American fame and fortune

Chapter 656 Warner invites Martin to attend the premiere

Chapter 656 Warner invites Martin to attend the premiere

After watching for a while, Martin was about to go back to the studio when a Lexus suddenly drove up on the road and parked on the right side of the road where the crew of "The Martian" was.

Jerry Bruckheimer and Megan Ellison got out of the car one after another.

Although the former had never interacted with Martin, the Hollywood circle was not big, so he knew him after all. He nodded to Martin and turned to the studio.

Megan Ellison also saw Martin, but did not leave. Instead, she smiled in this direction.

Originally, she had no feelings for Martin, and grabbing the project was purely a business act.

But at the Oscar nominees luncheon, Martin stole Jessica Chastain in front of her, and Megan Ellison has already put him on the enemy list.

Martin simply ignored her, as if there was nothing but air in front of him.

With his acting skills, it is very easy to make the other party have such clear feelings.

Megan Ellison considers herself a winner in every sense of the word after defeating Martin twice in a row.

Just like Larry Ellison bragging about his victory in front of Bill Gates, Megan Ellison will not miss the opportunity to mock the loser in front of him.

The female domineering president walked towards Martin and said directly: "You lose."

Martin was too lazy to talk to her and didn't even answer her words.

Megan Ellison continued: "Compared with funds and strength, you are far inferior to me." She was particularly confident, and then pointed back at Jerry Brusheimer, who was about to enter the studio: "Compared to the production team, you are also inferior to me. .”

Martin didn't want to get tangled up with a woman in a place like this, so he turned and walked towards the studio of the "Mars" crew.

Megan Ellison came here to mess with someone. He just did it twice, but before he felt happy, the person ran away. How could this be possible?

Even if the other party leaves, she still has to feel refreshed: "Martin Davis, I haven't thanked you yet. Thank you for helping me provide such an excellent investment project."

Martin paused in his entire performance, and the person stopped, with veins popping out on his neck. He turned back, the distortion on his face could not be suppressed, and the anger in his eyes was like a shot of bullets.

Megan Ellison moved her hand behind her back repeatedly, and the six bodyguards in the other two cars were ready to take action.

Martin was like a volcano about to erupt.

Megan Ellison hopes that Martin will take action, and then the bodyguards will swarm to test the gold content of America's national hero.

This is the most high-end business war.

This is the most appropriate way to express top-level business wars.

Destroy people directly!

Martin forced out a sentence through his teeth: "You're welcome."

Megan Ellison is clearly taking after her father's style: "I hope there will be another chance to thank you."

Without saying a word, Martin turned around and walked towards the studio.

At this moment, his back looked bleak, like a loser running away...

Megan Ellison's anger at being poached in person felt like most of it was vented, and she felt inexplicably happy.

Although she didn't seduce Martin enough to have sex with her, the studios on both sides were so close, so there were plenty of opportunities later.

Martin came to the door of the studio and found that Louise had been standing here watching the show.

Louise accompanied him into the studio and asked, "Is this necessary?"

Martin whispered as he walked: "No matter how rich Megan Ellison is, her investment will be injected into the crew in batches. I want to strengthen her confidence in investing."

Louise reminded: "The opposite side is Jerry Bruckheimer's gold medal production team, and the director has hired Gore Verbinski. Are you so confident in that project?"

"I have no confidence in the project." Martin said the same thing: "I have special confidence in Johnny Depp."

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise brings not just a charismatic captain, but a star who can drive any cast member crazy.

If the movies he stars in can still sell well at the box office, this won't be a problem. Even if there were shit scandals and divorce cases in the previous life, relevant stakeholders can find ways to suppress them, but if the commercial appeal is not there, these will become big problems.

Martin first went to set up the scenic spot and visited the potatoes planted by the crew. Seedlings have now grown.

Then I went to the Mars barracks alone to experience the feeling of being alone.

In this drama, most of the scenes of the male protagonist are one-man shows. It is difficult to act in a one-man show, and it is even more difficult to shine.

Martin plans that when the barracks are completed, he will spend about ten days living here alone to experience life.

When it comes to publicity and momentum later, this is also a boo.

Martin can exercise and never get bored.

Coming out of the Martian barracks, Martin saw Thomas.

The latter came to him specifically, holding an invitation letter in his hand: "This invitation letter is personally signed by Jon Berg, Chairman of Warner Pictures, inviting you to attend the world premiere of "Pharaohs and Gods" at the end of the month."

Martin took it and looked at it and said, "Reply to Warner Pictures and I will attend."

He added: "This is a Ridley Scott film after all."

