American fame and fortune

Chapter 675 A heavy price

The crowd dispersed, and Depp was pulled up from the mud and urine by his playmate, exuding an unpleasant odor.

Louise's female bodyguard, along with a dozen women from the crew, stood at the front, accusing Depp of molesting women, as if they were free of charge.

Daddario, who acted as a temporary photographer, captured the whole process.

Not only Daddario, many people on the crew here who are not doing anything are filming.

Mobile phones with photography functions are now too common.

Depp was beaten badly by someone from the crew of "The Martian", and he was beaten very badly. There will definitely be some trouble in the future.

Louise, a leftist with a keen sense of smell, had already let go of Martin's arm, chatted with the famous women on the crew, and quickly reached an agreement.

Depp's peeing offended everyone on the "Mars" crew.

Most of them are willing to accuse Depp of molesting women in public.

Louise found Martin and Ridley and said, "There will be some troubles later."

Martin looked at his watch: "The FBI people probably haven't gone too far yet. Call the police and ask them to come back and accuse Depp of molesting women and take the initiative."

Ridley was also very angry. In the eyes of an old-school director like him, Depp didn't pee on the ground, but on Ridley Scott's face!

Although he didn't quite understand what this new method was, he said, "I can also testify."

Louise went to make a phone call.

Martin found Bruce again and said a few words.

These things don't really do anything to Depp, they just allow the crew to avoid subsequent trouble.

A few dozen meters away, Depp sat on a dry stone, took the water from his playmate, and spit out mud that smelled of his own urine.

"Bah, bah..." He spat out a few mouthfuls of mud, took the water bottle and took a sip before spitting it out. He shouted angrily: "Wine, I want wine on horseback!"

One of the beaten light followers hurriedly went to get the wine.

Megan Ellison already knew what happened from Jerry Bruckheimer and was too tired to say a word.

Compared to Johnny Depp, she feels that her father, Larry Ellison, can be regarded as an honest man who follows the rules.

Megan said: "I don't care about anything else, Jerry, you have two days to deal with this matter. After two days, the crew must start shooting on time."

Jerry didn't want to get involved in these bad things, but the crew couldn't fall into turmoil, so they had no choice but to agree and go to where Martin, Louise and Ridley were gathering.

Martin asked without politeness: "Jerry, is this the apology you promised us?"

Even though Jerry was thick-skinned enough, he felt a little ashamed at this moment: "Sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this, but we will resolve this matter internally..."

Martin interrupted: "What Depp humiliated was not just me, but the entire "Mars" crew. If I can't give an explanation to the crew, I won't have to work in Hollywood in the future!"

Ridley interjected: "I have been a director for more than 40 years, and I have never been so humiliated! Jerry, the captain you praised was really eye-opening for me."

He is an old-school director and is very particular about these things: "I am just old, otherwise I would be the one who just went over to do it!"

Louise pointed at the dozen or so women who were extremely angry at the scene: "We must explain something to them."

Jerry still wanted to speak.

Martin said to Jerry again: "There is no need to say more about this matter."

Jerry had a headache and fell into self-doubt. Did he do something wrong with Depp's strategy of coaxing and flattering?

The FBI quickly returned, and one after another the crew of "The Martian" came forward to accuse Depp of molesting women in public, including many respected veteran directors like Ridley.

On Depp's side, except for his playmates, not only did no one on the huge "The Lone Walker" crew speak for him, some even said that Depp deserved it.

Megan Ellison simply didn't show up.

Jerry Bruckheimer believes that Depp must learn some lessons, but just make sure that Depp will not be taken away, so as not to affect the filming of "The Lone Ranger".

The matter of Depp being besieged is just like that for the time being, and we will just continue to argue in the future.

The dispute was temporarily subsided, and the crew of "The Martian" returned to their base.

Martin walked among the crowd and heard many strange sounds.

"I grabbed a handful of Depp's wet mud and smeared it on his face."

"What the hell, I just put mud into his mouth."

"He was insulting people in that way. I took a flashlight and wanted to poke his butt, but the flashlight was too thick."

The grievances of everyone in the crew were somewhat calmed and gradually dissipated.

Ridley returned to the director's office. The crew will shoot as usual tomorrow, and he still has preparation work to do.

Bruce went to find the people who had taken pictures with their mobile phones before and collected a large number of live videos. Together with the videos taken by D'Artagnan and the previous surveillance videos of the Mercedes-Benz RV, it could make a big news.


The most luxurious Mercedes-Benz RV on the set of "The Lone Ranger".

