America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 81: Performance?

William Chen threw the two shirts in his hand forward. Immediately, there was a surging crowd under the stage, and the girls frantically grabbed them in the direction of the falling shirts.

Next, William Chen turned to the girls on the side of the stage, then suddenly fell down and made a push-up starting position.

The girls who have been involved in the filming of the film during this period of time naturally understood what the next scene would be, so everyone started screaming, looking forward to William Chen's performance.

Sure enough, as they expected, they saw William Chen resting on the ground with both hands, and his body began to twist like a wave. Looking at this very metaphorical action, the girls felt their bodies warm up.

Next, William Chen put down his hand and made a Thomas maneuver on the floor, and the scream sounded again.

It's no wonder, because at this time, the perfect muscle lines on William Chen's upper body are very obvious under the light.

Plus he suddenly made such a difficult move. The expressions of the girls fell into a frenzy.

Then William Chen changed direction. In the sound of music, he put his elbows on the ground, his crotch slowly circled, raised and arched down. This classic floor action immediately caused a frenzy. .

In particular, William Chen's muscular male dog waist is really fascinated.

When the girls saw his male dog's waist and the action he was doing, they couldn't help but imagine some embarrassing scenes, but they couldn't take their eyes off of it.

At this time, Ivanta was in the crowd, and with the screaming and undulating, psychedelic and crazy warm atmosphere, she could not help but gradually throw away her usual elegance and restraint. Watching Chen William's movements and performances on the stage, she felt His face was hot, his heart was beating faster and faster, and he began to cheer and scream with the girls around him.

At this time, she saw Chen William stand up, jumped directly off the stage, and walked in her direction under the expectant eyes of all the girls.

Wherever he passed, the girls stretched out their hands, wanting to touch his sweaty muscles, and there were even bold girls who wanted their hands to be mosaic...

When Ivanta saw William Chen approaching her, getting closer and closer, a voice in her heart couldn't help saying that he was coming...

When her heartbeat was getting stronger and stronger, she couldn't help but wonder if she was going to say something when Chen William came over, but saw Chen William holding the hand of a girl in front of her, turned back and walked on stage.

? ?

At this moment, Ivanta was stunned for a moment, her mood immediately sank to the bottom, and she even had the urge to turn her head and leave here immediately. However, her footsteps still stopped in place, without any movement.

Ivanta gritted her teeth and saw the hot girl with black hair and Latin American appearance that William Chen was holding. At this moment, she had an expression of disbelief, and she was so excited that she almost fainted on the spot.

When William Chen took her back to the stage, a chair was already placed on the stage.

William Chen first held the girl's hand and let her sit on the chair. Then he walked in front of the girl, and with her excited expression, she dangling forward and straddled the girl's lap.

Then William Chen started to twist his crotch to the music, grabbed the girl's hands and put them under his waist.

At this moment, the girl couldn't help screaming loudly, her face full of happy expressions.

Just like what Chen William did to the girl in the VIP seat below the stage, he lowered his head on the Latin girl's face and neck, with her face close to each other, and took turns smelling from both sides. If you look at it from a distance at this moment, it seems like a kiss.

Next, William Chen pulled the girl up from the chair, and with the girl's unfinished expression, he took her hand and walked to the stage, returning the girl to her original position.

Then William Chen grabbed Ivanta's hand and started walking towards the stage when Ivanta exclaimed.

Because of what happened just now, Ivanta had realized that William Chen was deliberately teasing her, so she had already made a decision. Even if he came to look for her, she would definitely ignore him.

At this moment, William Chen came over and took her hand again. Ivanta pouted slightly and turned her head away from him.

When William Chen pulled her to walk to the stage, he found Ivanta resisting.

So a smile appeared on his face, he lowered his head and grabbed Ivanta's legs, got up and carried her on his shoulders.

Amid the cheers of the girls, he carried Ivanta back to the stage.

Ivanta's height is nearly 1.8 meters. If it is an ordinary man to do this action, it is estimated that it will be a little difficult, but for Chen William, it is not a problem at all.

