American fame and fortune

Chapter 873 The new generation is more open

In the office, Ali Emmanuel yawned, rubbed the dark circles under his eyes and said: "Last night, Raymond and Dwayne Johnson called me more than a dozen times, which made me barely sleep all night. ”

Martin was very energetic, but extremely serious: "I stayed in the hospital all night and didn't sleep."

Ali asked, "Is Jack hurt badly?"

Martin had a heavy look on his face: "Jack is so dizzy that he can't stand up. Forget about me and Leo, Jack doesn't even recognize his daughter Lorraine."

Ali knew that the trio of bastards, known as the Iron Triangle, and Jack Nicholson being hurt in front of Martin, might be troublesome.

Thomas said at this time: "Jack was trying to stop Johnson from harassing Alexandra, a client of the company."

"The company will take the appropriate attitude." Ali expressed his position.

Who should I choose between Martin and Dwayne Johnson? He looked at his watch: "The two sides should be almost finished talking."

This morning, Lorraine and her lawyer, representing Nicholson, discussed follow-up matters at WMA with Johnson and his team who invited them over.

Dwayne Johnson is under tremendous pressure from public opinion.

Martin said: "Ali, let's leave it like this for now. I will not interfere with the outcome of the negotiation between Lorraine and Johnson, but Johnson must publicly apologize to Alexandra."

Ali nodded: "I will supervise Johnson's side."

Without a public apology, female boxers alone can make Johnson doubtful about his life.

Martin received a message, said something to Ali, and came out of the reception room to Thomas's office.

Lorraine and the lawyer are waiting here.

Martin pointed to the office: "Go in and chat."

Lorraine and Thomas entered the office together.

Martin asked directly: "How was the discussion?"

Lorraine smiled: "Apologise publicly, pay for medical expenses, and compensate for a large amount of emotional comfort."

The two chatted for a while, then Lorraine said goodbye and left.

Martin kept walking her out.

The two came to the first floor, and Lorraine whispered: "Jack is fine. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to see him often."

Martin said: "I'll go there again in the afternoon."

Lorraine waved her hand and got in the car.

When Martin passed by in the afternoon, Nicholson was watching the live broadcast on the Internet. The WMA convened a press conference for Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson formally expressed his gratitude to Jack Nicholson and Jack Nicholson in front of the people on the Internet. Alexandra Daddario apologizes.

Nicholson is easy to talk about, but it is not easy to calm down the female boxing side.

As we all know, American XXN is also difficult to deal with. Once punched, it is not so easy to take it back.

The organized Mi Rabbit did not participate, but the wild female boxer was even more unreasonable.

"Calling for judicial intervention. If harassing women is enough to just apologize, how will women's rights be protected in the future?"

"Sisters, who knows where Johnson's home is? Let's harass him!"

“Calling for a boycott of Johnson!”

Pandora's box has been opened. In today's era, female boxing is more than rampant. In left-leaning places like Los Angeles and Hollywood, one punch can kill a child.

Even a big guy like Johnson can't handle it.

After the press conference, as soon as Johnson returned to the lounge, his agent Raymond informed him: "Sony Columbia called me. They were planning a remake of "Jumanji" and rejected our intention to cooperate. "

Johnson's expression was ugly: "Because of those women's rights?"

"Yes, the direct reason is women's rights." Raymond said emphatically: "Those female boxers are not just female boxers, LGBTQ organizations are closely connected, and offending one will often lead to resentment from many."

Johnson understood what he meant. Sony Columbia Pictures did not want to lose the support of this group of people after the film was produced.

He sat back on the sofa chair, closed his eyes, and said with exhaustion on his face, "Then quit."

Sony Colombia has refused and has no other option but to withdraw.

Raymond suggested: "Let's keep a low profile for a while and wait for the public opinion wave to pass."

Johnson said: "You and Garcia can discuss it specifically."

Raymond went back to his manager, Garcia, to discuss how to resolve the controversy.


In the hospital ward, the doctor examined Nicholson again, told the family to let the patient rest, and left the ward.

When the ward door closed, Martin stretched out his hand: "Get up."

Nicholson grabbed Martin's hand and was pulled to his feet.

