Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 452: you fit to be a boss

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In the magnificent banquet hall, in addition to exquisite artistic tableware and attractive food, there are also oddly shaped eggs that don't match each other.

Yes, the alien empress directly laid eggs at the banquet.

This time, Xie Zhi didn't let the aliens directly assimilate these programs. After all, if they accepted this underworld program, it would be their own human resources.

And although the alien will gain the ability of the opponent after assimilating the opponent, but in essence, the alien is a combination of Xie Zhi's subconscious and programs, which are from the same source and not diversified enough.

It's okay to fight aliens, but it's good to have more suggestions.

It can't be a company, from the director to the cleaning lady, they are all the same.

"Come on, you're welcome, one for each person while it's hot."

Xie Zhi's attitude seems to be saying that everyone eats and drinks well.

Mei Luowenjia's face was a little dark, and his tone was dry: "My lord, you are... We are sincerely loyal, please believe in our sincerity, we can open the source code..."

"Stop, okay, I didn't make it clear." Xie Zhi smiled and pointed at the alien egg, and said, "I didn't intend to kill you, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble, my pet can directly kill you by eating.

Laying these eggs means that I accept you. This is a welfare and a means to solve Smith. You still have to work. You can’t let my pet do everything, right? What else do you need?

In this way, I will give you peace of mind, Melowenjia, let your subordinates send out a volunteer to demonstrate. "

Mei Luowen glanced at the group of subordinates, everyone who was seen trembled.

"You! It's you, come out."

A strong man came out trembling, and swayed to an egg.

The parasitic process is nothing new to Xie Zhi, but it is indeed like a nightmare to the programs present.

The simple process was very fast. When a alien larva came out of the "volunteer" through the wall, the bodyguard also woke up, and there seemed to be no problem.

The alien larvae jumped onto the dining table, feasting on it, and the rich food of code is not in vain.

"See, I just use you as a carrier, whether it is copied or not, in short, it is to match each of you with an amulet. When Smith appears, whoever is infected may be uncertain."

Saying that, Xie Zhi pointed to the dining table: "Xiaomei, let your cook work overtime, this food is not enough."

Xie Zhi turned around and patted the unlocker again: "Old Wang, you can't fight, and you have a unique skill. It's too late to open a technical school, but if you copy your skills, you are not unique. Do you think I am a good person? Well, no need to answer, your expression has already told me the answer.

Come on, see which egg is pleasing to the eye, pick whatever you want, I think the sixth one on the left is more beautiful.

And I didn’t copy it for nothing. The streets are not peaceful recently. I would like to give you a suggestion. It’s safer to stay here. After all, the designer is looking for you, and Smith must also be looking for you. You have been out of news recently, and I want to know what happened , you can ask Xiaomei. "

Mei Luowen nodded her head: "That's right, Lao Wang, you will call me Xiaomei from now on, and the adults are wise, adding a small character, it is much more kind, brother, I have been sorry before, don't worry, world-class One-stop service brothers arrange at any time! There are all kinds of styles and genres, absolutely hardcore, and you are satisfied!"

At this time, regardless of whether they wanted it or not, everyone took the initiative to hold a strange-shaped egg, sat on the chair and waited for the worm.

Yes, taking the initiative to find a chair can be regarded as a choice, which is better than the previous "volunteers" lying on the ground.

It's just a group of well-dressed people holding a fleshy egg in their arms. The imagery makes Xie Zhi feel weird no matter how he looks at it.

But there was one person who didn't move, Seraf.

Xie Zhi didn't make any request or urge.

Seraf looked at the weird scene around him, and sighed: "Why don't you ask me to do the same?"

"You are different from them. They are working for me now, but you are not."

Seraf was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "If I also work for you, will all the digital beings in the matrix have a way to survive?"

"You said that as if I was trying to intimidate and lure Latina, Seraf, that's not what I said before, what I said is, according to your choice, decide the fate of the digital life.

I didn't specify what kind of choice it was. The designer chose to negotiate, the Prophet chose to survive, Merowenga chose to seek refuge, Smith... chose to die, it's all different. "

Seraf couldn't help sighing: "I'm a fighter, and I can't beat you, can't you change someone?"

"There is pressure, it's good to have pressure, then think about the pressure of human survival, don't you sympathize with human beings, think about it in another way."

Xie Zhi ignored him, but communicated with a few newly born alien larvae, and nodded after a while.

He stretched out his hand to the unlocker: "Give me your bunch of keys, Lao Wang, you didn't say that there is only 314 seconds to open the door."

The so-called 314 seconds is the time to open the door where the designer is located. It is different from other doors, which are much more special and can be opened, but only within a certain time, otherwise the door does not exist.

The unlocker said innocently: "You didn't say you were going to the source code area to find a designer."

"This reason is very reasonable, I didn't ask, okay." Xie Zhi turned his head, and said to the two alien larvae: "Since those memories are too strong...delete them."

As he spoke, he glanced at Meluo Wenjia and his wife with strange eyes: "You guys really know how to play, the most important thing in your circle, even my little monster can't stand it."

"My lord, from today onwards, we will be strict with ourselves, completely break away from vulgar interests, and become a noble, pure person..."

"Well, I'm too lazy to care about your private life, but when it comes to being human, you are really like human beings. The life forms are different, but in terms of bad habits, you can't see the style of digital life."

"My lord, in fact, we have always regarded ourselves as human beings. Even if we learn badly, bad people are also human beings, right?"

Xie Zhi went straight to a door. After closing the door, he inserted the key in and opened it again. A pure white corridor appeared. There were many green doors in the corridor, and this is the so-called back door.

Xie Zhi didn't go in, let the door open, and the aliens broke in first. Xie Zhi just took off a key and handed it to the last alien who entered: "Wait for my notice."

At this time Seraf came over, suddenly knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Seraf took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Xie Zhi, this is my choice. I will work for you, if you need it."

"you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Then why? Stand up and talk."

Seraf stood up took off his sunglasses and looked at Xie Zhi seriously: "You said to put yourself in another place, and the conclusion I came up with is that human beings need a savior, and when disaster strikes, digital life also needs a savior.

But I don’t know how to save my compatriots. I only know what I’m good at, fighting. I only have this value. I don’t ask for anything in return. I just hope to have a chance to sacrifice for you once. Let go of those digital beings who are not worthy of death. "

Xie Zhi shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid it's very difficult for you to have such an opportunity. If you have to sacrifice to win, then I have nothing to mess with. Seraph, if you want a fighter, I don't have to look for you.

But since you have made a choice, I have also made a decision.

Frankly speaking, the first time I saw you, although you can’t be judged by your appearance, I just feel that your image and temperament are more like a villain, especially the kind that is not a thing. I think if you say 'this is how we do things' That's what it smells like, so I are suitable to be a boss. "

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