America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 197: Guess the idiom

Apart from that, William Chen also talked with Boss Ma about some other investments.

Mainly because of Chen William's current status as a foreign investor, there are some tracks that are not convenient for him to invest directly. Therefore, as a major shareholder of Ali Company, if he invests through this company, his own venture capital company can also get most of the investment. income.

There is currently one such project, and that is the Gaode map. William Chen knows the development trend of mobile APPs on mobile phones in the future, and many location-based services need the support of map software.

However, map software is a relatively sensitive industry for foreign investors. A small part of the investment is acceptable, but it will definitely not allow a wholly-owned acquisition. Therefore, Chen William suggested that while the market value of the other party is not high, Alibaba can take advantage of the current market value of the company. AutoNavi, which is listed on the US stock market, made an investment and was eventually privatized.

The other one is Weibo. In the future, Boss Ma will invest in Sina Weibo on a large scale in order to obtain a traffic portal. If he can invest in shares, William Chen will also invest together, as a supplement to Twitter’s loss of the Chinese market.

After chatting with William Chen, Boss Ma excitedly returned to Hangcheng, ready to start promotion.

Before leaving, he asked William Chen specially:

"I will go to Yanjing in a few days to have a gathering of entrepreneurs. Many people have long admired you. Do you want to join us? I will introduce you to some Chinese entrepreneurs."

Hearing what Boss Ma said, Chen William guessed that he was referring to the well-known entrepreneur organization "Taishan Club" he participated in. For him, the more people in Huaguo, the better, and he can get to know some local people. Entrepreneurs can also have more investment opportunities, so they said happily:

"When is it? My stay in China this time may not be long, because I have to go back to the United States to deal with some things soon. If I can catch up, I would be very happy to meet more friends."

The main reason is that William Chen has been watching what kind of changes will happen to Murdoch after using it. Once this scroll really has any effect, then he must return to the United States as soon as possible to fight for the old man. The guy bought the Twentieth Century Fox company.

"It's just the past two days. I'll go back to Hangzhou to set up our joint venture company, and then deal with the company's affairs, and then I'm ready to go to Yanjing."

Since this is the case, it should be able to catch up, so Chen William said to Boss Ma:

"Well then, I just happened to go to Yanjing to deal with some things first, and then I'll be there waiting for you."

In fact, with the current global popularity of William Chen, after coming to China, he has already received a lot of invitations. If he really wants to participate, there are many such gatherings of entrepreneurs.

Not to mention him, that is, after Ivanta acquired the tallest building in mainland China, the Magic Capital World Financial Center, she also became the focus of China, and she also accepted the invitation of TV stations and appeared on several talk shows.

With Ivanta's figure, beauty, and wealth, especially now that she is more and more fluent in Chinese, it is very easy to gain the favor of Chinese people, and she has gained a large number of fans, and her fame is no less than that of ordinary stars. .

After Boss Ma left, William Chen didn't delay in Modu anymore. Ivanta took the team to Jinling and the local government to discuss the location of the building, so he notified the crew of the William. Ready to leave for Yanjing.

Before leaving for the airport, Chen William's team first picked up another person, that is, Yang Mi, who had just finished filming at Hengdian and came to Modu.

"My dear, I miss you so much." After getting into the car, Yang Mi hugged William Chen and offered a sweet kiss.

"Your filming is over, when will you join the crew for the next one?"

William Chen rubbed Yang Mi's hair and asked with a smile.

"I don't know yet. There are still a few activities to participate in recently, and there are no arrangements for it. You can take me out to play when the time comes."

Yang Mi blinked her big eyes, hugged Chen William's arm, and said coquettishly.

Er, is this still the desperate Sanniang in my impression? How does it feel that after knowing herself, she has become a salty fish?

"It's okay to go out and play. I may have to go back to America after a while. I'll be free when I'm done. Then you can see where you want to play, and I'll take you there."

"That's great, I have to think about where to go."

After they arrived at the airport, they passed through the VIP channel and arrived at the exclusive terminal for private jets.

If stars like Chen William and Yang Mi take an ordinary flight from the capital to Yanjing, they cannot be kept secret no matter what, and I believe that the scandal about the two will be quickly exposed and spread.

But private jets are different. You can go directly to the exclusive terminal after arriving at the airport, and you will not have any intersection with ordinary passengers, so you can avoid taking photos of the two together, and the confidentiality is still very good. of.

Seeing the slender plane with the words "William" sprayed on the fuselage in front of him, Yang Mi waited until his eyes and said excitedly to Chen William:

"Is this a private jet? It's so big. It's my first time on a private jet."

After she got into the cabin, she also visited with great interest. After Yang Mi saw Chen William's bedroom suite, she didn't know what to think, her face flushed, and she turned her head and said in Chen William's ear. what.

"You're so curious, let's try it later."

William Chen said to her softly.

"Hmph, rascal."

Yang Mi spat, but his face was a little eager to try.

This scene made Chen William a little speechless, obviously it was you who brought it up first.

After the initial freshness had passed, Yang Mi noticed the two beautiful flight attendants with their own characteristics on the plane. Their beautiful eyes flashed across them. She leaned over to William Chen and asked in his ear:

"Honey, to be honest, have you tried it with them?"

"what are you thinking."

William Chen said angrily:

"Am I that kind of person? I'll keep it, I'm going to experience it with you for the first time."

"Really, so good?"

Yang Mi said happily.

"Of course, why don't we start quickly. It didn't take long to get from the capital to Yanjing. It's not that you don't know me... I'm afraid you won't have enough time."

William Chen said with a smirk, took Yang Mi's hand, and walked towards the bedroom.

Chen William's bedroom on this plane was specially soundproofed, so he wasn't afraid that the sound would spread to the outside.

After he locked the bedroom door, he could only talk to him through the intercom at the door, and the privacy was still very good.

Therefore, after entering the bedroom, Chen William remotely closed the porthole and opened the starry sky roof. Under this atmosphere, Yang Mi and Yang Mi worked very hard to practice all kinds of knowledge. This novel experience also made her addicted. in.

When the plane was about to arrive at Yanjing Airport, the two of them had just entered the bathroom and finished washing. After Yang Mi tidied up her, she jumped onto the bed and lay in William Chen's arms, watching him ask. arrive:

"What are you looking at with your phone? My dear."

"I just checked the distance from the magic capital to Yanjing."


Yang Mi looked at William Chen with a puzzled face, not knowing what he meant.

"The distance from the magic capital to Yanjing is more than 1,000 kilometers. Can you think of any idiom?"


Seeing Yang Mi's silly appearance, William Chen scratched her nose and said:

"Little fool, it's a thousand miles in a day."

Hearing this idiom and thinking of what happened just now, Yang Mi instantly understood its meaning, his face turned red again, and he said shyly:

"You big rascal!"

"I'm a rogue? Who was calling me just now..."

As soon as Chen William said this, Yang Mi tightly covered his mouth: "You are not allowed to say it!"

Seeing her nervous appearance, it was quite different from the boldness just now, and William Chen also felt very cute.

After the William landed and stopped, two beautiful flight attendants came over to send everyone away. Seeing Chen William and Yang Mi beside him leave, Zhang Jiao also had a bit of disappointment in her eyes.

Not only her, but also Elsa Gonzalez. Not long after the plane took off, the boss took the little goblin into the bedroom and locked the room. It was not difficult for them to guess what they were doing in the process.

Seeing Yang Mi's splendid look on her face when she just left the plane, and the professional smiles on their faces, why isn't she envious in their hearts?

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