Leonardo asked: "The play is almost over, when do you plan to leave the hospital?"

Nicholson said: "It will start to return to normal tomorrow." He has the professionalism of an actor: "Since you have assumed this role, you must perform it according to the internal logic. The disease will not be cured instantly. Recovery is always a process."

"Did you see that?" Martin patted Leonardo on the shoulder and said, "Jack is teaching you acting, so pay more attention."

Leonardo said: "He doesn't need to teach you such a simple truth."

Nicholson's blow came immediately: "So the best performance in your life is to frown, stare and roar."

Leonardo was angry: "You two bastards, stop laughing at me! When I get four Oscars, I will make you count three hundred times a day!"

"Count 20 seconds at a time," Martin said.

Leonardo scratched his hair: "I have 30 seconds now, okay!"

"Let's go." Martin installed his cell phone, walked out, and said to Nicholson: "It's confirmed the discharge time. Give me a call so I can find some media friends to come and see you off."

Nicholson gave Martin the finger.

After coming out of the ward, Thomas, who had come with him, came back after making a phone call. Martin called him and they went downstairs together and got into the Escalade that Bruce drove.

After waiting for the car to get rid of the entanglement of entertainment reporters and paparazzi, Thomas said: "I just received feedback from the company that Sony Columbia Pictures is preparing to remake "Jumanji". Johnson originally wanted to be the leading actor, but Sony Columbia rejected it. ”

The last time Martin looked at the project's planning document, script outline and protagonist team characters in the WMA database, he asked: "Sony Columbia still plans to cooperate with WMA?"

Thomas nodded: "They asked about your schedule."

Martin was not interested in the four-person drama project: "Tell them, I have no time off in the past two years." He pondered for a while: "Isn't there an African-American among the four protagonists and a busty girl? I recommend Mene and Ya Alexandra, come over."

Mene and his agent had already joined WMA, and Thomas responded: "I will let the company strongly recommend it."

Martin remembers that the remake of "Jumanji" has a sequel, and the film should be commercially guaranteed.

As for Johnson, his box-office performance is average, and the films in which he is the absolute protagonist are no less successful.

Before Martin arrived in Beverly Hills, he received a call from Alexandra.

"I'm at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel." Alexandra said specifically: "Katherine is here too."

Who could a normal man refuse the invitation of the sisters? Martin said: "I'll go over right away."

He left Thomas in Century City and rushed to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

In the long-term private room on the top floor, Martin met Alexandra and Catherine.

In the past two days, he had suffered a nervous breakdown due to the torment of Nicholson's performance, so he could use facial cleanser to cheer him up.

Martin recovered from fatigue in just one night, temporarily leaving Leonardo and Nicholson aside, and interviewed Scott Frank with Louise.

This screenwriter-turned-director has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has successively worked as an actor, screenwriter, director and producer. In addition to his professional work in Hollywood, he is also an amateur chess player. He has entered the 1st place in non-professional competitions across the United States three times. Quarterfinals.

In addition to discussing the creative concept of "The Queen's Gambit" during the interview, Martin also asked the hired chess master to play a game with Scott Frank.

It turns out that Scott Frank is a pretty good chess player, almost at the professional level.

He is also very familiar with the novel "The Queen's Gambit" and had an in-depth understanding of the novel's prototype characters in the 1980s and 1990s.

Although the heroine of the novel, Beth Harmon, is fictional, Walter Tevis drew on the experience of the famous world chess champion Bobby Fischer in his creation.

From the end of World War II to the 1970s, a total of five world chess champions were born, all of whom were players from the former Soviet Union.

Until 1972, Bobby Fischer defeated the former Soviet chess champion Boris Spassky, breaking the former Soviet Union's monopoly on the world chess championship.

This had extremely special significance during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Walter Teves also created "The Queen's Gambit" after watching this game, but he changed the male protagonist to a female protagonist.


The project was already unpopular, and the absolute protagonist was still a woman, which was the main reason why the adaptation never took off.

But times have changed, and movies or TV series with heroines may have reached their most popular time period.

