American Warehouse Taobao King

Chapter 815: [weird cures]

   This is why a person will most want the support of family and friends when he encounters difficulties, and family and friends will bring him infinite courage. In the face of all the troubles he has encountered, he did not expect this young and handsome psychiatrist to think of this key to open the human heart.

  These psychiatrists are really hard to mess with, and it is not an exaggeration to grasp the psychological level of people as God, as long as they don't hurt Smith's body. As for using a headset voice changer, although I am curious about the treatment method of changing the voice, this treatment method will not cause any side effects and harm to the human body, so Yang Yong chose to give it a try.

   As the saying goes, there are dates and no dates. If you hit a shot, it is already such a degree that a dead horse should be a living horse doctor. Anyway, Yang Yong is out of options. After the treatment plan for this voice-changing headset was approved by Yang Yong, Yang Yong took the initiative to ask the psychiatrist.

"Besides this voice-changing headset, do you have any other special means. I can tell you that we have experienced six or seven psychiatrists in the past few days, and there are all kinds of special methods. After a hundred battles, let's see if your treatment is reliable."

   At this time, the sunny and handsome Italian doctor said with a smile, as if he had decided Yang Yong. "The subsidized medical device is a very soft balloon, and I also need a room that is absolutely quiet. There is another patient, Smith, who really likes soothing music, and needs your help, and that's all the treatments and tools I need. ."

  Yang Yong smashed his eyes a few times, nodded involuntarily, and at the same time let down his guard against the doctor. Although this doctor is young, he is still very reliable. The treatment equipment and methods used are acceptable to human beings, especially Yang Yong. If Yang Yong accepts it, there will be no problem.

   Seeing that Yang Yong agreed to his treatment plan, the Italian doctor asked with a smile. "Mr. Yang, I'm sure you know Smith the most? I want to ask you which person Mr. Smith trusts the most. Who can listen to the words the most, and who can calm down the exposed Mr. Smith in an instant."

   This sentence can be a good idea. The entire Yang family can forcibly suppress Smith's anger, and there are only two people who can calm Smith down in an instant. One is me and the other is my mother. I didn't expect this young psychiatrist to be so professional. He asked the idea in one sentence, Yang Yong said with a smile.

"There are only two people who can calm Smith down in an instant, one is me and the other is my mother. Smith lost his parents since he was a child, and my mother took Smith as her son to love and educate, so my mother can let him Smith instantly relaxed."

   The young Italian doctor almost jumped out of his chair when he heard this, and slapped the table with joy and said with a laugh. "Great, great, Mr. Yang, I hope you can provide a recording of your mother's speech, so that I can imitate this voice."

   "With this voice, I can complete a large part of the treatment. With this advantage, I am confident that Mr. Smith can accept my treatment."

   This is easy to do. Yang Yong took out his iPhone and fell out the video material, especially the family singing in the multimedia video. The scene of the mother singing was called up, and then the Italian doctor was asked to record the various bands of the voice. In 20 minutes, the voice changer brought by the young psychiatrist remembered all the tones and pitches of the old lady's words.

  Then the psychiatrist took out his microphone and asked Yang Yong to put on his earphones to listen to what he said, like an old lady, who didn't expect the voice to be exactly the same. If Yang Yong closes his eyes, he can feel his mother whispering admonitions in his ear, perfection is too perfect.

   I didn't expect that this voice imitating instrument is really a machine that I can't bear, and half of the preparations for the sound have been completed. The second preparation is to find a very quiet room, and then the psychiatrist and his two assistants start to inflate the balloon, which is very huge, two square meters. And the surface is very soft and smooth, lying on it is like lying on a cotton bag, and it is very free and peaceful like lying in the water.

   After careful inquiries, Yang Yong realized that this balloon was specially made to simulate the suspended state of a human being in his mother's belly. That is to say, turning a person into an unborn baby floats in the mother's womb, allowing the patient to enter the most primitive and comfortable state of human beings, and also the most quiet state of rest.

   Sure enough, there are two brushes. It seems that although this young Italian doctor is not old, he is absolutely powerful. That is quite an old man. Although Smith has developed limbs and a simple mind, he is quiet and the music he likes to listen to surprises everyone. The music he likes to listen to the most and can relax him the most is actually Russia. The famous song Sacred War.

  I didn’t expect that this kind of impassioned military music could actually make Smith quiet and relaxed. If ordinary people heard this kind of impassioned military music, they would have jumped up long ago. I didn't expect Smith to actually backfire. What an abnormal person did, it really wasn't normal. The music that Smith listens to is also abnormal, but no matter how abnormal, as long as Smith can calm down.

  The preparations went on for more than an hour. At noon, everyone sat together and ate a sumptuous lunch talking and laughing. The doctor and Smith also made a further understanding. After lunch, Smith was taken to a quiet treatment room, accompanied by Yang Yong himself, and lay comfortably on the balloon.

  Smith, who was lying on the balloon, hummed comfortably. It was a mess, which made Yang Yong feel very jealous. Then the doctor released Smith's favorite music, which calmed Smith's heart as hard as iron little by little. Within five minutes, Smith lay motionless on the balloon, as if he had fallen asleep quietly.

  The originally tense muscles also began to relax, but at this time the Italian doctor was not satisfied and suddenly stopped the music. After a while, Smith opened his eyes and looked around blankly. At this time, the Italian doctor frowned and circled the balloon twice. Then he patted his head and said to Yang Yong, dumbfounded.

"Mr. Yang, this will not achieve the best therapeutic effect, so please persuade Mr. Smith to take off his body and lie on the balloon, so as to simulate the state of the human being in the mother's womb to the greatest extent possible. . Let him relax completely, preferably so that he can lie on the balloon and fall asleep in no more than three minutes."

   There was only one beautiful assistant brought over by an Italian doctor. Everyone was male, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. The beautiful assistant went out, and Yang Yong persuaded Smith for a few minutes before he started to take off his clothes, and then lay naked on the soft balloon. Listening to the music that I like very much, I can't help but slowly start to lift my eyelids too lazy to lift it up. Within three minutes, the snoring sounded.

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