Regardless of the film's commercial prospects, Warner invited him. He is also working on a new film with Ridley and should be present.

Thomas added: "DC Films held an internal test screening for "Green Lantern". It is said that the internal response was excellent, and Warner even spread the word, claiming that this is the most gorgeous and outstanding superhero movie with special effects to date."

Martin asked: "The internal test screenings were well received?"

"It's been well received," Thomas said: "When Hamada from DC Films was interviewed, he claimed that this was a superhero movie comparable to "The Dark Knight."

Martin has not seen the preview, so it is difficult to comment.

But the next morning, he saw the "Green Lantern" poster released by DC Films. It was almost the same as Ryan Reynolds in his impression. The only change was that the heroine next to the hero was replaced by Australian actor Abby Coney. Varied.

Blake Lively listened to Martin's persuasion and refused to take the role in this project, playing the female lead in "Pitch Perfect."

The film won't be released until the end of the year or next year.

With the interior of the Mars camp completed, Martin sorted out all the work that needed to be done before retreating to experience a lonely life.

He also made a special trip to the studio of "Napoleon Beauty".

Marius and Alexandrovich were preparing the film. The latter's fiancée Olena was temporarily out of work. As a producer and screenwriter, she began to try to create what her fiancé called a presidential script.

Not a movie, but a TV series.

These three people paid great attention to it and specifically consulted Martin for his opinions on the basic settings and the main story line of the first season.

After all, after they wrote the script, they still needed Martin's studio to invest in the filming.

In the conference room, Martin sat on the sofa chair and read the outline written by Olena. The story was about a TV star preparing to participate in the general election.

Although the original idea was also for a star to become the president, after reading the previous content, Martin felt that something was not right. The story and characters were always floating in the sky, and there was a sense of distance from ordinary people.

He quickly figured out that stars were no longer ordinary people in any sense of the word.

This setting is not very good.

Martin asked: "Are Ukrainians satisfied with those in power? Or are they very repulsive?"

Alexandrovich continued: "Ukraine is now an oligarchy. The country and the economic lifeline are controlled by a very small number of oligarchs. The lives of ordinary people are relatively difficult. The exodus of young Ukrainian women can explain some problems."

Martin nodded and said: "There was a problem with our previous thinking. The setting of the male protagonist as an entertainment star is too far away from the audience. Please listen to my current thoughts. An ordinary person, but the social status should not be too low, it is best to have a certain The knowledge and insights of people are slowly developed from the ordinary class, and then they compete at the high-end political level."

Marius understood it as soon as he heard it: "When a small person climbs up and changes his destiny, he also changes the country. Can the audience have more sense of involvement and expectation?"

Martin said: "Yes, he started out as an ordinary middle-aged man who was a bit useless. He was tortured to the point of anxiety by his family and life, but he was able to represent the interests of ordinary people, and then he counterattacked and became the president."

Since arriving at the lighthouse of his dream, Alexandrovich's mind has become particularly active and he said: "I thought of a profession, an ordinary teacher, and a history teacher."

Martin thought for a while: "The setting of the history teacher is good. Knowing history makes it easier to criticize current problems."

Inspired by Martin’s previous words, Alexandrovich’s creativity flowed out like a spring: “After he gained a certain reputation for his outspokenness and courage, the oligarchs who ruled the country tried to bribe him, but he was not afraid of hardships and decided to become The people’s spokesperson can truly change this country!”

Marius said: "The ridiculous oligarchic corruption and social unrest can provide us with enough material and attract the attention of Ukrainians!"

Alexandrovich added: "Ukrainians are full of fear of this country, but there is hope in their fear. In reality, Ukrainians have been waiting for the changes they are fighting for, waiting for a wise leader to lead them to development. Become a country of dreams.”

Martin can imagine that the show is likely to be successful: "If this show allows Ukrainians to see another world, a dream world where they can laugh to their heart's content, it will be a great success."

He glanced at everyone: "Three of you, I have full confidence in you. You are the most outstanding Ukrainians."

Alexandrovich asked a key question: "Can we film the production and broadcast it?"

Martin said: "I guarantee that all the proceeds from "Napoleon Beauty" will be invested in the filming and production of this film. At best, the series can be broadcast on North American video websites, but you need to think about it in Ukraine. Method."

"As long as it's broadcast in North America and appears on Ukrainian television, it's not a big problem," Marius said.

"The script was created based on this idea." After Martin said this to Olena, he went out to answer the phone.

Olena looked at Martin's back: "He is a generous and charming man!"

After Martin came back, the four people discussed it and decided that the play would be called "The People's Servant".

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