After two days of interviews and chess games, Martin and Louise agreed that Scott Frank was very suitable for the project of adapting and directing "The Queen's Gambit".

The crew immediately registered with the studio and signed a contract with Scott Frank, who will be responsible for adapting the movie script into a TV series script of about 8 episodes and serving as the director of the project.

With the screenwriter and director confirmed, Martin turned his attention to preparing for his next role.

He went to a psychotherapy center to visit patients with schizophrenia.

The preparatory work for "Split" is about to be completed, and filming can start on time in early November.

Martin communicates directly with David Fincher every day, not only about roles, but also about directing.

"Joker" is also a dark, antisocial film.

Originally, Martin wanted to invite Nolan or David Fincher to direct "Joker", but Nolan announced that superhero movies are over for him. David Fincher has already signed a contract with Netflix and will go there after filming "Split" Making "House of Cards 2".

If he can't find a suitable director, Martin plans to try his hand at it.

The film "Split" is not difficult for a director like David Fincher, who is good at darkness and psychological issues. The real difficulty of the film lies in Martin's performance.

In order to play this role well, although Martin did not lock himself in a hotel for more than a month like he did when he played the clown, he kept two large books of relevant notes and had on-site contact with more than 30 cases of patients with schizophrenia.

David Fincher is not Nolan, and he doesn't have so many tricks in promotion and marketing.

But in terms of roles, David Fincher also gave Martin some suggestions.

"The main attraction of this film is the personality transformation."

In the office, David Fincher told Martin the key: "If you can't create different personalities with ease, I can guarantee that both of us will become the favorites for the Golden Raspberry Award."

Martin laughed: "My goal is to win the Best Actor Oscar and become the Worst Actor in the Razzies. This turn of events will shock movie fans around the world. In order to protect them, I will do whatever it takes to play this role well." ”

David Fincher said: "Although thrillers are slightly weaker in competing for the Olympics, many people have won Best Actor with thrillers in the past. With your operational ability, as long as the role passes, at least there will be no problem with the nomination. "

He thought for a while: "On the basis of ensuring the smoothness of the film's story, I will give you more shots and space to show your expression of personality changes."

Martin is confident in himself, saying, "There's no problem on my end."

David Fincher asked another point: "Does the ending of the film need to leave enough suspense for the sequel?"

"No need." Martin said: "It is enough for the hero to run away."

The first part was a success, so it’s not too late to talk about the sequel.

Of course, regardless of whether there is a sequel or not, this is a realistic dark thriller movie, not the superpower genre.

The two discussed for more than half an hour, and then Martin left the office and prepared to go home after get off work.

He left the small office building next to the studio and was about to get in the car when someone came out of the main entrance of the studio.

Anya Taylor-Joy, wearing a slim-fitting sportswear, walked over quickly and said hello: "Hello, Martin."

Martin nodded with a smile and asked, "Have you joined the crew?"

Anya's bulging eyes looked like goldfish eyes: "Rehearse in advance before joining the set. Some of them involve scenes opposite you. Can I ask about the rehearsal time? It's easy for me to adjust here."

Martin thought for a while: "I will go to the Psychiatric Therapy Center every day in the next few days to experience life on the spot, and rehearse the scene with you, which may be scheduled in the next week."

"Experience life on the ground?" Anya hesitated and asked tentatively: "Can I go with you?"

She picked up the character script in her hand and shook it: "My character will interact with you a lot, and I also need to know something about patients with schizophrenia."

This was nothing, so Martin responded: "We will meet in Century City tomorrow."

Anya smiled and said, "Thank you for your help."

Martin said: "Even if you don't mention it, the crew has unified arrangements."

"I...not only thank you for this." Anya said generously: "I also want to thank you for choosing me to play this role."

Martin saw Bruce driving a four-wheel electric vehicle and said, "The main thing is that you are suitable."

He invited: "Get in the car and go to the parking lot together."

Of course Anya would not refuse, and followed Martin on the electric car, leaving the Disney Studio together.

Before leaving, she asked for Martin's mobile phone number on the grounds that it would be convenient to contact him tomorrow.

The new generation of Hollywood actresses are no more conservative than the older generation, and are even more open-minded.

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