America’s Big Hero

Chapter 60: : Robbers are not just fighting and killing

He didn't know the specific plan here, he didn't know what kind of person he should find, and what kind of measure he should grasp.

He can say with certainty that if things go wrong, Sean will never make him feel better.

Finding a good reason for himself, the veterinarian suddenly sat up from the bed, closed all the curtains, turned on the TV and video recorder, and the veterinarian turned the sound to a minimum...

After half an hour...

He raised his hand and gave himself a big mouth, I shouldn't be watching it!

Fucking Fake, this is a bit too big!

Someone will die, and not one.


Soon, a news came out from a secret channel. Newark has a big job and needs six brave players.

There is no upper limit on the specific remuneration!

For many days in a row, goldfish sold very well.

When you go to the veterinary hospital, you should always have a pet in your hand. It's not for treating yourself. Goldfish are cheap...

"The appearance is good, the scales are intact, the scales are intact, the left and right symmetry is not deformed, the fins are stretched, the swimming posture is beautiful, and the colors are bright." In the office, the veterinarian looked at the goldfish in the bag and commented.

"Okay, let the goldfish go to hell, I didn't really come to see this shit." A strong white man with a beard threw the goldfish in the bag on the table.

"Hey, don't do such rude things in the pet hospital." The veterinarian snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, tell me what kind of work is there, and how much is it?" the visitor asked in dissatisfaction, frowning.

"The specifics will not be said until the personnel are in order. In addition, it is best to clarify your past achievements. It is not suitable. You don't even have the qualifications to know. This is the rule."

These days, it is very difficult to find a suitable job. Even if you are a criminal, you have to interview. It depends on whether your resume is beautiful or not.

For example, whether you are proficient in firearms, whether you are good at camouflage, whether you are proficient in driving or driving special vehicles, whether you are proficient in electrical appliances, whether you are proficient in unlocking... and so on.

The gangsters are not only fighting and killing, but also a big competition of professional skills.

After all, in a free country where guns are fired every day, being able to shoot is just a basic survival skill.

In this mission, someone is required to have the ability to drive a large vehicle.

After recording the person's information with special language symbols, the veterinarian sent the person away and waited for the news. After three days, if he was selected, he would be notified.

For several days, dozens of pure bad guys came in and out of the veterinarian here. They were all the kind of guys who would make the local public order greatly improve after being pulled out and shot. People also chose them.

Three days later, in a warehouse, the veterinarian swept his gaze from the crowd and stopped on one of them. He didn't remember seeing this guy.

But... thinking about the veterinarian, he pretended that nothing happened, and said with a light cough, "The client plan requires 6 people, but, in case any of you don't want to take this task, so I asked 10 people to come here, but... …”

"Okay, veterinarian, we know the rules, let's talk, what is the task." A man interrupted impatiently.

"You are really rude." The veterinarian mumbled and continued: "Listen, the task is to rob the bank, there is no commission, and the commission is your income from robbing the bank."

"Rob a bank?"

"There is no commission?" Everyone asked in a row. If it was really easy to make money in robbing a bank, everyone wouldn't come to take on any tasks. Wouldn't it be nice to rob a bank!

"Hey, the rules, the rules, the task is this, those who are willing to stay, those who don't want to leave, only those who stay can know the specifics." The veterinarian shouted again.

A group of people looked at each other, after a while, one person stood up, "I don't want to find out that there are only a few thousand dollars after working around, everyone, goodbye."

Someone took the lead, and someone followed. Three people left in a row. The veterinarian looked at the remaining seven people, took out a videotape from his pocket and said, "I'm sure to keep it, right? The information is in this videotape. I understand, I read it, but I can't go."

Seeing that the seven people didn't respond, the veterinarian said, "OK, you can watch the video for yourself. Everything is explained clearly, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

Having said that, he took out the handkerchief and wiped the video tape repeatedly, making sure that no fingerprints would be left, and then threw it towards one person.

The veterinarian walked out of the warehouse, raised his hand and made a gesture in the air. He didn't know where Sean's people were lying in ambush, and he didn't care if he saw it or not. After making the gesture, he got into the car and left.

In the warehouse, the seven people looked at each other and didn't speak, and no one wanted to lose their momentum.

"Okay, since everyone is fine, let's introduce ourselves. I'll come first. Everyone calls me 'The Big Sparrow'." After speaking, the guy took off his coat, revealing a bird tattoo on his arm.

After the introduction, many people had heard each other's names. After the introduction, the High Sparrow said aloud, "If there is no problem, let's see what tricks our employer plays."

Turn on the TV and video recorder brought by the veterinarian, put the video tape in, and everyone watched.

A bank was recorded at the beginning of the shot. The bank was very large, and it was obviously a regional head office.

It doesn't mean that robbing a bank doesn't make money, but that the banks that are easy to rob are all points, and there is no, and the rich places are not easy to rob.

"This is the goal?" Someone said subconsciously.

As soon as the camera turned, the mechanical and electronic sound started, and the next few minutes were all about the roads around the bank, where each road leads, when there is a lot of traffic, when there is less traffic, and then there is an introduction around the Newark Police Station. , and accurately calculated the time from the alarm sounding to the time it takes for the police to gather manpower, as well as the time it takes for the police car to arrive at the scene.

Ten minutes before and after, the two words 'professional' stand out!

When they saw this, the 7 people couldn't help but admire in their hearts. The intelligence ability and analysis ability of the other party are really not comparable to their lone ranger. No wonder they dare to hit the big bank.

Later, I will introduce the internal situation of the bank, security facilities, and security forces in detail. Not only that, the biggest problem in robbing a bank is how to open the vault. According to the introduction in the video tape, at 9 am every day, people who can open the vault will come. The opening time is 30 minutes, and it is used to deliver cash that is expected to be needed for the day to various branches in the city.

Only at this time can the vault be opened. After the time passes, the person who can open the cash vault will leave. Unless there is a sudden need for a large amount of cash, the other party will not appear.

In other words, even if you come to robbery at other times, even if you threaten the personnel at the scene, it is useless.

During this time, the on-site protection force was the largest.

In the last ten minutes of the route, the robbery process was explained in detail, including possible unexpected situations and how to deal with them.


Prodigal son Yanqing, Feng'er is so arrogant today, Angel Sword of Impermanence, Dream Time, and Wuxin Fighting, some readers, please, what kind of fruit plate are you going to order today!

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