America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 107: what to do with me

At this time, William Chen's phone rang, glanced at the phone, he pleaded guilty to everyone, and walked outside the villa.

The call was from Li Ying, and Chen William thought that it should be in the morning in Huaguo, so he answered the call.

She mainly told Chen William that the previous process of investing in Huayi Company had been completed, and now Meta Investment Company has officially become a shareholder of Huayi Company.

Also, the courtyard house that Chen William bought for 80 million Chinese dollars has also gone through the formalities, and that Yan Hegui has used Chinese currency to transfer the full amount of the courtyard purchase to the house.

The decoration company he helped to find has also started to make the overall design of the courtyard house, and will send the renderings to William Chen after the completion.

In addition, Li Ying has also investigated the decoration company, and it is indeed a relatively well-known company specializing in the design and decoration of courtyard houses in Yanjing.

In this way, William Chen was relieved and asked Li Ying to send him the account number of the other party, ready to transfer the money for the purchase of the courtyard.

After hanging up the phone, William Chen saw several messages on his cell phone, one of which was Bar Rafaeli telling him that she had returned to New York and that she could contact her if she had time.

And the most is the news of Roger Del Rey on his own form. After looking at the time, it started ten minutes ago and has just sent a total of ten messages. Generally speaking, it is "Are you there"...

Then, William Chen's cell phone rang again, and when he saw the caller ID, it turned out to be Roger.

"F**k, where are you, William, why didn't you reply to my message?"

"Calm down, Roger, don't act like an abandoned lover. What's the matter?"

"Go to TMD to calm down, William, I came to New York with Rick, but when we went to your house and saw no one, you didn't reply to your message, you tell me to calm down now? The two of us stood on the street with two Like fools, uh, and Rick's bodyguard, like four fools..."

"Then why don't you just call me directly?"

"It's all your shit. I got used to it and I forgot to make a phone call. This is not the point, where are you?"

"I was with Paris at her friend's house, and I was at a party with some of her friends."

"Who is there?" Obviously, Roger's tone changed immediately, and his mood changed quickly.

"Uh, Lindsay Lohan, Kadessan..."

"Is Kadishan here? My dear brother, where are you, we can go there now."

Chen William couldn't see the contrasting attitude of his cousin, he said speechlessly:

"Calm down, Roger, Kadashian brought her boyfriend here."

"S***t! She just broke up... I count, it's only been a week, does she have a boyfriend again? William, it's all your fault, I told you, introduce me..."

"Wait, Roger, how do you know how long she's been in the relationship? Don't tell me you follow her Twitter too."

"How could it be! To be exact, I also followed her Facebook..."

There's something about Roger, and that's how he can always take the subject you're going to talk about.

So William Chen asked directly: "What exactly are you guys coming to New York for? Don't tell me just to see me, Roger."

"It's Rick. He wants to talk to you about a good investment opportunity."

"Then why didn't he look for me? Roger, did you have something to do with him?"

I felt that Roger's performance was too positive, so Chen William asked suspiciously.

"He's right by my side, what's the deal, William, don't smear people's innocence out of thin air."

Roger seemed to have been stepped on his tail.

"Hehe, don't think you can hide from me, Roger."

"Well, wait for me to tell you again, is it too late for us to get there now? William, Kadaishan..."

"It's almost over here, Roger." William Chen looked at the time and said, "Is Kadaishan so attractive?"

He has always been fascinated by his cousin's taste, probably because of his good appetite.

"F**k, you have Ivanta, and Paris, are you embarrassed to talk about me?"

After saying this, he seemed to be saying something to Rick beside him, and continued to say to William Chen: "Is this okay, Rick will go to a club, come and play together, what's the point of having a party at home. "

"I can only ask you. Besides, Roger, Kadaishan's boyfriend is here, don't mess around."

After hanging up the phone, William Chen sighed, and when he turned around, he heard a faint female voice.

"Are you a friend?"

At this moment, in the shadow of the door of the villa, a little red light flashed.

Chen William saw Scarlet standing there, elegantly holding the cigarette, took it from Hong Yan's lips, a smoke ring spewed out of his mouth, and looked at Chen William so quietly.

"It's my cousin, when did you come here?"

"Not long."

"Scarlett, you never smoked before."

Scarlett took a deep breath and flicked the **** out skillfully.

"We've all changed, haven't we? Also, please call me Mrs Reynolds."

She took a deep look at William Chen, turned around, and walked inside.

"In order to avoid my husband's misunderstanding, I hope you can come in later, William."

Seeing her graceful appearance when she left, William Chen smiled wryly.

No matter what entanglement you had before, it's all about William Chen, what about me, William Chen?

He stood there, remembering what happened between his predecessor and Scarlett.

At that time, Scarlett was still a young literary woman who wanted to achieve something in literary films. Because of the investment in a movie, I found Chen William.

Later, William Chen eventually invested in the $15 million film and, at Scarlett's suggestion, starred with her.

As a result, William Chen used his acting skills to set off Scarlett's performance and won her an award. Also, he and Scarlett became...well, friends.

Two people once had a short good time, of course, the definition of this good time is different from their own perspectives.

It continued until one day Scarlett came to William Chen's house and saw that he and another female star were also enjoying a "good time", so after the quarrel, the two ended the relationship.

Thinking of this, William Chen shook his head.

From an onlooker's point of view, it is possible that in this relationship, there is nothing wrong with the two people, but the only thing wrong is that the goals they are looking for are different, and they think they have found each other.

"William, why did you come back? We're almost done."

After William returned to his seat, Paris said to him with some dissatisfaction.

"I received two calls just now. Among them was my cousin, Roger. I chatted with him for a while."

After saying this, William Chen frowned slightly, glanced at Paris, and said to her, "Looking at your face so red, did you drink more while I was away?"

"No, no, I drank, um, two!" Paris denied.

"William, didn't you just say that you still have activities planned?"

At this time, Scarlet suddenly asked aloud, which was a relief for Paris. And as soon as her words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Chen William.

"Oh, that's it, my cousin and another friend came to New York I heard that we were having a party, he invited everyone to play together, that friend had a whole club, so there was no need to Worry about being harassed."

Chen William said this, but he was a little puzzled, why Scarlett took the initiative to say those words at this time.

"Who is the other party?"

It can be seen that Britney seems to have some interest in this proposal, but she still has some doubts.

"There were only two of them, my cousin Roger Del Rey, and the other was Rick Walton."

Hearing William Chen's words, Paris asked strangely: "Who is that Rick Walton? Why haven't I heard of it, your new friend?"

"Yes, he's a friend of Roger's, from the Waltons."

The Walton family?

Well, hearing this family, everyone here understands what it means. Chen William can see Lindsay Lohan's eyes light up, and she said with great interest:

"I think it's a good idea, how do you all feel? Going together?"

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