Even when he was carrying her to the stage, he felt Ivanta struggle a little, and William Chen even stretched out a hand and patted her butt.

This made Ivanta blushed instantly and did not dare to make any more moves, but still shouted loudly: "William Chen, you bastard!"

After reaching the stage, William Chen put Ivanta down, held her hand, made her sit on the chair, and then repeated what he did to the Latin girl just now.

But the difference this time is that Chen William didn't just make a smelling motion on Ivanta's neck, but twisted his body, and then stretched out his hands to comb the long hair on both sides of Ivanta back, so that She raised her head and directly lowered her head to kiss her neck.

Then William Chen stood up straight, took Ivanta's hands, and made her get up from the stool.

Putting her hands on his shoulders, William Chen leaned over slightly, grabbed the backs of her thighs with both hands, and instantly stood up and picked her up.

At this moment, Ivanta's body flew up, subconsciously wrapped her arms around Chen William's neck, and wrapped her slender legs around his waist.

William Chen hugged her like this and walked back and forth on the stage.

Then, he let Ivanta hang on his body like this, suddenly bent down, and slowly approached the ground with his upper body.

Feeling the gravity on her back, Ivanta hugged William Chen tightly, and then she suddenly felt that her back had touched the ground.

At this time, Ivanta was leaning against the ground with her back on the ground, and William Chen was on it, and the two of them turned into an ambiguous posture.

William Chen supported the ground and continued to dance. To the audience under the stage, it seemed that the floor action just now reappeared.

The difference is that in front of him at this time, there is a blushing Ivanta.

Finally, amid the screams of the girls in the audience, William Chen got up, grabbed Ivanta's hands, and slowly pulled her up.

This special program tonight has now ended.

William Chen looked in the direction of director Andy Haring and saw that he gave him an OK gesture.

So he took Ivanta's hand, and Chen William took the microphone to thank the girls off the stage for their cooperation.

At this time, the girls all felt unfinished, and couldn't help but secretly compare Chen William's figure with those of the previous "Magic Mike" actors.

In the end, everyone came to the same conclusion that William Chen is obviously better.

They were all very excited at this time. This special performance tonight could remind them countless times, and they all felt that they were very lucky to be there.

Especially the girl who was in the VIP position before, and the black-haired Latin American girl, were very excited because of the opportunity to have intimate contact with William Chen tonight, and felt that this was their happiest moment.

At the end of the performance, William Chen was also sweating.

He held Ivanta's hand and walked to the After high-fives and celebrations with the main actors of "Magic Mike", he took a suit handed over by the bodyguard, walked into the locker room and changed it, just like Ivanta left here together.

"How is it, are you satisfied with my performance today?"

Sitting with Ivanta in the car back to the hotel, William Chen looked at the woman beside him with a blush on his face, and asked:

"Hmph, I just want to know, William, did you mean to take that girl away first?"

Uh, how to answer this question? If it is intentional, then it means that he is playing with Ivanta; if it is not intentional, is it because he has a crush on that girl?

Anyway, the answer is wrong, so William Chen said directly:

"Because the most important thing for me must be the last one, don't you feel it? Ivanta, for other girls, I'm just acting. Only when I'm with you can't help it."

Hearing his words, Ivanta rolled his eyes at him, but looking at her expression, her answer to William Chen was quite useful.

OK, the crisis is over.

However, William Chen suddenly remembered that at the end of the performance on stage just now, he clearly saw a bit of emotion in Ivanta's expression and eyes.

So after arriving at the hotel, at the door of the room, William Chen took Ivanta's hand.

"My dear, it suddenly occurred to me that the performance just now could be more perfect, shall we try it again?"

When Ivanta heard his words, the affection in her eyes made William Chen's heart beat faster.

So he opened the door and pulled Ivanta into the room.

This night, Ivanta cooperated with William Chen, starting from the action on the stage today, but this time, it is not just a performance...

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