American fame and fortune

Chapter 672 Blackmail shooting incident

The dark-colored Dodge pickup truck drove into the open-air camp. Pedro in the driver's seat asked: "Boss, there are too many cars here. Where can I find that idiot Hodgson?"

Sanchez, who was in the passenger seat, said: "Pay attention to a particularly large Mercedes-Benz RV. There should be only one."

Sergio, who was in the back seat, had been staring out the window, and suddenly pointed at a tall car not far away: "Boss, look at the front left, is it that one?"

Sanchez and Pedro looked over at the same time.

It was a huge lift-type RV. It was visually over 15 meters long. Counting the raised second floor, it must be more than four meters high. Under the light, the Mercedes-Benz logo was extremely eye-catching.

Sanchez looked at the phone again and said, "Mercedes-Benz RV, yes, that's it."

Pedro turned around and drove that way along a road. There were too many vehicles in the camp, and the Mercedes-Benz RV was surrounded by other vehicles. The car could not get past it quickly.

The three of them got out of the car. Sanchez carried a bag on his back and walked to the Mercedes-Benz RV. He also sent a text message to Hodgson: "I'm here. I brought a lot of goods, enough for you to use for three months. Get the money ready!"

In the hot summer, after traveling hundreds of miles without even having dinner, Sanchez was furious and sent another text message: "You better not play tricks on me, or I'll kill you with one shot!"

The other side came back quickly: "The money is ready."

Sanchez is very satisfied. If the deal can be concluded, it will definitely be a big deal. The price is 30% higher than before, and there is a separate delivery fee.

The three of them were walking in the middle of the camp. There were many people coming and going. Some people were lighting bonfires in the open space, drinking wine and eating barbecue.

"Pay attention." Sanchez touched the pistol under his coat and reminded the two younger brothers: "Be careful of cheating."

Southern California was not peaceful, and Pedro and Sergio also touched their pistols.

Gradually, the surrounding area became quiet. Near the Mercedes-Benz RV, all the chaos disappeared. It seemed that the people in the camp deliberately avoided this side so as not to disturb the people in the RV.


In the Mercedes-Benz RV, the short party was over.

Because they had to work normally the next day, Ridley Scott, Jessica Chastain and others quickly said goodbye and left after having a few drinks.

On the RV, apart from Martin, Daddario and Bruce, only Andy Weir, the original author of "The Martian", was still there.

This former programmer, who is nearly forty years old, has experienced a mid-life crisis, and is not good at communicating, is now a science fiction writer. His life trajectory has undergone major changes.

Andy Weir was not good at words and raised his glass: "Martin, I respect you and thank you for everything you have done for me."

Martin clinked glasses with him: "Congratulations on the launch of your new book."

Andy Weir drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, scratched his head and said: "Without you, "The Martian" can only be serialized on an online blog..."

He won't say fancy words: "I will leave the crew tomorrow and go to New York to attend the book launch ceremony. I will do my best for all the subsequent signings."

The stronger the reader base, the more people will buy tickets for future movie releases.

Martin poured him a glass of wine and said, "Andy, I wish your new book will sell well and our cooperation will be successful."

Just like when "Gone Girl" was published, this science fiction novel has attracted much attention as Martin and Ridley Scott officially announced that they will adapt Andy Weir's "The Martian" to the big screen. .

The number of views for the first half of the novel serialized by Andy Weir on his blog has increased hundreds of times.

Davis Studio is still cooperating with Random House and will officially publish the complete novel of "The Martian" during the Independence Day holiday.

Andy Weir was in a good mood, but he didn't know how to say thank you verbally, so he drank a few more drinks tonight.

He stood up unsteadily, said goodbye and left.

Martin dropped him off and returned to the car.

Bruce was about to close the car door when he saw three Mexican men turning out from behind a trailer.

The faces of these three people were unfamiliar, and their necks and arms were covered with tattoos.

The leader, carrying a black backpack, kept his right hand on his waist. The two people following him, one looked to the left and the other looked to the right, looking particularly vigilant.

This is clearly not what the crew looks like.

Bruce has seen so many people in Hollywood over the years that he can tell them at a glance.

The three people turned around and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz RV.

Bruce immediately waved his hand to Martin and asked him to pay attention.

Martin quickly pulled Dadario down and reminded: "Squat down, now!"

Daddario was very obedient. He immediately squatted down and glanced at Bruce at the door. He thought to himself, is this something new and exciting?

She reached out and grabbed Martin's belt.

When Martin was about to get the gun, he found that the gun had been grabbed by Daddario. The woman obviously misunderstood what he meant.

"It's dangerous, get down!" Martin could only remind him helplessly.

Daddario then realized that he had made a mistake, but she was not Elizabeth and Blake Lively, and her reaction was much slower than theirs.

She sat down on the floor and didn't move again.

It was only when he saw Martin pulling out a Glock pistol from a drawer that he realized what had happened.

