America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 184: Is there another meaning here?

"Mr. William, this is Ms. Eva Green. Ms. Green is now developing in Hollywood. She is very fluent in American English, and she is an authentic French. She is currently on vacation. I have just returned here. I heard you I need a French teacher..."

The people from Goldman Sachs brought a tall and beautiful woman the next day - Eva Lin, William Chen has naturally seen her movies, including "007: Casino Royale" and "The Golden Compass" ".

It's just that I really want to learn French. Is there any misunderstanding about learning knowledge in France?

Looking at today's Ms. Eva Green, although she is dressed more formally, wearing a beige suit and trousers, it can be clearly seen that her figure is really top...

"Mr. William, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard of your deeds in America. I adore you very much and look forward to communicating with you."

Eva Green's voice is very distinctive, it sounds like... well, how can I put it, it's a little itchy.

"Hello, Ms. Green, I hope we can get along well."

Anyway, the people who watch Goldman Sachs are all kind, and I can't cool their enthusiasm. Hey, William Chen thought a little depressed, who can understand that he is just eager to learn knowledge?

So the people from Goldman Sachs continued to contact members of the Hermès family, trying to acquire more shares in their hands, but it was obvious at this time that most of them had also heard that Hermès had been widely attacked The news of the acquisition, in the process of contacting those members, is also constantly being tested by the other party, hoping to know what their purpose is.

And William Chen began to get along with Eva Green and began to learn French. He can also feel that in the process of learning French, his progress is much worse than that of learning Japanese before. After all, because [Language Amplification Wind Chime] is a local characteristic item in Japan, it has a double effect on the increase of Japanese learning. .

But even so, his learning progress was enough to surprise Eva Green. It was the first time she had seen someone so talented in learning French. It could be said that every day there was obvious improvement. After a few days They can already have some simple conversations with each other in French.

Maybe there are two of them who study hard. Often, except that Eva Green stays by his side during the day and studies together whenever they have time, even at night, the two of them do not relax their thirst for knowledge. , often study together until late at night.

Many times, in the room at night, Eva Green's high-spirited recitation can be heard, and William Chen's communication with her is getting better.

Goldman Sachs has also made good progress in the past few days. The remaining five members of the Hermes family in the first phase have also signed contracts for share acquisition with them, because they have suspended the acquisition of Hermes International shares in the secondary market. Therefore, the stock price gradually fell back to around 72 euros, so they acquired the shares of these Hermès family members at an average price of 72 euros, and got about 3.35 million shares of Hermès International again, accounting for about 3% of the total share capital, at a cost of 3.25 One hundred million U.S. dollars.

So far, Chen William has spent a total of more than 3.5 billion US dollars, holding more than 39 million shares of Hermes International, accounting for 35% of the total share capital.

However, in this acquisition, William Chen's good luck seems to end there.

Goldman Sachs told William Chen that in the second stage, the members of the Hermès family they contacted became ambiguous towards them, and even those who had a more positive attitude before began to be ambiguous at this time.

According to the analysis of Goldman Sachs, they should have been influenced by the family. If the family members contacted in the first stage were all forced to sell their shares because of their poor financial situation during the subprime mortgage crisis, then These family members who are now contacted in the second stage are in relatively better condition. Therefore, when Hermès is in danger of being acquired, the interests of the family are more valued by them, or, in other words, those who want them to betray the family The chips also need to be higher.

So the heart is in their ambiguous attitude, which also represents the swing of the attitude, maybe waiting for a higher price?

However, at this time William Chen and Goldman Sachs also understand that the more this time comes, the more they can't raise the price at will, unless it can be determined that more than 15% of the shares can be obtained at one time, so as to make it complete for Hermes. The company's holdings, otherwise the extra price paid has no value.

This principle is also similar to demolition. If the demolition households who persist until the end do not compromise, they will often get better conditions. Then for such things in the future, it will cause disaster consequences. The result is that everyone will follow suit. They will not happily agree to sign the contract, but just wait for better conditions in the end. In this case, this kind of project will be difficult to carry out.

Gu Hai

In this case, Fan Bingbing finally came to France.

The day before, William Chen, who got the news, said goodbye to Eva Green, who took a flight back to Hollywood after spending so many days with him studying day and night.

Now William Chen is basically able to carry out daily French conversations, and he usually spends time watching local TV programs and newspapers to strengthen his French dictation skills.

At this time, the Hermes family also sent a message through family members who had contact with Goldman Sachs, saying that members of the executive committee of their family and Patrick Thomas, CEO of Hermes, wanted to see the person behind them, and they needed to explain to them. Let's talk about the purpose of acquiring the shares of Hermes, otherwise, it will be regarded as a hostile takeover, then they will not only sue the other party's improper acquisition to the relevant French departments, but also have corresponding measures to deal with it.

Hearing this news, Chen William knew that it was time to meet the Hermes family.

However, before that, Goldman Sachs suggested that William Chen can already hold shares publicly, because under this situation, it is difficult to continue to absorb stocks, and if it continues to conceal, then if the communication with the Hermes family accidentally leaks If you talk about it, you will be sued by the other party on the charge of fraudulent acquisition, then it will be a troublesome thing.

Therefore, on the same day, William Chen once again absorbed 4.5 million shares of Hermès International in the secondary market when the stock price of Hermès fell again, making one of the institutional accounts more than 5% of the stock, and publicly announced the Meta The investment company has made equity investment in Hermès Group and does not rule out the possibility of continuing acquisitions under appropriate circumstances.

When Fan Bingbing arrived in France, he saw the sensation caused by this news. It is not difficult to imagine how drastic the chemical change has been when a top luxury brand like Hermès is associated with the Meta investment company, which has been in the limelight recently.

If it is said that LVMH Group or luxury giants such as Richemont and Kering Group acquired Hermes, it is relatively easy to understand, but Meta Investment Company, which only invested in entertainment media and the Internet industry, made equity investment in Hermes, and Do not rule out further acquisitions, this thing makes people a little surprised.

Therefore, this matter has also aroused extensive discussions not only in France, but also in the financial and entertainment fields of other countries in the world. Everyone is speculating about the situation of William Chen's Meta investment company.

No wonder Fan Bingbing asked about this matter first after seeing Chen She asked with a little excitement in a shocked expression:

"Dear, do you really want to buy Hermes?"

"Yes, baby, I have this plan now, but it is still difficult to control them."

"My God, that's Hermes."

Seeing Fan Bingbing holding him excitedly and in awe, Chen William also thought it was very interesting, kissed her, and said:

"This time in France, I also have a part of the purpose of trying to complete this acquisition. We will have further news tomorrow."

"What about the other part of the purpose?"

"Of course I'll accompany you."

"I'm so glad you said that, William, but the acquisition of Hermes is more important to you. We will have more opportunities to play here in the future. Don't be distracted now, I'll be here with you."

Fan Bingbing looked happy, put her head on Chen William's shoulder, and said intimately.

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