America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 76: Referral

Huaguo's film company? Deng Wendi's words made him somewhat interested.

When William Chen and Ivanta followed Zheng Wendi to a corner of the villa hall, they saw two Chinese people sitting there.

When he saw these two people, William Chen felt that the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes, with a moderate figure, was a little familiar.

And the lady beside him, with long hair and a shawl, was wearing a long dark blue dress. Isn't she Li Bingbing from Sidan Shuangbing.

At first, this man and woman could be seen chatting with smiles on their faces. When they saw Wendi Deng and the two people behind them approaching, they immediately stood up with polite smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Wang, Bingbing, let me introduce these two friends to you." Deng Wendi greeted them and introduced the two Chinese people:

"This is William Chen, the owner of Twitter, the owner of 666 Fifth Avenue and The New York Observer, and a very good investor who just invested in Netflix and Tesla. ."

"The lady beside him is also my best friend, Ivanta Troup. She is the vice president of the Troup Group, and she also operates a fashion brand under her own name."

At the same time, Deng Wendi also introduced two Chinese people to William Chen and Ivanta:

"This is Wang Zhonglei, President Wang. He is one of the founders of Huayi Brothers, the largest film company in China, and is also the general manager of the company. The beautiful lady next to him, Ms. Li Bingbing, is now the most famous woman in China. One of the stars."

After the introduction, the two sides greeted each other, and even Ivanta was able to say hello to each other in Chinese.

In fact, this time it was mainly Deng Wendi, whom Wang Zhonglei asked for, to introduce him, hoping to get to know Chen William. He came to the United States this time mainly to try to cooperate with Hollywood companies.

Huayi Company, where he works, is about to go public. After completing the financing, the two brothers also hope to show their strengths.

At present, Huayi Brothers has occupied a leading position in China, so in the next step, they hope to enter the overseas market, especially Hollywood, the center of global film.

After his previous contacts with those big Hollywood companies, the results were not ideal. The current box office in mainland China has not experienced a big explosion, and the volume is not large. In the eyes of Hollywood companies, the status of the Chinese film market at this time still lags behind the Japanese and Korean markets.

Therefore, for the idea of ​​cooperation proposed by Wang Zhonglei, the conditions given by those Hollywood companies are very harsh.

If we negotiate according to those conditions, Huayi Company will only provide funds for nothing in the end, not only can't even guarantee the final income, or even have no access to their film production process, let alone learn anything.

Therefore, after being frustrated by the big Hollywood companies, Wang Zhonglei changed his mind and hoped that starting from the cooperation with those small companies, at least after they invested, he could still gain some control over the film production.

And Deng Wendi and Li Bingbing have a good relationship. Through her connection, Wang Zhonglei and Deng Wendi got acquainted.

In addition, it is said that Murdoch’s acquisition of Facebook’s old rival, MySpace, for $580 million at that time stemmed from Deng Wendi’s proposal. Deng Wendi was also very interested in Internet companies before and had acquired some Huaguo Internet companies.

As a result, MySpace lost to Facebook. Six years later, Murdoch sold MySpace for $35 million. In the end, the deal cost Murdoch nearly $550 million.

Two years ago, Deng Wendi participated in the board of directors before the official launch of MySpace Juyou Huaguo as chief strategy officer. In addition, she is still planning film companies and education funds, so she has met many Chinese stars, including Li Bingbing, International Zhang and others.

Later, under Li Bingbing's deliberate friendship, her relationship with Deng Wendi became closer and closer, and she became one of Deng Wendi's friends.

Therefore, after Deng Wendi knew Wang Zhonglei's idea, he recommended Chen William for him. Wang Zhonglei also investigated William Chen's information and found that he was indeed a very good partner.

First of all, he has acted in and invested in movies in Hollywood before, and he also has a film company under his name. Although William Chen's previous record of investing in movies is terrible, at least his film company has also participated in the production of many Hollywood movies, and is currently shooting a movie.

Moreover, William Chen has strong assets and has also invested in Netflix, which is currently the giant in the disc rental business in the United States.

And he is the boss of Twitter and the New York Observer, and he also has good resources for publicity.

Especially after Deng Wendi revealed to him the family background of William Chen's mother, Wang Zhongjun valued him even more.

And it happened that Deng Wendi learned that Ivanta brought William Chen to her party, so she arranged this meeting.

"Mr. Wang, it's fine if we speak Chinese. Although I was born in the United States, I can still speak some Chinese."

After hearing about the meeting, Wang Zhonglei had been chatting with himself in English, and Chen William couldn't help speaking to him in Chinese.

"Mr. William's Chinese is not so simple. He is really fluent. If you didn't know it, I would have thought you lived in China."

After Wang Zhonglei heard Chen William's Chinese, he repeatedly praised.

Next, William Chen chatted with Wang Zhonglei. Beside them, Ivanta, Wendi Deng and Li Bingbing also talked about topics of interest to them.

At first, Wang Zhonglei thought that William Chen, like many second-generation Chinese who grew up in the United States, knew nothing about the situation in China. When he was going to talk to him about the domestic film market, he would try to introduce it in detail.

However, after chatting, he unexpectedly discovered that William Chen's understanding of the situation in China far exceeds that of most Americans he knows, and he can be called a China expert.

After learning this, Wang Zhonglei looked forward to persuading William Chen to cooperate with Huayi Company. In his previous communication with Hollywood companies, he found that Americans are generally arrogant and have a prejudice towards those overseas markets, especially the Chinese market.

Therefore, when communicating and communicating with them, the estrangement is very deep. They always face Huaguo Company from the top, and it is not an equal exchange and cooperation.

And through the conversation with Wang Zhonglei, Chen William learned a lot about the current domestic situation in Huaguo, and through comparison, he understood that the current film market capacity in Huaguo is still relatively small, and it is not like in his previous life, after the outbreak, Become a pivotal market in the eyes of Hollywood studios.

In this case, there will still be a lot of room for development in Huaguo's film Especially Huayi Company, which is a leading company, is also a relatively good investment target.

And from Wang Zhonglei's attitude, he also felt the other party's willingness to cooperate with him. This is also in the mind of William Chen. After all, China's economy is growing rapidly and is about to surpass RB to become the second largest economy in the world, which is a very good investment target.

Just like before, he also deliberately knew Yang Jieyuan of Yahoo, because he coveted 40% of Ali shares in Yahoo.

And compared to the United States, his soul comes from the country of China in his previous life, and he will be more familiar with the country's development. Therefore, from the perspective of investment, companies in the country of China are also more suitable as investment targets.

Also, his aesthetics are more inclined towards Chinese people. Just like many female stars who are fascinated by Westerners, Chen William can't get the charm of each other.

As for Huayi Company, it has a huge influence in the domestic entertainment circle of Huaguo. If he can have a certain influence in this company, then it will be more convenient for him to communicate with domestic female stars... er, communicate with each other.

Not only can you make money, but you can also increase your access to beautiful women. Why not do such a perfect thing?

Thinking of this, Chen William said to Wang Zhonglei: "Huaguo's economy is currently developing rapidly, and I am very optimistic about the development potential there. Therefore, I also think that the Huaguo film market has a very large room for development. I plan to travel to China with Ivanta in the near future, and I hope to get to know your company more closely at that time."

Ivanta, who was chatting with Deng Wendi and Li Bingbing, suddenly heard Chen William mention her name, she turned her head, looked at him with a puzzled expression, and asked, "William, what were you talking about just now? me?"

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