American fame and fortune

Chapter 689 A pair of mortal enemies

In just two days, Netflix signed a formal agreement with Leonardo, investing US$3 million to film and produce the animal protection documentary "Virunga" with Kailu Pictures.

Virunga is Africa's oldest national park and an area where war has never stopped.

After the film is produced, it will be released directly to the Netflix website.

As the intermediary who introduced the cooperation between the two parties, Martin also held the position of executive producer on this project.

For celebrities, this kind of film is just a matter of establishing characters and setting the scene.

Martin continues filming on Escape from Tehran.

In the studio, which was decorated like a CIA conference room, a group of people were discussing how to rescue.

In order to highlight the male protagonist, the ideas expressed by other characters are naturally very unreliable.

For example, a CIA executive suggested that six rescued persons be allowed to ride bicycles from Tehran through mountain paths and trek hundreds of kilometers to the Turkish border.

"It's hundreds of miles of mountain roads. In addition to bicycles, we also have to send a rescue team to follow them with Coca-Cola, pumps and spare wheels!"

Red flowers need to be set off by green leaves. Among the high-ranking officials who conform to public perception, the male protagonist played by Martin stands out: "Gentlemen, the only way to leave that city is the airport! Forge a new identity for them and send a rescuer. Enter the country and bring them out on commercial aircraft."

No one else spoke.

David Fincher stopped filming and said, "OK, this is over, transition!"

There are not many scenes inside the CIA. Some of them were filmed in studios, and some of them were filmed at Langley headquarters.

The crew was busy transitioning scenes, and Martin was now free.

An assistant brought a girl into the studio.

When Saoirse Ronan saw Martin, she quickly walked to the rest area and shouted respectfully: "Teacher, good morning."

Martin had already seen her and pointed to the chair next to her: "Sit."

He asked: "Why do you have time to come here?"

"My mother agreed to move to Los Angeles for the sake of my acting career." Saoirse said with a bit of excitement, "I will be able to see my teacher more often in the future."

Martin brought a bottle of water to her and asked, "Any plans recently?"

Saoirse said: "I took on a new film, which was shot at Disney Studios, based on the novel "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer, the author of "The Twilight Saga"."

Martin only knew about "Twilight" but had never heard of "The Host" and asked: "Is it a theme like vampires and werewolves?"

"It's not a fantasy type." Saoirse briefly introduced: "Science fiction type. The content is about the earth being invaded by a new species of 'souls'. They live in human bodies and control human thoughts. My character is like this, parasitizing her. Aliens come and start a love triangle with humans.”

She scratched her blond hair: "Essentially, it's no different from "The Twilight Saga". It's just falling in love in the name of science fiction."

In Martin's understanding, Stephenie Meyer is the American version of Qiong Yao. He asked: "I remember that you used to be more literary and artistic when accepting films. Why did you accept such a film?"

Saoirse was helpless: "As I grow up, I am not as popular as I was when I was a child star. It takes a lot of effort to get a female lead."

It is difficult for a child star to transform. Martin naturally knows this and said: "It will be good to get through this difficult period."

"Actually, that's why I came here today." From the fact that she shamelessly accepted Martin as her teacher, it can be seen that Saoirse Ronan is not particularly thick-skinned: "Teacher, I am helpless in Los Angeles. I can only come to you for help when I encounter difficulties.”

Martin thought for a while and asked, "Can you sing and dance?"

Saoirse stood up immediately: "Teacher, you want to see me sing and dance? This place is not suitable. How about we change places after you get off work today? I will perform for you."

The crew finished transitioning, and someone over there came to ask Martin to prepare for filming.

Martin stood up: "Go and sign up for a class and practice some serious singing and dancing. You may be able to use it in the future."

Saoirse responded: "Teacher, I listen to you." She was about to leave: "The studio of the "Host" crew is not far from here. Teacher, you can go and take a look when you have time."

Martin nodded and entered the set.

Saoirse took advantage of the fact that the crew had not yet closed for filming, so she hurriedly left the studio and walked into the studio. As she walked, she was still thinking about what Martin had just said.

Practicing serious singing and dancing? An actress should be versatile.

Saoirse has been clever since she was a child. She even bombed the toilet at Pinewood Studios to get Emma Watson.

She was thinking about how to practice singing and dancing, and many ideas popped into her head. She soon made up her mind that she should practice serious singing and dancing, as well as informal singing and dancing.

What if the teacher likes it?

There was a lot of business in front of a nearby studio. Saoirse glanced over there and stopped unconsciously.

As if being called by fate, a girl with long golden brown hair in front of the studio turned her head and her eyes met Saoirse.

Emma Watson!

Saoirse Ronan took a few steps that way.

