America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 56: Tweeting really helps

"In our Japanese, auxiliary words are very important, and they may appear to be the same sentence. Because different auxiliary words are used, the meaning will be completely different. Therefore, when talking, pay attention to the other party's auxiliary words. Just like in the show we just saw, the guest's use of auxiliary words is very typical."

"Also, the ending sentence is also very important. When we usually talk, we will patiently listen to the whole sentence of the other party, because the predicate in our Japanese is at the end of the sentence, and different ending words will bring different effects. Meaning, so it is difficult to guess what the other party is trying to convey without listening to the full sentence."

Nozomi Sasaki also entered the role very quickly. Before, he talked with William Chen as much as possible while visiting and shopping, and corrected his pronunciation from time to time. Later, after returning to the hotel room, she will tell Chen William some basic grammar problems in Japanese.

And it's not boring. The two turned on the TV and watched some relaxing variety shows. While listening to the dialogue inside, they gave Chen William some examples.

Seeing that William Chen's learning progress is very fast, Nozomi Sasaki couldn't help but admire: "Mr. William, you are really talented in language. You can understand and master it every time you finish speaking."

"That's what Miss Nozomi Sasaki taught me. I feel that you are very talented as a teacher, and you can always understand me quickly."

Chen William's words are not entirely a compliment. Perhaps because of his previous experience as a clerk, Nozomi Sasaki is still very good at communicating.

"Really? You can say that, I'm so happy. I'm not satisfied with you. When I watched GTO when I was a child, I hoped to be a teacher when I grew up." Nozomi Sasaki smiled happily and said, "Yes. Well, Mr. William doesn't need to be so polite in the future, just call me Kiko."

"Then you don't always call me Mr. William that much. My friends call me William. You can also call me William in the future."

After inquiring, I found out that the two are still the same age, but Nozomi Sasaki is a few months older than William Chen's birthday.

In the next time, William Chen and the others went to Mount Fuji, Disneyland, and even took the Shinkansen. Chen William, who had ridden the China-China high-speed rail in his previous life, did not feel that much when he rode the Shinkansen, but Paris and Nikki were very interested in it and sighed repeatedly.

After all, trains are rarely used in the United States. Trains are mainly used to move goods. Even within the United States, flights are often chosen for a slightly longer distance.

William Chen discovered an interesting thing, that is, as the two came into contact, he realized that Nozomi Sasaki still had a good impression of him. And she seemed to enjoy avoiding Paris and interacting with him a little bit.

It's like when she was playing, when the Hilton sisters were not paying attention, William Chen would shake her hand or give her a light hug.

At this time, Nozomi Sasaki would not have much reaction. In addition to the blushing on her face, she also observed Paris and the others subconsciously. When their eyes were about to turn to this side, she calmly followed He disengaged, keeping a little distance.

Especially when Paris returned to the hotel one day, when Paris went to the spa, there were only William Chen and Nozomi Sasaki in their room. Usually at this time, the two of them would learn Japanese by watching TV programs.

Today they watched a love movie, er, a serious love movie, not an action movie...

Usually at this time, the two of them are watching, and William Chen will immediately ask Nozomi Sasaki if he doesn't understand anything.

But as we all know, this kind of film, especially that kind of literary film, often has some exciting scenes.

When such a scene appeared unprepared, William Chen couldn't help but glance at Nozomi Sasaki's expression. I saw that she avoided William Chen's sight, her eyes didn't seem to be looking at the screen, and her face was blushing.

Seeing her cute appearance, Chen William couldn't help but sit close to her, then stretched out his arms and gently embraced her.

Nozomi Sasaki looked up at William Chen, then immediately avoided his gaze, kept silent, and gently rested his head on his shoulder.

William Chen reached out to hold Nozomi Sasaki's chin, gently lifted her face, looked at her with slightly closed eyes, ashamed to look at each other, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

At this moment, the two people in the room were immersed in an ambiguous atmosphere, enjoying the moment quietly. Only the movie was still playing on the TV.

"Xizi, do you like me?" William Chen asked softly after the two split their lips.

Nozomi Sasaki still looked so shy, but at this time he gathered up his courage and looked at William Chen with affection in his eyes, and then nodded firmly.

