American fame and fortune

Chapter 612 A man who wants to be the global focus

New York, Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Alexandrovich changed into the costume he brought and entered the conference room.

This short Ukrainian man was wearing a bright red military uniform and a red two-cornered military cap. Perhaps because of his appearance, he gave people a sense of humor without having to make any moves or words.

Marius looked up and down and said: "Not bad! Not bad, this is the feeling. When you stand here, it is a show!"

Alexandrovich smiled and waved to the back: "Orina, come in quickly."

A woman wearing a blond curly wig and a European-style palace skirt walked in at the door of the conference room. She was Alexandrovich's fiancée Olena.

She put on high heels and was taller than Alexandrovich. She wore ugly makeup and padded clothes to make her look taller and stronger.

Marius asked: "Are you all ready? This is related to whether we can enter the US market. The key to success or failure depends on this one move!"

Alexandrovich said: "Orina and I have rehearsed many times in private, and there will definitely be no problem."

Marius nodded and warned: "Whether we can break into Hollywood depends on your performance this time."

Alexandrovich grabbed his fiancée by the shoulders and said: "Remember, you are not a woman now, you are a cross-dresser. Your real gender is male, but you look like a woman on the outside!"

Olina nodded: "Don't worry, I have also been an actor."

A person at the door reminded: "Martin is here."

Marius immediately came to the door and said to the other two people at the same time: "Hurry up and get ready."

Alexandrovich and Olina quickly adjusted their emotions, sat on the wooden floor, and got into performance mode.

Martin and Louise came together. When they arrived at the door of the crew conference room, they met a strange middle-aged man.

This man had a typical Russian appearance and simply introduced himself: "Hello, I am Marius from Russia, please come in."

Martin and Louise entered the conference room together. There were two people sitting in the open space opposite, one was Alexandrovich whom he knew, and the other was a hairy girl with ugly makeup.

The two of them were obviously putting on a show.

Wearing a two-cornered hat, Alexandrovich was like a young boy in love for the first time. He walked quickly with two fingers on the floor and climbed onto Olina's calf.

Olina grabbed his hand and threw it away.

His hand quickly slipped back and climbed onto Olena's knees.

Olina shook it off again.

Not long after, his hand directly touched Olena's thigh.

Before Olina could react, Alexandrovich jumped up and pounced on Olina, knocking her down.

The two of them were fighting, not like they were making out, but like they were fighting.

Soon, Olina clamped Alexandrovich's neck with her legs and used a naked choke!

Alexandrovich rolled his eyes and stuck out his long tongue, looking weird and funny.

Martin found it inexplicable at first, but when he thought that Alexandrovich was playing Napoleon and the woman was actually a villain, it became somewhat funny.

Maybe the point of laughter between people is really different.

It's like Martin watching an American comedy. Louise, Elizabeth and others laughed happily, but it was difficult for him to laugh.

Jim Carrey's comedy was okay, but he really didn't know where the laughs were in the comedy of The Bad Guys.

Louise said at this time: "It's interesting."

Martin nodded slightly.

Alexandrovich and Olina finished their performance, got up from the floor, and bowed to Martin and Louise like actors taking a curtain call.

Martin walked over: "Welcome to New York, Alessandro."

"It is an unforgettable honor for me to receive your invitation." Alexandrovich seemed extremely sincere, and specially introduced his fiancée Olena to Martin.

There is also a partner, Marius, who is also the screenwriter and director of "Napoleon Beauty".

Martin shook hands with the two men next to each other.

Bruce stood in the corner and looked at Olena, a blond girl with two hairs. She has a pretty good figure and good looks. The most important thing is that she has the identity of a fiancée. This identity is the key...

Martin glanced at the blushing Alexandrovich and said: "Your Napoleon's look is very unique. This is the first time I have seen Napoleon like this."

Alexandrovich is very talented in comedy, and said with a flattering smile: "Contrast may bring better comedy effects. Big figures like Napoleon make some absurd actions, and the comedy brought by contrast can be better." The effect is set to infinity.”

Olena took off her wig, revealing a waterfall of blond hair, and looked at Martin expectantly like her fiancé.

Marius took over: "As for the script, we can modify the story and the background of the characters according to your requirements, and change it to the story of Napoleon and the British. For example, before the Battle of Leipzig or the Battle of Waterloo, the British specially sent a beautiful woman To seduce Napoleon and hinder his advance."

