American Warehouse Taobao King

Chapter 312: 【Morning of Christmas】

  Although Yang Yong was born and raised in the United States, the Yang family always celebrates the New Year, that is, New Year's Eve until the fifth day of the new year is a festival, and Christmas has never been celebrated.

This time is different. This time, there is Anna, an authentic Catholic, at home. Christmas is the most important festival of the year. The entire Yang family has to follow Anna's feelings. Who let Anna be The focus of the family is to protect the mistress.

What's more, Anna, who is pregnant, is more worthy of the family's love. There is no way. The Yang family tried Christmas for the first time. Fortunately, Anna, a little housekeeper, is responsible for all the big and small affairs of the whole Christmas. So that I won't make mistakes while busy and be laughed at by some servants.

And Yang Yong's task was by no means easy. He got up from the bed early in the morning, yawned and dressed up and went downstairs to have breakfast. Later, he brought a male deputy housekeeper and borrowed a batch of American cattle from the cattle grazing in the pasture. Flower horse, then bring the tools he is good at, and Yang Yong's super pet, Kahn, the Tibetan Mastiff, came to the mountain for logging. Yang Yong wanted to cut down a huge Christmas tree for Anna's decoration.

It has just snowed heavily in the past two days. The road on the mountain is particularly difficult to walk. The snow layer is more than one meter thick. Even if Xiao Zangkarn opened a road and broke the one meter thick snow layer, Yang Yong was still very uncomfortable when he followed behind. strenuous.

Yang Yong murmured as he walked, Westerners have so many rules for Christmas, and they have to go up the mountain to cut down a Christmas tree and come back, which is really troublesome. It's like when we celebrate the Spring Festival in China, we just stick the Spring Festival couplets, and the fireworks permit is finished. How can there be such a thing? Lots of rules.

  The Huaxia Park of the Yang family has a forest coverage rate of more than 70%. The mountains and plains are all tall pine and cypress forests. It is easy to find a suitable Christmas tree.

However, the height of the Christmas tree should be about five meters, and it can be completely placed in the small living room, the most important meeting place of the Yang family. pine trees.

The pine tree is only a dozen meters high. It is very beautiful and has no fruit, and there is no damage to the branches. It grows straight and strong, especially the branches on the top of the tree look like an open umbrella. Robust and very green, isn't the Christmas tree needed for Christmas just a green plant? This 10-year-old pine tree is the most suitable.

So Yang Yong smiled and patted the trunk of the tree and the deputy housekeeper who was beside him smiled and said, "Don't bother looking for it anymore, I think this tree is normal and standard, and it grows thick and strong, especially the branches on it. It looks very beautiful, and the color of the leaves is very reasonable. It is this Christmas tree, so let's do it now."

  Assistant housekeeper Scott promised to remove all the axe and saw tools brought from home from the horse, and then the two of them pulled the big saw together. After a few minutes, the Christmas tree was brought down by its roots.

Then measure from the top of the tree with a meter ruler, measure the length of five meters, and then cut off the Christmas tree. This five-meter length is destined to be the length of the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is sawn, the trunk part is fastened with iron chains. Follow the horse's back and let the horse walk with the Christmas tree.

  Fortunately, the road down the mountain is covered with snow, so the Christmas tree will not cross out the branches and leaves of the tree while sliding on the snow, keeping the tree trunk intact.

After the two walked down the mountain, they put the trunk of the Christmas tree on horseback and carried it on horseback. The snow of Huaxia Manor was almost melted and the Christmas tree was dragged on the ground. When the Christmas tree is decorated, I can only use the American Pinto to carry the Christmas tree on the horse's back, and then I walk back with a shallow foot.

When he got home, Yang Yong was already exhausted and sweaty, but today's work was not over yet. After the Christmas tree was cut down, Yang Yong followed the chef to the farm and chose a large white goose imported from China. Choose the biggest big white goose to come back for the main course of Christmas dinner and that is the Christmas roast goose.

The Yang family is an authentic Chinese and maintains a very good Chinese tradition. Even the attitude towards food is the same tradition as the Chinese. It is said that the big white geese they raise are imported from China and each one exceeds ten kilograms. The weight of the left and right is called a big one.

Moreover, these big white geese are very ferocious in temperament, and biting people's heels is a common occurrence. There is an old Chinese saying that three geese top one dog. This sentence is very easy to understand, because China's big white geese are very aggressive. , and is particularly daring, and has a very serious territorial complex.

If it invades the territory of the big white goose, whether it is a person or an animal, it will be attacked by the big white geese collectively. You can imagine that a big white goose can reach about ten kilograms, and when its arms are open, it can reach one and a half meters. More than a dozen big white goose If the goose quacks and rushes towards you, Rambo can't stand it. If you don't turn around and run away, you will wait for the heel to be twisted blue, and the bite will be red and swollen. Then it will hurt.

One advantage is that this large white goose is a domesticated white swan and is a unique breed in China. The individual is large and delicious. Goose down is the most important material for down jackets. The Yang family farm has raised more than 100 large white geese. .

Among them, 25 are male geese. The material required for roasting goose for Christmas is male geese, so Yang Yong patrolled the wall of the farm for a while, and finally picked a leading big white goose, and the quantity reached 15 About kilograms, that's about as big as a pig's weight.

And this big white goose is the leader of the male geese. When the leader was taken away, the group of big white geese ran wild, biting the breeder who was holding the leader of the goose and screaming. This state scared Yang Yong to the point where his scalp was numb and he quickly hugged him. Running with the big white goose.

   He got on the tram, ran back to the castle, and described the whole process of catching the goose vividly in front of his mother. Even Anna, who was next to him, couldn't help but exclaimed, the big white goose that was raised at home was so fierce.

  The old lady said that she was very calm. After all, the old lady grew up in China and knew how powerful the big white goose in China was, so she explained to Yang Yong and Anna with a smile.

   "That's why I insist on raising Chinese white geese, because these big white geese are domesticated from white swans, they are wild, very aggressive, and have a strong sense of territory."

   "As long as you keep these big white geese in the family, you won't be afraid that the foxes in the forest will come to steal poultry at night, because these big white geese are much more powerful than foxes, and these aggressive big white geese take care of all kinds of poultry."

"When have you ever heard the person in charge of the farm tell you that our chickens, ducks and geese have been attacked by wild animals, and it is because of these big white geese that their family's farm is still in such a safe state, without any wild animals attacked."

   Hearing what his mother said, Yang Yong felt that it was too much for him to bring the leader of the big white goose back to roast and eat? Fortunately, there is only one Christmas a year, and the big white geese will breed next year. In autumn, when the new generation of big white geese grow up, they will drive out a strong big white geese to serve as the leader.

  Christmas is only held once a year. Eating the big white goose once will not affect the overall development of the big white goose group. After capturing the storm of the big white goose leader, the whole castle has returned to its normal state, and the kitchen is busy making Christmas dinner.

Yang Yong acted as a security guard around Anna, helping Anna to set up the Christmas tree, put some colored balls, lights, colored notes on the Christmas tree, and an important step was to put a man with his arms open on the top of the Christmas tree. The angel also has a cross so that the Christmas tree is finished.

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