America’s Treasure King

Chapter 50: Picking up a big leak and empty joy 3

As soon as the shutter door of Warehouse 301 opened, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Inside is like a museum of medieval cold weapons.

There are 18 classes of weapons such as long swords inlaid with turquoise, English longbows, quivers, and swords, spears, swords, and halberds from Rabbit Country.

On the wall hung a compound bow for hunting, a battle axe from the Viking Age, a chain hammer, and on the other side of the wall, there was also a samurai sword from the Footpen Kingdom with golden sword spikes.

Seeing so many good things, almost everyone cheered. With more good things, everyone can make money.

"The katana sword, or the one with the golden spikes?" Frank also exclaimed.

He is also quite familiar with the knowledge of samurai swords.

You must know that the samurai sword is equivalent to life for the traditional samurai of the footpen country.

During World War II, the little devils of the foot basin country, from the junior non-commissioned officer who just graduated from the military school, to the commander of the lieutenant general and division commander of tens of thousands of horses, can wear katana.

The question is what level is this knife? If it is a famous knife, who is the original owner?

Before opening the door, Li Xiaoshuai was as excited as Frank at first, but only after he received the prompt of the clairvoyant ability did he realize that this knife was actually just a non-commissioned officer's knife, made by a large-scale machine.

But I don't know why, why is this knife equipped with golden sword spikes that can be decorated by generals. Perhaps the owner of this warehouse wants to upgrade his own to the next level.

Perhaps it was because the original owner didn't understand it at all. When he bought it, he was deceived and complacent.

"The samurai sword in the foot basin." Li Xiaoshuai couldn't help but sneer when he saw Thornton's extremely happy face, eager to try, and he was bound to win.

Bo Yang was also attracted, saying that this warehouse is interesting, picking up treasures is fun, and you can encounter everything.

"So you have to understand everything." Li Xiaoshuai gave him a prompt at the right time. As for whether he listened to it, he would have to look at his own fortune.

Hunter, who has always made no comments on warehouses, also made an exception. He said: "This warehouse company that often produces high-end products is really well-deserved. There is an 'ancient library' just now, and now there is an 'ancient weapon' Hall', it's a worthwhile trip."

Frank approached Li Xiaoshuai again, "Li, how about we work together again this time?"

"No problem, it's still six thousand everywhere, and if you exceed it, retreat."

Frank also let Li Xiaoshuai be more courageous, you are not short of money.

When he said this, Li Xiaoshuai saw that many people were paying attention to him, "You must know that we are all rookies, and we must have a sense of risk. When I arrive at the silver medal picker one day, I will dare to take a big fight."

Li Xiaoshuai said this to Frank and to everyone. As for what they can hear, that is their own business.

The long-awaited auction has begun.

The first was a warehouse with three old machine tools, and the auctioneer was asking $200.

Bo Yang said to Li Xiaoshuai, the price is cheap, it is equivalent to the price of selling scrap iron.

It's a pity that there are no more people who want it, and only a few people raised their hands, and it was finally photographed by Nielsen with a price of 280 US dollars.

Frank also sneered, saying how the two males and females would go back later.

The second room is the one that exudes an unpleasant smell of rotten garlic, and which one contains the Yongzheng antique jar that Li Xiaoshuai likes. The starting price was $50, and a dozen people raised their hands.

However, Hunter, Thiago, Thornton, etc. all watched with sarcasm.

The price reached 200 yuan, and the only people who wanted to bid were Li Xiaoshuai, Ramos, and two people they didn't know. 250 yuan, there are still people entangled.

Li Xiaoshuai directly shouted 350 yuan, his tone was very firm, but it made the auctioneer smile happily.

Very smoothly, this warehouse is in hand.

Bo Yang was also trained long ago, and he quickly locked the rolling shutter door with a big copper lock.

The next warehouse, No. 30, is the center of attention, the one dubbed the "ancient library".

There are many eager to try.

Auctioneer: "Warehouse 30, starting price $500."

Frank directly shouted the high price of 2000. This has been doubled. If it was normal, Frank would have been scolded to death if he dared to shout like that.

Today, everyone thinks that the price is still very cheap, and no one accuses him but is rushing to increase the price.

Ramos added to 2,500, and Thornton immediately shouted 3,000. As soon as the voice fell, Thiago pushed him to 4,000, and Frank shouted 5,000. . . . . .

The price skyrocketed, Le's auctioneer was in high spirits, but his voice was also rising unconsciously.

And many treasure hunters, like drinking too much wine, their faces are red, their voices are loud, and even their eyes are red.

When the price reached 10,000, the faces of many people began to become slightly nervous. Wanting to pick up cheap Ramos, Nelson and the others quit early.

Bo Yang also asked Li Xiaoshuai, didn't Hunter, the shy silver medal picker, really want to get this warehouse, so why hasn't he moved?

Li Xiaoshuai said with a smile, that people disdain to compete with us at low prices, you can see; when it is 15,000, he should be gone.

The further back he goes, the more determined he is.

"Oh" Bo Yang felt that he had learned another trick.

Thornton called out the price of $12,000, and he said to Frank fiercely, this warehouse is mine, and none of you are my opponents.

Crazy, has made Thornton lose his mind, crazy enough to forget the "strongest" Hunter here.

Although he passed the warning line of 12,000, Frank was still holding on, and some shouted the current highest price of 13,000.

Bo Yang also stabbed Li Xiaoshuai with his elbow, meaning that Frank has crossed the line.

Li Xiaoshuai said in a very low voice: "Don't worry, I'm not afraid of Frank even shouting 20,000 yuan. Didn't you see that Hunter hasn't shouted yet? Frank will definitely lose, so I'm happy to let him out. Show off."

"Too complicated." Bo Yang smiled wryly.

The price reached 15,000 US Frank had quit, and his face was still unwilling. Walking to Li Xiaoshuai's side, he said that his strength is not enough.

Li Xiaoshuai counted, there are still about 20 people who still want to bid, and the most capable one has not yet shot.

Then the crowd clamored for the opportunity, Li Xiaoshuai whispered two numbers to Frank, "177, 198, um; Harley-Davidson can also fight for it."

With just such a little talk, Hunter made his move, and as soon as he made his move, the price pushed him to a peak price of $25,000.

Li Xiaoshuai glanced at the bidders again. This time, there were more than half of them. There are still seven or eight people vying for it. But looking at the momentum, they are no match for Hunter, who has the thickest waist.

In the end, Hunter bought this "value" warehouse with a super high price of 37,000 US dollars.

To this end, Frank also sighed that this is the first time he has seen a warehouse auction worth 37,000 since he has been in the business for more than three years. This is really exciting.

To be polite, Li Xiaoshuai said to Hunter, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, I have achieved most of my goals today, and I won't do anything you want later."

Li Xiaoshuai understood that Hunter also wanted to photograph the room with the Remington gun case, and he didn't care about the rest. I thought to myself: "Well, if you want to die, no one can hold you back."

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