At this moment, there is no need for words. William Chen lowered his head and continued to kiss her.

Everything went very smoothly. When Chen William broke the 1st and 2nd bases in a row, and was about to hit a home run, he suddenly heard the sound of a door opening.

Sasaki Nozomi, who was frightened at this moment, immediately broke free from William Chen, and started to organize his clothes with a flustered face.

William Chen looked towards the door and saw Nikki walking in. She also saw this scene on the sofa in the house. After a surprised look flashed on her face, she turned to fold her arms and looked at William Chen with a smile that was not a smile.

"Niki, why are you back?" William Chen asked calmly.

"Looks like I came back in time." Nikki said with a whistle.

At this time, Nozomi Sasaki had already sorted her clothes, her face flushed with blush, and she whispered to William Chen, "I'll go back first."

Then she walked to Nikki's side, bowed gently to her, walked around her, and opened the door and left.

"It seems that I have ruined your good deeds, William." After Nozomi Sasaki left, Nikki slowly walked to William Chen's side and said to him.

"Niki, what happened today..."

"What? Do you want to tell your sister what happened today? William." Nikki sat down beside William, exactly where Nozomi Sasaki was just now.


Seeing William Chen's deflated expression, Nikki said angrily: "Hmph, William, originally I saw my sister going to the spa, and I wanted to come here to find you at this time, but in the end, you made me so angry."

Hearing that Nikki said this matter so confidently, William Chen was speechless for a while.

Nikki put her hand on Chen William's lap, and said to him, "It's okay if you want me to keep it a secret for you, but..." As she spoke, Nikki's hand began to become dishonest.

F**K, William Chen has seen this scene. There is always this plot in the TV series - the bad guy grabs the handle and makes unreasonable thoughts on the beauty... It's just that at this time, William Chen seems to be the one who was violated.

"Niki, we shouldn't be like this..."

"What, William, do you still have time to think about it? I want to remind you that time is running out, and my sister will be back without knowing when."

"Uh, I mean we shouldn't be here, it's too easy to be seen."

"Then where do you think it should be? William, the study or my room?"


Paris was in a bad mood.

Especially when she saw that William Chen didn't need Nozomi Sasaki to help translate, but could chat with the locals in person, she felt desperate.

Not only this time her hope of keeping William Chen separated from Ivanta was dashed, but after she lost the bet, she had to meet the request that William Chen made at the time. Thinking of this, Paris has the urge to leave the country immediately.

"I really want to go back to America right away. I already miss the cat I raised."

This is a tweet she just sent 15 minutes ago. If William Chen can see this and can take her away from RB and go back to the United States immediately, Paris will love him even more; of course, if God can see, come It would be even better if her little wish was fulfilled.

After that Sasaki Nozomi became more careful with Chen William, and in her heart, the rich lady who prevented her from falling in love with Chen William, besides Paris, added another Nikki.

But there is an advantage now that Chen William and her are talking in Japanese, so she is not afraid that the Hilton sisters will hear it.

But what made William Chen feel more depressed was that although he taught Nikki a good lesson that night, from that day on, not only Paris, but Nikki also paid special attention to William Chen and Nozomi Sasaki together. when.

Therefore, until now, William Chen has not found a chance to complete the home run against Nozomi Sasaki. Even Sasaki Nozomi was a little scared because of what happened that night. Even if it was the usual intimacy, she would reassure her after confirming it again and again.

Just when William Chen was trying his best to find an opportunity to complete his unfinished business, a phone call came, and he could only prepare to leave RB and return to the United States.

"What? Are you leaving tomorrow? Really, William."

Hearing William Chen say to herself that she should prepare to leave RB and go back to New York, Paris couldn't help but pick up her phone and look at the blue icon of Twitter on the screen.

At this time, a voice in Paris's heart said to her - it's really useful, tweeting is really useful!

"But Paris, I hope you don't forget the bet you said before. When are you going to fulfill it?" At this time, William Chen still did not forget to remind her.

"Well, I owe it first, William." Paris heard this and knew that she still couldn't escape. She stomped her foot and said, "I won't be rude."

"Okay, then I'll help you remember." At this time, William Chen naturally wouldn't force her, but just reminded her "kindly".

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