Fortunately, he had received anti-shooting training since childhood. Daddario put his head in his hands, lay on the floor, and crawled forward a few steps to get out of the way of the main passage.

At the same time, most of Bruce's body was hidden behind the door of the Mercedes-Benz, and the hand hidden on the inside took out the pistol under his clothes.

In another RV nearby, two of Martin's bodyguards also pulled out guns.

Sanchez raised his head and glanced at the logo of the RV, which was the Mercedes mentioned in the text message. Looking from the outside illuminated by the Mercedes-Benz lights to the door, he couldn't see the face clearly, but the figure didn't look like Hodgson's, so he didn't pay much attention.

He knew that the person who wanted the goods was Johnny Depp's playmate, and Depp always had many playmates.

Sanchez asked: "Where is Hodgson? The goods he wants have arrived. Let him come out to see me and give me the money."

Bruce turned on the safety of the pistol: "There is no Hodgson here. You are in the wrong place. Get out of here."

Sanchez got out of the car and saw that it was the right one: "Hurry up, don't be nagging, get the money quickly, we came all the way here, don't try to fool others, give me the money quickly!"

"You have found the wrong person. There is no Hodgson here." Bruce pressed the alarm on the side of the door and warned: "Go quickly."

The crew security not far away was notified immediately.

Pedro took a step forward: "Boss, they are playing tricks on us."

The scorching air made Sanchez furious. He opened his clothes and touched the handle of the gun.

Bruce warned again: "I don't know you or who you are, get out of here!"

"Such a game is not fun, pay up quickly! I want money!" Sanchez's face was very ugly. He has been selling goods on the US-Mexico border all year round. His courage and personality are not ordinary: "If you don't give me money, I want you to look good!"

He pulled out his gun and was about to point it at Bruce.

Pedro and Sergio behind saw the boss's actions and drew their guns at the same time.

As soon as Sanchez raised his hand, before his finger landed on the trigger, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

Through the open window of the Mercedes-Benz RV, the muzzle flame flickered, and Martin pulled the trigger repeatedly!

boom! boom--

Sanchez was shot in both arms at the same time. His pistol fell to the ground, blood splattered on his arms, and he fell down, screaming.

Without any hesitation, Martin aimed his gun at the two bastards behind who took out their guns.

Gunfire rang out from Bruce's side.

In another trailer, gunfire also rang out.

Although Martin's two bodyguards are better at detecting trackers, it is not difficult to hit such a fixed target.

Gunshots rang out again and again. Now that Bruce had taken action, he would not leave any chance for the enemy to fight back.

Tarrus also emptied the magazine.

The two bodyguards also emptied their magazines.

Pedro and Sergio fell to the ground, their bodies covered with bullet holes and bleeding out.

Daddario held his head with one hand and hid in the small space next to the sofa. He covered his mouth with the other hand to prevent him from screaming and affecting the mentality of the people on his side.

Martin stood guard outside with a gun.

Bruce changed the magazine, glanced at Martin, and turned on the switch next to him. Several large searchlights on the RV came on, illuminating the surrounding area with strong light.

Pedro and Sergio had already made no sound.

Sanchez lay on the ground and tried to crawl out.

Bruce fired, and the bullet grazed Sanchez's head.

Sanchez did not dare to move. He held back the severe pain and shouted: "Don't shoot! Don't shoot, I won't move..."

He was confused, what was Johnny Depp doing? He made so much money and wanted to take advantage of others?

"Don't let me live!" Sanchez lay motionless on the ground, but he hated Johnny Depp in his heart: "What about the captain of Pirates of the Caribbean? As long as I live, I will treat you to bullets!"

The sound of gunfire broke the peace of the camp, and chaos gradually broke out.

The security personnel of the production crew ran over and shouted from a distance: "I am Harington, what is going on?"

Bruce replied: "Three gunmen broke in and wanted to extort money!"

Harrington issued an order: "Alert, no other people are allowed to break in!"

More than a dozen security personnel seized advantageous positions. Harrington personally led people forward to check on the three gunmen and found that two of them were dead. Another person was shot in both hands and arms and was lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

Harrington ordered his men: "Control him and call the police!"

Then, many subordinates reported: "Safe!"


Bruce got out of the car, stopped Harrington from touching the black backpack on Sanchez, and said, "Wait until the police or FBI come."

In the car, Martin directly called Neves, an old acquaintance of the FBI. The FBI here would rush over as quickly as possible.

When Bruce returned to the car, Martin said: "Bandage the injured, don't let anyone die."

Bruce nodded: "Harrington had people perform simple hemostasis and locked the person up. The crew doctor will be here soon."

Martin went to look at the RV's external surveillance camera and said, "The surveillance camera should have captured it."

He checked the on-board computer and the entire process was captured on the on-board surveillance camera.

Ridley Scott called, and Martin told him he was fine. Only then did he have time to comfort Daddario.

"I'm fine." Daddario pretended to be calm.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Martin saw Ridley through the car window: "You drink some Coke, the dessert can relieve the tension, I'll go see the director."

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