America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 193: Meta Future Building

Nielsen also found the news of the Bentley family. According to the investigation, the Bentley family suffered a lot of losses in this subprime mortgage crisis. The main loss came from the investment in American subprime mortgage bonds. , and an investment in Bank of America.

It can be said that in this subprime mortgage crisis, investors in Europe and Asia also suffered heavy losses on subprime mortgage bonds.

The main reason is that they believe too much in the recommendations of those rating agencies, and they are not aware of the tricks in the ratings of those subprime mortgage bonds, so they regard these 3A-rated bonds as low-risk investment products and buy them in large quantities.

The same is true for the Bentleys, who initially invested in many subprime mortgage bonds due to their good relationships with many American banks, and sold some of these bonds to their investors in Germany .

When the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, the value of these subprime mortgage bonds plummeted, and they not only suffered heavy losses themselves, but also faced lawsuits from many investors.

On the other hand, they also have a lot of investments in American banks. After the crisis broke out, there was a lack of liquidity in American banks, and there was a risk of a run due to the loss of bank credit. Therefore, in these investments, their The losses were also quite heavy.

Therefore, William Chen believes that even if Marian Bentley hopes her family can invest in the Kushnar Group, under the current circumstances, the Bentley family will be very cautious in investing in the American real estate company.

At first, William Chen also thought about going to see Marianne Bentley, and by telling her some insider stories about Building 666 with Gared, to dissuade her from helping Gared through the crisis.

For example, Gared had openly pursued Ivanta before, but now Ivanta has chosen himself. This is why Gared insisted on winning Building 666, and also completed the renovation project in the current subprime mortgage crisis. The reason blah blah blah things like that.

But William Chen gave up this idea after thinking about it. After all, Marian Bentley may not be such a stupid woman. I can't see the reason. If that's the case, it is easy for me to persuade me so actively. Others could see that he cared about the building.

And if Marian Bentley is really that stupid, even if he can persuade her, Gared can easily change her opinion and achieve his goal.

So since this is the case, he might as well just wait and see how Gared chooses in the end. At this time, it is better to do less than one thing, and try not to let others see your true thoughts.


On January 4, it was reported that Citigroup, which was in crisis, had sought help from Huaguo Huatou Fund, hoping to obtain financing assistance from the other party, but rejected the request after the high-level assessment of the risk of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Citigroup previously had three large financings during the subprime mortgage crisis. In December last year, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority of the United Arab Emirates invested US$7.5 billion to purchase a 4.9% stake in Citigroup.

After that, in early January, the Li-Singapore Government Investment Corporation (GIC), the Kuwait Investment Authority, Alwaleed, a wealthy businessman in the Middle East, and several investment institutions in the United States injected a total of US$14.5 billion into Citi.

In this financing, the largest investment came from Li Singapore's sovereign wealth fund, GIC invested US$6.88 billion in Citigroup by subscribing for convertible preferred shares. After the capital injection, if the preferred stock is converted into common stock, GIC's stake in Citigroup will increase to 4%.

After that, the American government also injected $25 billion into Citibank, also in the form of preferred stock, to inject liquidity into it.

But now it seems, Citibank's situation is still not good. Now Citibank's market value has dropped from the previous high of nearly 300 billion US dollars to more than 20 billion US dollars, and the stock price has fallen by more than 90%.

At the same time, the situation of another major investment bank, Merrill Lynch, is not optimistic. They also received two rounds of financing before.

In December last year, Li Gapo's Temasek Holdings invested US$4.4 billion in Merrill Lynch.

In early January this year, South Korea Investment Corporation, Kuwait Investment Authority and Japan's Mizuho Bank injected another US$6.6 billion into Merrill Lynch.

However, it seems that the investments of these investment bureaus have also suffered heavy losses. After the crisis occurred again, the stock of Merrill Lynch also fell by more than 85%.

Gu Yu

Under the current panic situation, on January 5, Kushnar Group finally replied to William Chen, accepting William Chen's proposal to buy all the shares they held in Building 666, and preparing to start negotiations on the details.

In response, William Chen dispatched Nielsen, together with Goldman Sachs, to start negotiations on acquiring a stake in the Kushnar Group's Building 666 Asset Management Company.

Of course, for the company's valuation of 2.5 billion US dollars, William Chen will not make any concessions, and I believe that no one can come up with a higher price at this time.

The focus of the negotiation between the two parties is only on some details of the acquisition, including the handover of the follow-up renovation project and the arrival time of the acquisition payment.

After all, when I think about it, I feel the world is wide.

As long as Gared changes his mentality and can accept the sale of the shares of Building 666 at this time, then from this perspective, it is the best choice for the Kushnar Group, and can save the entire Kushnar Group through the funds obtained from this acquisition.

As if only in terms of recovering losses, although according to William Chen's $2.5 billion valuation of Building 666 Asset Management Company, Kushnar Group will eventually lose $300 million compared to its previous investment.

But if the building renovation project can continue, William Chen can spend the last billion dollars to complete the building renovation.

Then, in addition to the money that the associated construction companies of Kushnar Group can make in this renovation project, they can basically make up for these losses, and in the process of the current subprime mortgage crisis, these construction companies can have projects to do, at least Ensure that their employees will not be laid off.

You must know that in the renovation project of the entire building, the construction companies of Kushnar Group related parties have obtained about one-third of the projects, so the renovation funds of the entire No. 666 Building will flow into these companies at least one billion US dollars, of which the profits Still very good. Therefore, it is believed that retaining these construction parties will also be one of the important demands of the Kushnar Group in this negotiation.

Chen William signed the acquisition agreement after the negotiation results came out.

Meta Investments will acquire a 60% stake in Tower 666 held by the Kushnar Group at a valuation of $2.5 billion, which will require a $1.5 billion investment.

After the completion of the acquisition, the Kushnar Group's $1 billion interest-free loan lent to Building 666 Asset Management Company needs to be repaid within five working days.

Finally, after the completion of the handover of Building 666 and the renovation project, Meta Investment Company shall not terminate the construction contract with the construction party related to the Kushnar Group without gross negligence.

So far, William Chen has finally completed the task of taking back Building 666. In the process, he needs to pay a total of $2.5 billion to the Kushnar Group, and another $1 billion to complete the renovation project of the building.

It's just that the $1 billion doesn't need to be taken out immediately, it's the final payment after the completion of the renovation project.

Although Chen William's current investment company account has only 50 million US dollars of funds The rest of the funds are still in shorting against the subprime mortgage crisis. But Goldman Sachs was happy to use some of his holdings as collateral for a $2.5 billion loan to complete the deal.

That's why Goldman Sachs is actively participating in the negotiations to acquire the Kushnar Group's stake in Building 666.

After completing the signing of this agreement, Uncle Tom will continue to complete the handover with Kushnar Group as the new CEO of Building 666... ​​er, to be called Meta Future Building Asset Management Company in the future.

Uncle Tom participated in the negotiation of the shares held by the Kushnar Group. Now that the acquisition has been completed, Building 666 once again completely belongs to William Chen, and will also fulfill the wishes of William Chen's parents during his lifetime and carry out the renovation project.

At this moment, he finally felt relieved and couldn't hide his excitement. The most important thing was that William Chen fulfilled his original promise. This building, under the new name of Meta Future Building, will stand in the United States in the near future. and the economic center of the world.

"Caitlin, I hope you can see this scene."

Tom looked at the building under construction in the distance and muttered.

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