America’s Big Hero

Chapter 97: : Fraternal pregnancy

In the underground garage of a shopping mall in Trenton, the veterinarian drove here alone, parked the car in a corner and waited quietly.

After more than half an hour, an inconspicuous gray vehicle stopped nearby, the window was about to go down, and a white man looked over.

"It's me, come on." The veterinarian rolled down the window to reveal half of his head.

The man pushed open the door and got out of the car, walked over here, and the co-pilot opened the door and sat in.

"Tell me, what's the news?"

"Where's the money?" the man asked in a low voice.

"In the back, see for yourself." The veterinarian pointed his thumb behind him. "I hope your news is worth the price. You know, it's a lot of money. Although the other party is generous, it's not easy to talk."

When the man turned around, he saw a bag on the back seat, leaned over and grabbed it and opened it. Rolls of old banknotes came into view, all of which were 20 denominations, totaling 100,000.

The transaction is divided into two times, half paid in advance, and half paid after getting the news.

Grabbing a roll of money and clenching it hard, the man took a deep breath and pulled the bag up, looked out the window again, and then whispered, "I have two news here, the first one, Akomo. Apple has cancer, liver cancer!"

"Liver cancer!" The veterinarian was taken aback. This is cancer, a terminal disease, and it cannot be cured at all, which means that Akemo Appler is dead.

"Impossible. Akemo Appler will definitely check his body regularly. How could he have cancer? What is the specific situation? How long will he live?"

"It's not always checked so carefully. Liver cancer is only at an early stage and can be operated on, but you know, that guy is not too young, and even if the operation is successful, he may not live for many years." The person shrugged and said.

"In other words, it won't be dead in a while?" The veterinarian frowned tightly. "If that's the case, then this news isn't worth so much money!"

"If it is related to the following news, it will be worth so much money!" The person who came here suddenly laughed, a little scornful, "You can't imagine that Akomo Apple's son is called Bra. Deli Appler, his twin grandsons are named Robert Appler and Love Appler, but let me tell you, Robert Appler is not Akomo's grandson, but Love is indeed him grandson."

"Huh?" The veterinarian was taken aback. "Wait for you, one of the twins is not his grandson?"

The veterinarian was stunned, and after a long time, he suddenly realized, "Fractured pregnancy?"

"Ohmygod!" The veterinarian held his head in disbelief, how could this be possible, it was so rare.

"So, Arkomo Apple's daughter-in-law cheated? Hahaha, who is it, from the Dimio Group, is it from the Ceprano family?"

"You absolutely can't imagine who it is!" The person who came here smiled and said, "I tell you, the person who cheated on his daughter-in-law was—himself!"

"OhNo, no, wait, I didn't hear you." The veterinarian was stunned on the spot, frowning and looking at the person with a strange expression, "You mean that Akomo Apple cheated on his daughter-in-law and gave birth to her daughter-in-law. Son, his grandson is not his grandson but his son, ha, ha ha ha ha."

After speaking, the veterinarian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing loudly, "God, I really can't imagine that this... Even if Akomo Apple is in his 50s, there should be no shortage of women, why..."

"Who knows, maybe it's even more exciting." The person who came smiled and shrugged.

"Oh, God, you pervert, hahaha, this is so, so interesting." The veterinarian laughed for a long time before recovering, "Well, how do you know, did you see it, it's impossible, if you saw it You're dead."

"Of course not, you know, I'm their family's personal doctor, and I have all their family's information here. Once, when I was looking through the information, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. Bradley Appler has type AB blood. His wife has blood type O, but one of their sons has blood type O. I didn't notice it when I swept through it before, but it happened to happen that day."

"And it's just that Akomo Apple has blood type B, so I felt something was wrong, so I quietly collected a few things to do a paternity test, and the result was, hehehehehe!"

"Later I compared the other twin and found that it was Bradley's son, and the other little daughter was an old pervert like Akomo Appler."

"Once the news is exposed, it will definitely cause explosive consequences, so it's definitely worth 200,000."

"My God!" The veterinarian shook his head and sighed, "Okay, I'll bring the news back, but I still need a medical report."

"No problem, I brought it."


A few hours later, in Sean's office at the base, the veterinarian smiled and handed over several medical reports.

Sean frowned, took a look and threw it on the table, "Do you think I understand these ghosts?"

"So, that's a secret no one else can find out, isn't it." The veterinarian walked over with a mysterious smile and pointed to a report: "Akomo Appler has blood type B and his son is type AB. Blood, his daughter-in-law is type O, one of his twin grandsons is type O blood and the other is type B blood."

"Do you know how those who sold off the hook died in the end, were poured into the concrete pier, and filled the sea!" Sean frowned and looked at the veterinarian, and said in a cold voice.

"Uh..." The veterinarian was shaken by Sean's icy gaze, and immediately explained, "That is to say, one of Bradley's twin sons is not his son."

After saying this, Sean and Armstrong were stunned on the spot, their faces filled with confusion.

The veterinarian said with a very strange smile: "Bradley's twin sons, one is his son and the other is his brother, because one was born to his wife and the other was born to his father and his wife."

Sean and Armstrong looked at the veterinarian with a twisted look, this news is too explosive!

For a time, Sean was dumbfounded, "But this, how is that possible!"

The veterinarian still had that weird smile, and gave the two a good idea of ​​what "fraternal pregnancy" is, including the conditions for achieving it, having **** with different men in a short period of time and having sex...

There was a sound of 'Ohmygod! ’ exclamation, the air became Sean: Useless knowledge increased.jpg

"So, his son's son is not his son's son but his son's brother?"

"His son's sons are brothers and uncles and nephews?"

"He calls his brother, he calls his father, whatever."

"He can call her wife, or she can call her mother."

Immediately, the house was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Suddenly, Sean raised his eyebrows and looked at the two and said, "Is there a possibility that Bradley knows it and is willing to participate. He likes this kind of excitement."

'Pfft' both the vet and Armstrong looked at Sean in astonishment, perverts, or you perverts who are big bosses!



Brothers, this result is not good!

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