He, a Russian, had no favorable impressions of either the French or the British, and said: "A gay British man disguised himself as a woman to seduce the French Emperor Napoleon. What a joyful setting."

Alexandrovich said to Martin again: "If you have any ideas, you can tell us and we will add them to the script as appropriate."

Olena felt that her fiancé had gone a little too far. In order to gain the support of Martin Davis, he even gave up the most basic dignity and face of an artistic creator.

I only see benefits and nothing else.

"The settings of the British and French remain unchanged, and you will write the rest." Martin thought for a moment and said, "My studio will sign your project."

Louise was going back to Los Angeles tomorrow. He turned to look at Louise: "Will you take them to Los Angeles with you tomorrow? Let Thomas and Jessica discuss the specific details with them."

Louise nodded: "Okay."

Alexandrovich couldn't suppress his inner excitement, high-fived Marius in celebration, and kissed his fiancée hard.

He traveled thousands of miles to come to the United States in search of the future he expected, and the lighthouse did not disappoint them.

Martin looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late. You haven't rested since you got off the plane. Why don't you rest first? Are the rooms arranged?"

"Everything is arranged," said Alexandrovich.

Martin nodded: "Go and rest. When we get to Los Angeles, the manager of my studio will talk to you about the specific matters."

Alexandrovich and the three others left the conference room.

After going out and turning into the elevator, he said to his fiancée: "Orina, I didn't lie to you, did I? Our future is in Hollywood, in America! This is the beacon of human civilization!"

Olina had just observed carefully that Martin Davis seemed to be really interested in running his fiancé's project, and immediately nodded: "My dear, you did a great job!"

Marius also encouraged the old man: "Without your courage and pioneering, I would not have the chance to come to Hollywood."

Alexandrovich looked extremely determined: "I will definitely become the focus of the world's attention!"

In the conference room, Martin and Louise have not left yet.

Louise was very curious: "Where did you find the living treasure? It's very interesting."

"A Ukrainian actor." Martin roughly said: "The crew of "Inception" proactively approached me during the premiere in Paris."

Louise said: "Such a film can easily trigger protests from the French media."

Martin said casually: "I'm sure the French will understand."

Louise asked: "You're going to let a Russian film a French and English film?"

"Doesn't this seem to be a problem?" Martin never thought this was a problem: "Look, the French can shoot Russian or former Soviet films, the British can also shoot, and the Americans can also shoot, such as "At the Gate", a French director Leading a group of British creators to shoot a movie about the former Soviet Union and Germans, the level of outrageous content should be no worse than Napoleon played by Alessandro."

Louise was surprised: "Is there something wrong with the content of "At the Battle of the City"?"

Martin didn't expect her to ask such a question. Knowing that it would be too troublesome to explain and he couldn't explain clearly, he simply put it aside without mentioning it and pulled her out: "I'm hungry, let's go have dinner."

Louise asked again: "Are you sure you can find investment and distribution?"

Martin said: "We are about to sign a long-term distribution contract with Disney Pictures. If Disney doesn't like it, we will look back and see if we can sell it to Netflix. In terms of investment, I believe Mr. Wu Maoting will be interested. The cost of this film is low." It will be over $5 million."

He further said: "It won't be a big problem to recover the funds Wu Maoting invested in "Romantic Trouble". As long as I come forward to talk to him, he will definitely be willing to use the funds on new projects."

Louise nodded slightly: "You have considered it very comprehensively. I hope they can make a comedy of normal standards."

Martin remembered that Alexandrovich was a very successful comedian in his previous life, and wondered whether he could develop his talent as a comedian in the United States.

The next morning, when Louise returned to Los Angeles, she took Alexandrovich and Marius with her.

Yesterday's media will generate media enthusiasm. It is a sequel to a blockbuster movie, and the attention will be obviously higher.

""John Wick 2" is being filmed, and Martin Davis is back with a gun!"

"The man who avenged the dog is back!"

"The sequel to "Speed", the benchmark for gun-fight action movies set by Martin Davis, is being shot in New York."

Subsequently, the crew released the first poster of "John Wick 2".

Jonathan, played by Martin, walks the dark streets of New York with a gun.

On the poster, Martin's face was covered with trauma and his hair was messy, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle. Coupled with the blue-black back and the people around him whose faces could not be seen clearly, it created a tense atmosphere that was about to break out.

There is also a blood-red text at the bottom of the poster: Jonathan will fight alone against the most ferocious killers in the world, and start a fatal showdown with them!

Every letter is like a bullet bursting with blood!

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