America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 188: Delphine?

In the end, the breakfast was still a little cold, but it wasn't a big problem, but Jessica didn't want to drink milk, and she didn't know why.

When Jessica was cleaning the table, William Chen opened the Zoom app on his mobile phone. Now Zoom has been rolled out in big cities in California. Of course, because the storage center is still under construction, only the earliest storage system in San Francisco has been completed. , so in Los Angeles, you still need to rely on partner merchants for supply.

It's just that during the subprime mortgage crisis, Zoom's development was still very good, because it invested funds in marketing in the early stage. Like William Chen, who was lucky today, after opening the Zoom APP, he randomly got a discount coupon of $10 minus $60.

Uh, this kind of coupon strategy, needless to say, came from his own idea, and there were many such things in various e-commerce apps in the previous life.

William Chen randomly selected some products from the nearby merchants recommended by the Zoom APP, and then placed an order.

After the experience, William Chen found that the delivery speed of shopping on the Zoom APP is still acceptable. After two hours, the delivery staff of Zoom company had already delivered the items to his villa, and then William Chen was carrying the items with the delivery staff. On the credit card machine, after swiping the credit card, the purchase is completed.

And on Zoom, you can also choose to specify the delivery time of the courier. For example, you can select the purchased items from the partners near your home during work, and then note the delivery time. After you get home from get off work, you can Waiting for the courier to deliver.

Of course, as an asset-heavy model, Zoom not only requires a huge investment in the construction of a logistics and warehousing system, but also requires a lot of money for recruiting and training delivery staff for the sake of delivery efficiency.

However, it is precisely because it is an asset-heavy investment. Compared with other companies that only build platforms, both in terms of supply and distribution, they are more non-replicable than asset-light e-commerce projects that cooperate with other companies. It is not something that a small entrepreneurial team can play.

However, this also has great advantages, that is, once the system is established, Zoom can make large-scale purchases of self-operated commodities, reduce the cost of commodities, and thus give users lower prices and improve competitiveness.

While recruiting Zoom's exclusive delivery staff, although it needs to be paid and managed, it can also reduce disputes with users and increase users' sense of security and experience.

This method is fundamentally different from the way a small team plays. For a small team with weaker strength, what they need is to quickly occupy the market, raise funds as soon as possible through the increase in the number of users, and continue to occupy new ones after obtaining funds for development. The market is constantly pushing up the valuation of companies.

In the end, after they reach a certain size, they will either carry out their own improvement, or they will directly sell the company and cash out.

Zoom, on the other hand, relied on the strong funds of William Chen and Rick Walton to develop steadily, pushing it flat on the battlefield like a tank group, and eventually occupying the whole territory.

It just so happened that Rick Walton was also in Los Angeles now, so after parting ways with Jessica, William Chen went to find him and talked about Zoom.

Zoom's Jess Ramos is also there, this is Zoom's merchandise director hired by Rick Walton from Walmart. He is responsible for the standardized pricing of products with partners and the management of self-operated products.

"How is the preparation of our self-operated products now?" William Chen asked.

In response to this question, Rick Walton glanced at Yes Ramos, indicating that it was up to him to speak.

"Our warehousing system is still under construction. In the California region, we plan to build a warehouse center in Monterey, which is located in the middle of California and has a port, so it is more convenient to disperse to other cities in California. The warehousing is also under construction, and the warehousing in the old JS area is currently being built, and it can be the first to try self-operation here in San Francisco.”

"However, because of the small scale and the fact that we have just started our own business, we also need to gradually accumulate experience in the turnover rate of goods, so the initial purchase volume will not be too large, and there will not be much advantage in terms of price."

This is indeed the case. The self-operated business still needs to be scaled up in order to have an effect. William Chen thought for a while and asked:

"Then can you purchase some commodities that do not have a shelf life in advance, so that you can stock up in large quantities, lower the price, and wait until the warehouses in other cities are built, and then transfer some of them."

"This is also a solution, but the backlog of funds is also a problem. After all, we are not a big buyer now, and we don't have much say in the settlement period."

Jess Ramos said hesitantly.

"Funding is not a problem. The most important thing now is to retain users. We must make users really convinced that the prices of our products here are the lowest."

William Chen said firmly.

"Haha, William, you are a big rich man now. You invest everywhere, and your funds are much stronger than mine." Rick said with a smile.

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"I am now in debt of 10 billion US dollars, but there is still money to invest in Zoom." William Chen thought about it and said:

"Can we choose some types of goods and purchase goods in large quantities from China? In many places there, such as Yiwu, the cost of goods is much lower than that in other places, so we have a very large price on similar goods. advantage."

"Supply from China? But you can't just look at the price, the quality of the goods..."

"Don't worry too much about the quality, you don't know much about Huaguo, they are still very strict about the quality of foreign trade exports. And we can send some people to go there, choose the OEM production method, and find some decent manufacturers. As our designated manufacturer, such as some small household appliances, we can choose to operate by ourselves."

When Jes Ramos heard William Chen's suggestion, he agreed: "Many supermarkets actually use this method. We have also used this method at Walmart before, and it is indeed feasible."

Since that's the case, Rick Walton agreed, and he is going to select personnel to go to Yiwu, China to find suppliers, so that when the goods are produced and then shipped to the United States, the logistics and warehousing system in California will be almost built. Now, you can start the first batch of self-operated products on the shelves.

For Zoom, William Chen is still more optimistic. The mode of Zoom is different from that of Amazon. It is not like or Tmall supermarket. Zoom is more like the "convenience store" of Meituan, which is based on location. A combination of grocery alliances and self-employment.

The user chooses to locate the products of the nearby cooperative grocery store or the self-operated products of Zoom. After placing the order, it will be packaged by the nearby cooperative partner or self-operated warehouse, and then the delivery staff will pick up and deliver the goods.

This method is more suitable for cooperation with brick-and-mortar merchants, and later, with the increase of self-operated categories, the positioning of cooperative merchants will become a supplement to products with low demand. After the big man, we still mainly rely on cooperative merchants for supply.

At this time, William Chen's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that the caller ID was an unfamiliar number, and it was not an American number, so he couldn't help but connect strangely.

On the phone, a nice female voice came out:

"Hello, is this Mr. William Chen?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

When William Chen was thinking about whether it might be a sales call, he heard the words inside:

"I'm Delphine Arnault. Is Mr. William in Los Angeles now? Can we meet and talk about something."

Delphine Arnault? Chen William thought for a moment, and he didn't remember knowing the woman with this name, so he couldn't help asking strangely:

"Ms. Delphine, I'm sorry, I don't know you, can you just say what you want to talk about?"

"That's right, I'm from the LVMH I hope I can talk to you about the Hermès group."

"But I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Just give me a chance to interview, will you? Mr. William."

Unexpectedly, this woman is quite persistent. Chen William was a little speechless. After thinking about it, he reported his current position and said:

"I'm leaving here soon, so you only have ten minutes, I hope it doesn't feel like a waste, Ms. Delphine."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Hearing that the other party hung up the phone, William Chen looked at Rick Walton's puzzled eyes and said inexplicably:

"A woman named Delphine Arnault insists on seeing me and says she belongs to the LVMH group..."

"Delphina Arnault?" Rick Walton repeated the woman's name, and seeing William Chen nodded, he said uncertainly: "If she says she belongs to the LVMH group, she happens to be called That name...that should be that one."

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