Emma Watson also moved closer to her.

The two witches almost said the same words in unison: "Bichi!"

Almost the same age, almost the same hair color and appearance, and both from the British Isles, these two people had been mortal enemies for several years ago.

When they met at this time, everyone stared, wishing they could kill someone with their eyes!

Emma Watson speaks very quickly: "The crippled little Bichi has a big face and is so ugly!"

Not to be outdone, Saoirse quickly retaliates: "You look even worse, with a crescent moon face and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks!"

She directly hit Emma Watson's most painful point: "The British rose who peed her pants as a teenager is so glorious. The whole world knows that you peed her pants!"

The diaper scandal at Pinewood Studios was a life-long pain for Emma Watson. Whenever people mentioned it, she would go crazy.

Her shoehorned face suddenly became extremely gloomy, just in time to see Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint coming over and shouting: "I'm being bullied, come and help!"

Her face and voice were full of innocence, she pointed at Saoirse and said, "She bullied me!"

The Gryffindor Golden Triangle had known each other since the casting in 1999. After more than ten years of friendship, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint immediately ran towards this side, ready to help.

The latter even shouted: "Catch her, don't let her escape!"

Emma Watson wants to catch Saoirse if she goes up there. No matter what she says today, she will be beaten until she wets her pants!

Saoirse is not stupid. How could a girl of 17 or 18 be a match for a boy of the same age? She turned around and ran to the studio where "The Host" was located. As she ran, she shouted at the top of her voice: "Help! Help! He's killing someone." !”

This shout attracted many people.

Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint could only stop.

Emma Watson shouted: "Bitch, don't let me see you again I will tear your face apart!"

Daniel asked: "Emma, ​​what's going on?"

Emma Watson put away her ferocity and became aggrieved. She sobbed and said: "I was about to enter the studio, and that Saoirse Ronan yelled at me and accused me of doing something I did in the toilet a few years ago. They laughed at me about wet pants and said I peed my pants..."

Rupert said fiercely: "This Bichi has always been against you!"

Emma Watson's eyes were red: "Yes, she always bullies me!"

"Don't worry, we won't let her bully you." Daniel comforted: "Next time you meet her, you give us a call. No matter what we are doing, we will rush over immediately!"

Saoirse ran out for a while, and when she saw no one was catching up, she stopped, put her hands on her hips and breathed heavily.

She asked someone to ask and found out that the crew of "Noah's Ark" had just moved into that crew, in which Emma Watson played the role of Noah's adopted daughter.

The crew of "The Host" is also filming at Disney Studios, which means she may often meet Emma Watson in the future.

Saoirse has only one person, Emma Watson has the Gryffindor Golden Triangle.

With so many years of grievance between the two, she would be unlucky in a fight.

Saoirse called Martin: "Teacher, do you still have fireworks there? I don't cause trouble, really, I just prevent others from causing trouble."

Martin's inventory was all given to Nicholson, and he simply asked Saoirse to find the old bastard.

Saoirse contacted Nicholson again, and as soon as she introduced herself, she said: "I remember you, Martin, the female student who loves to blow up toilets? Later, you go to the entrance of Disney Studio, and I asked a man named Luo Lin’s girl sent you some.”

"Thank you." Saoirse drove a battery car and went to the entrance of Disney Studios to wait for Lorraine.


The green pasture stretches as far as the eye can see, and the sound of horses neighing can be heard in the distance. The huge private farm is extremely private.

Morgan Freeman lifted his brown cowboy hat, handed the photos he had looked through to Lynch across from him, and said, "Keep these things away. If they spread, they will cause a lot of trouble."

Lynch carefully received it in the leather bag and asked: "Morgan, how do you feel about this island?"

Morgan Freeman is an old customer of Global Travel Company and does not need to hide it, saying: "I have heard about this island. It is very unique and I like it very much."

"Michelle is able to recommend some clients to vacation on that island, but places are limited," Lynch said.

Morgan Freeman thought of those photos and felt itchy: "Tell me, how much does the ticket cost?"

"It's not a matter of money." Lynch has been checking Morgan Freeman's past dealings with the company these days to determine that he is a suitable candidate: "The owner of the island is not short of money."

Morgan Freeman had heard that when Michelle was arrested in 2009, many people thought that she might stay in prison for the rest of her life. Unexpectedly, she was only sentenced to a fine and residential surveillance.

The fine amount is an astonishing US$35,000!

Everyone knew that someone big might have taken action.

At Morgan Freeman's age, his mentality is actually very good. He wants money and fame, and he seems to have everything.

But he has only one weakness.

Morgan Freeman's mind flashed through those photos again, and he couldn't help but ask: "What are your conditions?"

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