America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 88: Reliable Paris

"William, did you get up so early?"

Hearing the voice, Chen William came back to his senses and saw Deng Wendi wearing a sports suit. Go down the stairs.

"Wendi, you are so early too, are you going to exercise?"

William Chen got up and greeted Wendi Deng.

It has to be said that although Deng Wendi is not too young now, and her appearance does not conform to her own aesthetics, but one thing to say, the other party's figure is still good.

"Yes, I'm going to the gym over there to do some yoga. Are you hungry now? Would you like to make breakfast for you?"

"Don't be so troublesome, Wendi, I just wanted to go out for a walk, and I'll bring you breakfast by the way. What would you like to eat? I heard that Yanjing has many special snacks, such as bean juice, so I always wanted to challenge it. of."

Deng Wendi heard his words, smiled and gave Chen William a thumbs up, and said, "Then you can try it, to be honest, I tried it, but I really can't drink it, by the way, Ivanta hasn't gotten up yet. ?"

"She's still sleeping, so don't call her for now. Go and practice yoga first. I'll go out for a walk."

Hearing Chen William saying that Ivanta was still sleeping, Deng Wendi had a narrow smile on his face, with a clear look, and said to him:

"Can you do it yourself? Would you like me to go with you? You are not familiar with this place, and I am afraid you will get lost."

After all, in Deng Wendi's eyes, Chen William has always grown up in a metropolis like New York, and he may not be familiar with these old buildings in Yanjing, so it is normal to be worried.

"It's alright, not to mention I have my cell phone with me. Besides, Wendi's house is so famous here, you can come back if you ask anyone."

Since this was the case, Deng Wendi stopped being polite to Chen William, she turned around and walked into the gym.

William Chen went back to his room, glanced at Ivanta who was still sleeping, then changed his clothes and went out.

However, William Chen's bodyguards are still very conscientious. When he went down to the first floor again, he saw that the bodyguards who lived in the downside room last night had already woken up.

When they saw that William Chen was about to go out, they prepared to follow him.

This time, William Chen just walked around and bought breakfast, so he just had a bodyguard follow him.

Like the larger courtyard houses, there is a row of houses at the south entrance, called the inverted house, which is a place for servants or bodyguards to live and separate them from the master room.

Therefore, the four bodyguards brought by William Chen also lived here.

You look at the scenery on the bridge, the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs, the bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams.

For some reason, William Chen remembered such a poem.

Perhaps it was more because he was admiring the morning scenery of Yanjing, the pedestrians passing by, and those shouting with a Beijing flavor.

In the eyes of others, he is also part of this strange landscape. After all, in this place, it is rare to see a handsome young man of mixed-race Chinese, with a strong black bodyguard like a hill behind him.

After Chen William chose some breakfast and bought it back, he saw that Ivanta had also woken up and was sitting on a wooden chair in the yard, chatting with Deng Wendi opposite.

Seeing William Chen returning with breakfast, Wendi Deng happily clapped her hands and said to Ivanta:

"William is finally back, I'm already hungry, Ivanta, come and taste the traditional breakfast in Yanjing and see if it suits your taste."

After speaking, Deng Wendi and Ivanta entered the room together, brought out the bowls, chopsticks and plates, and put them on the small wooden table in the yard, saying:

"The weather is nice today, let's eat here."

So William Chen distributed the jiaohuan, soybean juice, fried dough sticks, soybean milk, pickles, stewed vegetables, and steamed buns that he was carrying on the table. As for the rest, give it to the bodyguards, and they eat it by themselves.

And William Chen specially filled a bowl of bean juice and placed it in front of Ivanta.

Ivanta looked at the slightly gray-green bean juice in the bowl in front of her, sniffed it, frowned, and asked, "What does this taste like? Can you really drink it?"

"Of course, this is the most famous bean juice in Yanjing. You don't think it smells bad, but it tastes very good. If you don't believe me, try it. In addition, you have to drink this with a big mouthful to show your respect for the maker."

At this time, William Chen's expression management was still very well controlled. On the other hand, Deng Wendi watched his performance with a smile on his face.

Ivanta looked suspiciously at the expressions of the two of them, picked up the bowl and took a sip, and then spit it out with a "wow".

William Chen was prepared long ago, holding a napkin in his hand. After seeing Ivanta's reaction, he immediately went to wipe it for her.

"William, you lied to me!"

Ivanta also quickly picked up a napkin, covered her mouth with a look of pain on her face, and said to William Chen angrily:

"This taste is so disgusting that it is impossible to drink it. What the **** is this?"

"I really didn't lie to you. This is the most famous drink in Yanjing - bean juice. If you don't believe me, you can ask Wendi."

Ivanta went into the house and picked up the mineral water. After rinsing her mouth, she came back and looked at Deng Wendi as if she had eaten a fly and asked, "Wendi, what is this? Is it really drinkable?"

Deng Wendi stopped smiling at this time, and said to Ivanta:

"This is indeed Yanjing's specialty drink, but many people can't get used to its taste, just like I spit it out after taking a sip."

Hearing what she said, Ivanta looked at William Chen angrily.

And William Chen, with an innocent face, brought the bowl of bean juice in front of Ivanta to him, and said to her:

"I didn't lie to you. It was indeed they who told me that this was very delicious, Ivanta."

"Hehe, then you drink the whole bowl."

"Well, if you can feel better."

After speaking, Chen William held his breath, picked up the bowl of bean juice, and gulped it down.

To be honest, the taste of this bean juice does make people feel uncomfortable for the first time. It has a sour taste, and it feels like swill when drinking, which makes people wonder if it has gone bad.

But after really drinking it, it seems that there is a hint of bean fragrance in it.

Seeing that William Chen really drank the bowl of soy juice, Ivanta muttered:

"Anyway, I don't want to drink this thing again in my life, Windi, among the other things, there is nothing as bad as this bean juice."

"You can rest assured, Ivanta, these are very delicious, you can taste it with confidence. You drink this bowl of soy and eat it with the fried dough sticks over there, it tastes great."

Although there was such a small episode at the beginning, when I was tasting these breakfasts later, Ivanta had already forgotten the horror of the bowl of bean juice and ate it full of praise.

Chen William is still facing a problem, that is, whether to take out the future loan amount in the bank to increase the short position of the subprime mortgage crisis.

But before that, he still needs to consider whether he should choose to bind Ivanta to obtain a higher quota of 500 million US dollars, or choose Paris, who was previously bound, to use the quota of 300 million US dollars.

Although the amount obtained by binding Paris is higher, it can be 500 million US dollars, but Chen William has a feeling that although he has a close relationship with Ivanta now, there is still one problem that cannot be avoided—

He has a deep understanding of Ivanta's character. At present, it may be due to the close relationship between the two, sensibility temporarily prevails, but this situation is destined to not last.

Once rationality returns, Ivanta will definitely ask William Chen to clarify their relationship with each other. At that time, how can he choose one and give up the others?

And now is the critical time when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out. Once Ivanta is bound, then William Chen will face the risk of deviation from the system judgment caused by the repeated relationship with Ivanta.

In this way, Paris, who has been tested for so long and for a long time, is relatively more reliable in terms of binding partners.

William Chen felt that this world was incredible!

If someone told him in a previous life that Paris Hilton was more reliable, then he would probably think that the other party was absolutely crazy, but at this moment, it seems that it is the truth.

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