America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 313: reconstruction

It took two days to explore the whole island by helicopter, and unloaded most of the supplies on the supply ship to a place on the island with suitable water depth and suitable as a temporary dock, and established the first temporary dock on Atlanta Island. camp.

After the installation of diesel generators and communications equipment, the takeover government of the Republic of Atlanta was finally able to begin operations.

Now take over the looming issues facing the government, including ports, electricity, networks, water, and shelter.

After the volcanic eruption, the entire Atlan Island has been covered with rocks and turned into a barren land. Therefore, to build on it, the first thing to do is to have a dock that can dock larger ships, because Atlan is an island, All supplies need to be transported from outside by ship.

Just like at the beginning, it took a lot of effort to transport the current supplies from the supply ship, so the dock was the first thing needed.

For this, the American soldiers who came with the supply ship gave an idea. Their navy has developed the Improved Naval Barge System (INLS), which can build an artificial island at the fastest speed, connected to the coast, which is a A simple dock that can directly dock a ro-ro ship for loading and unloading goods.

Because under the conditions of modern warfare, the port is not only a key area, but also a place where the two sides fight desperately and exchange fire fiercely. And to conduct amphibious operations, it is impossible to do without a port.

The Improved Naval Barge System (INLS) was developed specifically to address this issue. The system consists of a series of powered and unpowered modules that can either be used to build artificial islands or can be connected to form a long, long barge.

The construction of the artificial island is very simple, that is, the module of the improved naval barge system is lifted from the ship to the sea, and then docked and fixed like building blocks, and that's it. This artificial island extends from the shore to the sea. It can allow cargo ships to dock and can also withstand large cranes, thereby speeding up the loading and unloading of goods.

Because of the importance of the Guam base, there is this barge system there. If the Atlanta government needs it, try to buy a set of this system from them and build a temporary simple dock here, and this system is very fast to use, It can be built in as little as two hours.

After hearing about this, William Chen immediately asked Roger to contact the Guam base in the United States, expressing his hope to purchase a set of this barge system and send it to Atlanta immediately to build a temporary and simple dock.

After hearing the request of the Republic of Atlanta, the Guam base agreed very readily. After all, this system is not complicated, but most of the time it is only the military that needs to reserve it.

The main reason is that their offer for this system was US$10 million. Although Chen William knew that this was definitely inflated, there was no way. Now time is the most important thing, so he agreed.

In this way, the problem of the port is temporarily solved. Of course, it is not a long-term solution to suggest that the port is only a temporary emergency. Subsequent Atlanta will definitely need to build a permanent large pier, but that will not be completed in a while, and the immediate problem must be solved first.

The second item is the power problem. It is not a solution to use diesel generators like this all the time. Besides, there will be a lot of projects in the future that will require electricity.

Originally, Palu had a small power plant of more than ten megawatts, but after this volcanic eruption, it has disappeared. As I said before, with the conditions of Atlanta, wind and tidal power generation is unnecessary. The floating nuclear power plant we talked about will not be built in a short time. The current power generation capacity of solar energy is far from enough, and the cost is also high. Therefore, they finally chose traditional fuel power generation. Natural gas power plants are a good choice, and natural gas is a good choice. It can also be imported from Russia, and the price is not high now.

As for the third network, Palu's network was previously connected from Matus Island through a submarine fiber optic cable, but after the volcanic eruption and earthquake, it has been broken, and now it is necessary to find the break and reconnect it. Or lay a fiber optic cable directly from the Majus Island.

The fiber optic cable of Marcus Island is a submarine fiber optic cable from Australia to the United States. William Chen plans to connect another line from the Pacific fiber optic cable from the United States to Japan and Greater China in the future, so that there is a backup. There will be no problem with a single fiber optic cable that will cause the entire country to be disconnected from the Internet.

The fourth item is drinking water. This has always been a problem for Atlanta Island. Since the Republic of Palu, drinking water needs to be imported. The main reason is that although Atlanta Island is in a tropical rainforest climate, The annual precipitation can reach 1500 mm, but due to the structure of the site, it is mainly composed of coral reefs, and the water storage capacity of the stratum is not strong, so it is completely impossible to store water. The only lake is a salt lake.

But now it's different. After the eruption, the whole island was covered with rocks, and after exploration, there were many depressions, so that after the rain, it could become a small lake, thus preserving the fresh water.

And what's surprising is that they also discovered several hot springs, which also gave Atlanta a better tourist resource.

Chen William's plan is to judge whether the current freshwater storage can supply the entire island after several rainfalls. If it is still insufficient, then he is going to install a fresh water directly from the island of Matus Island, which is rich in water resources. The pipelines come to the island of Atlanta, and the fresh water pipelines import drinking water directly from Machus Island.

The last item is residential. Although there are some simple houses, they are mainly used as offices. Those who stay on the island still need to live in tents, but this is not a long-term solution. The rainfall is abundant, so once it rains, living in the tent will be too painful. Most of the people, including William Chen and Erica, are still connected by boats and return to the Eclipse to rest at night.

Therefore, William Chen plans to continue to buy some simple houses first, solve the problem of accommodation first, and then start building a batch of houses at the same time.

However, before these things, the top priority is to conduct a systematic address detection of the entire new Atlan Island, including the surrounding waters, so as to provide the most basic information for future construction and development.

Therefore, after this meeting, Atlanta took over the government and officially began to issue announcements, listing some projects and bidding for the world:

1. Hire a professional geological team to survey and map the entire Atlanta Island and surrounding waters, and collect geological composition and mineral data.

2. Permanently built in a port capable of docking at least 300,000-ton cargo ships.

3. Construction of the roundabout road in Atlanta.

4. The airstrip can at least take off and land medium-sized passenger planes.

5. Submarine optical cable project ~ ~ a natural gas power station with a capacity of 50 MW.

7. Construction of a government building and a high-rise apartment complex.

The volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that occurred in Atlanta have attracted global attention. Under the continuous media reports, whether it is the rare territorial expansion of Atlanta in modern times due to volcanic eruptions, or the surrounding area. The impact on the South Pacific region has become a very hot topic.

Many countries have expressed their willingness to participate in the rescue of the disaster-stricken areas here, and have introduced various assistance policies.

Against this background, the Atlanta government's bidding has also attracted the attention of various countries and many companies. This kind of reconstruction project is not a small project, especially the infrastructure such as ports and roundabout roads. For the project, there are many related companies who actively conduct related consultation and have the intention to participate in the bidding.

The first thing to do is the overall surveying and mapping of the new Atlan Island. After that, the Atlanta government will also hire a professional organization to make an overall plan for the entire new island based on the results of the surveying and mapping, and delineate the future Atlan Orchid Island has a more scientific functional area layout.

All of these are the basis for the subsequent projects. With these plans, the location of those projects can be determined, so this matter will definitely be carried out first.

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