accident.

Who is he? The world's largest arms dealer, a celebrity in the old US military, and a guest of a dignitary, was attacked, and even the accompanying troops were killed. No matter how you look at it, this matter is a big problem.

But as long as it is corroborated with the situation you have, Uncle Xie, it is not surprising. Hydra has intelligence in S.H.I.E.L.D., high-ranking officials in the government, and insiders in the military. It should not be too easy to deal with Tony.

The motivation is also obvious. Since they are lurking in the dark, they must have a lot of plans, and no matter what they want to do, the strong strength of Stark Industries is a strong boost, and no one is greedy.

Tony has no descendants yet. As long as he dies, Stark Industries will have no direct heirs. There are too many methods that can be manipulated. I can think of several.

And Uncle Xie, you know the inside story. When you saw Tony's accident, you thought, Hydra... I'm afraid it's going to make a big move, and you don't care whether my father... Ant-Man knows the inside story.

Obviously, they have confidence.

In fact, to deal with Ant-Man, it is best to deal with me. If I am caught by Hydra, I am afraid that my father's Pym particles will also be lost.

If Hydra gets what it wants, then we father and daughter are useless.

And I have grown up so much, I have never seen my dad and other friends..."

Hank coughed dryly.

Hope didn't hear it, and continued: "Then it is obvious that the person who can stand my father must be a good person, but you know my father's temper, so you simply gave me a set of battle clothes in the name of a meeting gift, so that I can Protect myself, I guess...and my dad.

That's about all I can think of. "

Xie Zhi and Bucky looked at each other and smiled, this girl is not bad.

The plan was originally not like this, because the father and daughter recognized Bucky's improvisation, but the biggest problem with smart people is that they only believe in the conclusions drawn by their own analysis. How much tongue has been saved by the plot made up by the brain? , Make up your mind.

The two brothers applauded, Xie Zhi shook his head and praised: "That's great, Hope, you impress your uncle, your brain...cough, I mean analysis, hit the nail on the head, almost pointing to the truth, great!

But there are some things you don’t know. It’s not your fault. It’s caused by information asymmetry. Let me tell you, Hydra doesn’t need to threaten your father with your life. They have a technology that can brainwash you.

Imagine if you were brainwashed by Hydra, your dad still wants to hide his secret? Go ahead and dream, you father and daughter will work for Hydra for the rest of your life, you have no salary yet, and you have to pay for it.

In short, your child is sober, smart, and reliable. Uncle is relieved. "

And Hank still has a lot of questions to ask, at least he has to ask, is there any evidence that Tony Stark was raped by Hydra? Is there any evidence that HYDRA is still there and has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.?

But he listened to what the girl said, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Xie Zhi's eyes are so poisonous, he naturally noticed it: "Hank, what did you find?"

Hank took off his glasses and shook them: "Maybe... I'm really a little blind. Thinking about it now, many things were really wrong, including recently... Well, I admit, in the past, my thoughts were that everyone was thinking about Pym Particles are too one-sided.

But behind the scenes is Hydra, so many things make sense.

I said what that kid was asking about recently, it seems that this is not just out of curiosity of scientists..."

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "That kid? Who are you talking about?"

"Darren Cross, my student, a talented young man, Hope has seen him too." Hank scratched his head: "I don't know where he heard the gossip ~Rumours about my invention of Pym particles that zoom in and out.

I didn't admit it, but I didn't care. After all, there were witnesses to some actions in the 1980s, but they were all about Ant-Man and Pym particles, and only the tabloids would report them. They were just urban ghost stories, and no one took them seriously.

Moreover, there are not too few people who know the existence of Pym particles. It is possible that some people can't control their mouths, but there is no evidence anyway.

But the information you brought today, all kinds of things in the past, the little **** in the old bastard's family had an accident, and Darren's recent fanatical curiosity, put it's hard not to think of something.

Well, it's not a big problem, even if he has something to do with Hydra, so what, even if he has seen it..."

Hank was taken aback, then shook his head and smiled, "He doesn't have the skills to crack my formula."

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Has he read the formula of Pym particles?"

"I know what you're thinking." Hank waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, what he saw was incomplete, and he didn't know that it involved Pym particles, let alone an incomplete formula, even if it was complete, he I can’t crack it either, and I’m definitely not blind about it.” (Note 1)

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