America’s Treasure King

Chapter 80: Northeast China Sea

Who knew that in the next half of the warehouse, the situation changed suddenly, and Li Xiaoshuai's luck came back.

Warehouse No. 61 is also a warehouse with old furniture. The two old bookshelves are full of books. The most eye-catching thing is that there are several boxes of butterfly specimens on a broken coffee table, which aroused the cheers of local treasure collectors. .

Li Xiaoshuai knows that the best butterfly specimens are also very valuable, but the value is also very limited.

Frank looked at him with a clear meaning, asking him the value of this warehouse and whether it had to be taken. Li Xiaoshuai still had an expression of indifference, he knew that this was another uninteresting warehouse.

No. 73 is exactly like a medieval European weapons warehouse. There is a set of European medieval plate armor supported on shelves. There are also imitation English longbow quivers on the wall, as well as weapons such as mace and battle axe. .

The strong light hits the plate armor, and you can still see the traces of hammers, which shows that the armor is made by hand. Some websites have similar knockoff goods for sale, and the value is not small.

Boston treasure hunters who have seen this warehouse say that this warehouse is of great value and it is necessary to photograph it.

Bo Yang also came over to ask, is this warehouse also not good? If this is the case, it is estimated that our good luck has really come to an end.

"Isn't there still two warehouses, it's not time for me to admit defeat!"

There are also the last two warehouses, warehouses 82 and 103.

Before the auctioneer took the lead, Li Xiaoshuai walked over by himself and checked it with his clairvoyant ability. Seeing this, he was stunned.

Contrary to Li Xiaoshuai's expectations, the inside of the warehouse is very clean, even cleaner than ordinary people's bedrooms.

About half of the warehouse is separated, and the front is decorated like a KTV, with a fine pink wool carpet on the ground, as well as high-end stereos, and a large-screen LCD TV on the TV cabinet. There is also a row of red leather sofas opposite, which seems to be expensive.

There are also leather whips, handcuffs, shackles and ropes hanging on the partition wall.

Looking far away, there is only an Italian round bed behind the partition wall, and the decoration is no matter how extravagant it is, it is all in a style that appeals to a certain appetite.

There are so many, Li Xiaoshuai knew that this should be a gun room specially used for partying.

But what puzzled him was that, through perspective, a vertical table lamp placed in the corner showed two years, 1941 and 1942.

"German leather table lamp from 1941."

"Made in Germany, Field Marshal's Cane, 1942."

This, this, Li Xiaoshuai was both surprised and delighted, his little heart began to thump from being overexcited, and everyone was about to tremble.

He was surprised that these two treasures came so unexpectedly, and he was happy that the value was huge, so big that this was the most valuable warehouse since he was picking up treasures.

Its value is far greater than the one time I found a Patek Philippe gold pocket watch.

I once heard Morgan's friend Eriksson, a firearms fanatic, personally say that during World War II, the Germans used the skin of a girl who was killed in Auschwitz to make a lampshade for the lamp, and distributed it to the generals and marshals to enjoy. .

Because it was an unpopular thing, it was basically destroyed after the war. He hated to get such a lamp, and if there was one, he was willing to buy it for 2 million US dollars.

Inside the lamp column, there is a "long stick" that is more than a foot long and made of pure gold.

This is what the ability suggests, the cane of the German marshal during World War II.

And the marshal's cane, or the marshal's festival, is even rarer.

Can you imagine how many marshals there were in Germany during World War II? In addition to those captured by the Allies after the war, how many are left?

According to public information, most of these German marshals were captured by the victorious countries in the battles, and such treasures were collected in the famous West Point Military Academy.

Seeing this one today, how could Li Xiaoshuai not be excited, but it's no exaggeration that his character has exploded. Its value can never be traced with money!

At this time, the auctioneer opened the shutters of this warehouse. Many people were surprised by the scene in the warehouse, which was also beyond their imagination.

Someone saw it and immediately said that this warehouse seemed to be rented for a "gun room party".

Some people say that this gun room is so extravagant that when I see it, I want to lie down on that pink sofa.

This guy was right, Li Xiaoshuai was still in the drawer of the TV cabinet and saw a dozen boxes of Viagra that had not been opened. Everyone on earth knows what this thing is used for, plus the furnishings in this warehouse, everyone can see through it at a glance.

The auctioneer closed the door, and Li Xiaoshuai saw that many people were still talking about this warehouse. They were all talking about the appetizing decoration of this warehouse, but they didn't mention the lamp.

When Frank looked over again, Li Xiaoshuai coughed "cough, cough, cough, cough," and the guy's eyes suddenly lit up several levels.

The last No. is a warehouse for storing sneakers. There are two wooden shelves on the left and right against the wall, and there are shoe boxes with hundreds of pairs of sneakers on the top.

In the free space on the wall, there are also autographs for the group photo of the Boston Celtics.

The eyes of all the treasure hunters were all red, and they were honing their fists, and they all shouted that it was him.

Li Xiaoshuai said in his heart that there is still a possibility of winning money in this gambling game, because this is different from usual. In the past, there were a few scattered shoe boxes, but this place is professional, and there are only shoe boxes in the warehouse and nothing else.

Looking through the eyes, there are a few pairs that are signed, and most of them are not signed. The heart says that the value is not great, so let them.

Frank looked at him again, Li Xiaoshuai already had his heart, thinking about these gadgets, let the local treasure collectors forget it, there is no warehouse auction, and everything good will be won by himself, this is too unreasonable .

In fact, this is also a tactic of his, which is to throw a piece of meat and bones and let these dogs fight for it, so that his goal is ignored.

When Frank saw that Li Xiaoshuai said nothing, of course he knew what his boss was thinking.

At this time, Li Xiaoshuai suddenly felt that Boston was really a good place, with cheap prices, good food, good living conditions, good scenery, and good social security.

And the warehouse here is also very good, I don’t know how many times better than New York. If I can take down Warehouse 82 today, it will be worth a full year of work in New York.

With this warehouse, even if I don't do anything for the rest of my life, I guess I can live a very nourishing life.

Well, take out the marshal's festival battle in the human skin table lamp, and then buy the table lamp that cannot be disclosed, and the goal of 5 million in both antique assets and cash money set by yourself can be achieved!

All right, let's take down this warehouse first.

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