Depp took a shower, came out in a bathrobe, sat on the sofa, picked up a glass of wine and drank.

Amber Heard had not followed him before, but she had heard what happened. She was too lazy to say she didn't care. She just secretly took photos and videos, thinking that Depp's daily routine might be valuable in the future.

Depp looked at Amber: "Go and call them all."

Amber got out of the RV and asked Depp's friends to get in the car.

These people had bruises and swollen faces, and all of them were injured. They had been beaten badly before.

One of the playmates named Colson said: "Johnny, we can't just let it go. After so many years, when have we ever suffered such a loss?"

Depp wiped his mouth and took another sip of wine: "This matter must not be counted! Hodgson was taken away, and you..."

When he saw the injuries on his friends, he was furious: "You have paid such a heavy price for me, how can you let this go!"

Since the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean", who in Hollywood has not praised him? When had Johnny Depp ever been treated like this?

What's more, his brothers were all beaten and injured!

Another playmate named George said: "I have an unregistered gun in Los Angeles..."

Coulson quickly held him down: "Don't be ridiculous, can you compare to those gang members with a gun?"

Depp finished his glass of wine, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Do you know any of the people Hodgson dealt with?"

"I know them," Coulson said.

Because the brothers were stimulated by the injury, Depp had a rare idea in the past few years: "Spend money, find channels, and tell them that their people and goods were reported to the FBI by Martin Davis."

Coulson said: "I'm leaving the set right now to do this."

Depp wrote him a check.

Colson took the money, got out of the Mercedes-Benz RV, and drove an off-road vehicle out of Death Valley.


On the set of "The Martian", in the Mercedes-Benz RV, Bruce was sorting the video footage on the computer.

Louise glanced behind him and asked Martin: "Do you want to be exposed?"

"Not only will it be exposed, but it will also make Depp's reputation worse." Martin is like the villain in the movie: "People on the crew have grievances, and so do I!"

He said in a conspiratorial tone: "Do you know? It's been a long time since I wanted to personally blow someone's head off like I did today."

Louise couldn't help but shake her head: "I didn't expect that a simple apology would eventually turn into such a farce."

There are only Bruce and Louise here, no outsiders. Martin said directly: "Whoever steps on the horse threatens my safety, I will get on the horse and kill him first! Originally, I wanted to give Jerry Bruckheimer some face..."

He turned to look at Bruce: "Call your old sweetheart and ask her to come over and get the news."

Bruce didn't want to see Jodi very much: "I can send it to her." He sighed: "Forget it, I'll call her and ask her to come over."

"Those people have detonators in their bags. Do you know what I thought when I heard that?" Martin didn't need Louise to answer and gave the answer directly: "I want Old Boo to stuff the detonators into the butts of people related to those traffickers. Next, let them fly on a dirt plane!"

Louise has maintained an in-and-out relationship with Martin over the years and understands the meaning of his words.

Bruce was unhappy: "You'd better stuff it yourself!"

Martin laughed: "The two of us will go together."

Louise hit him lightly: "Speak seriously."

Martin didn't need to hide in front of Louise: "I'm going to get it back on horseback. I'll make Johnny Depp a hundred times more uncomfortable than rolling in mud and urine!"

Louise asked: "Have you thought of a good way?" She specifically advised: "Don't do it directly, it's not worth it for such a rotten drunkard and a rotten drug addict."

"If I wanted to do it myself, I would have done it just now," Martin said.

He stood where he could see the computer screen: "Whether it's taking drugs, contacting dealers, or peeing, etc., even if the news is sensational, for a star of Depp's level, it will only temporarily damage his reputation."

Louise said: "The failure of his two films with Annapurna Pictures will have a huge impact."

Martin's fighting spirit is already burning: "But Johnny Depp is still a billionaire."

Louise suddenly thought of Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck.

Martin said, "I want him to be a bad drug addict living on the streets!"

Louise also wanted to do it, because she was among the people Depp bombarded at the time: "Do you have an idea?"

Martin kept recalling and thinking on the way back, and said: "You are more familiar with the investment world than me. Please help me check whether Depp has any investors, and if so, who exactly are they."

Louise said: "It shouldn't be difficult to find out."

Martin said to Bruce again: "On the news side, you communicate with Jody, and I won't say more."

Bruce responded: "Leave it to me."

Martin took a bottle of water from the refrigerator, opened it, took a sip, and said: "When we were filming at Disney Studios, the crew of "The Lone Ranger" was opposite our studio. I heard a lot about Depp. , it is said that he drove the whole cast crazy, including Megan Ellison.”

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