American fame and fortune

Chapter 543 Illegitimate Son

In Beverly Hills, hundreds of environmentalists and members of the Coca-Cola Cult gathered in the small square in front of the Hilton Hotel, and the media box was packed with reporters.

The charity event held by Leonardo's environmental organization "Earth Alliance" attracted the attention of many media because it attracted big-name celebrities such as Martin, Nicholson and Kate Winslet.

The fanaticism of environmental groups is even worse than that of movie fans.

In a hotel lounge not far away, the three bastards met here after changing their clothes.

Martin asked for the briefcase from Bruce, his face extremely serious.

Nicholson, who came to join in the fun, asked curiously: "What happened? Did your girlfriend break up with you?"

"Absolutely not." Leonardo came over and said, "My girlfriend broke up with Martin, and Martin smiled happier than anyone else."

Martin looked sad: "I lost."

Nicholson didn't quite understand: "What lost?"

Martin didn't explain. He opened his bag and took out the money. He took out two stacks of cash and handed them to Leonardo and Nicholson respectively: "I am a good person. I admit defeat."

Leonardo took the money and tried to remember the bet with Martin.

Nicholson remembered it, and while counting the bills, he said, "Did you really get involved with Harvey Weinstein's wife?"

Martin was helpless: "I was forced. There were too many of them. Five of them were against me. I resisted, but it was useless." He recalled that it was really terrible: "I didn't want to lose the bet, but I What can be done?”

Leonardo wanted to punch this rotten man in the face. How dare he say such shameless words?

He picked up the banknote, smashed it in his hand, and revealed Martin's true face: "You don't take the initiative, you don't commit, you don't refuse, and you target other people's wives or fiancées. I can finally see your true face. You like hooking up the most." Other people’s wives, if Jack and I have wives, we will never be friends with you!”

Nicholson collected the money and asked, "I know that Harvey Weinstein only has sex with other people's women. How did you get his wife?"

"I'm completely passive, okay?" Martin was really innocent: "AA, KK and Old Fox formed a fashion supermodel group. It is a mutual aid organization similar to a sorority. The only test for joining the group is to mess with me. If you can get them, Only then can I join the fashion supermodel group.”

Leonardo was angry: "Did you make a mistake? Why did you choose a rotten person like you? Why didn't you do it to me?"

Martin immediately counterattacked: "They don't look for you because they have good intentions and don't want to embarrass you. There are some things that the person concerned just needs to know. If you tell them, you will lose face."

Nicholson immediately changed his stance: "Martin has good intentions!" He, a wallflower, turned to the other side: "You don't even call me, do you think of me as your brother?"

Martin always thought about his brothers and patted Nicholson on the shoulder: "They are outnumbered and I'm afraid you might die suddenly."

Leonardo and Nicholson stayed away from him at the same time, they really didn't want to be with this bad guy.

It was almost time, and the three of them left the hotel together.

There were already people pushing bicycles waiting at the door of the hotel.

The three of them each chose one and rode to the Hilton Hotel.

For environmental protection activities, at least you have to show your attitude.

Martin took the lead to get out of the hotel passage, and reporters immediately followed him and kept chasing him.


At the intersection next to the Hilton Hotel, a black business car slowly drove over.

In the car, Toni, who was holding her child, bit her lip, her eyes trembling slightly, and asked with uneasiness: "Ben, is this okay? Is it too much?"

Ben Affleck pointed to a nearby poster with Nicholson on it: "His illegitimate children were quietly sent away and still have no father. Do you think that little John will never have a father like them?" Does everyone laugh at you?"

Toni fell silent because she wanted her child to have a father and live a prosperous life.

Big Ben continued: "I believe you and Martin had a wonderful experience, but this is Hollywood, where assholes gather! I am now the godfather of Little John, and I must prepare for the worst for my godson. If Martin Day What should I do if Wes doesn’t recognize you or Little John?”

He didn't need Toni to answer: "There are enough media here, there are enough reporters, there are enough fans, they will definitely let Martin Davis give you an explanation!"

Toni was also unkind and asked directly: "What's the worst outcome?"

Daben thought of the usual way of dealing with the situation in the industry: "Martin will give you a compensation so that you will never talk about this matter for the rest of your life."

Toni thinks this result is not bad. A few million dollars is enough to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

But Ben didn't want it. He gently stroked the sleeping child and emphasized: "Little John needs a father, so we strive for the best results so that Little John can grow up in the best environment."

Toni really wanted her son to live the life of a rich second generation, so she nodded: "I will listen to you."

Daben patted the driver's seat and asked: "Change clothes and prepare to go there."

Casey Affleck took off his coat, put on a red Coca-Cola cultural shirt, and put on a commemorative hat.

The same goes for Ben, who dressed up as a Coca-Cola believer who is more common on the streets in the United States.

He also wears a hat and has a full beard. At first glance, unfamiliar people may not recognize him as Ben Affleck.

Toni is also dressed as a member of the Coke Cult, and even the swaddling clothes that wrap the child have Martin's full-length image printed on them.

Ben put the portable loudspeaker on Toni again and tried the sound. The effect was good.

He spent a lot of money to get this.

Big Ben opened the door and got out of the car, and accompanied Toni around to the front of the Hilton Hotel.

There are many movie fans here, many of whom are wearing red cultural shirts.

Compared to Ben, Cassie's face was relatively unfamiliar. As he walked, he said, "Can I give in? This mother is a die-hard supporter of Martin. She brought the child here to see Martin just after he was born and left the hospital."

Many people looked over and saw Toni wearing the same clothes and the swaddling clothes wrapped in Martin's image, and gradually a path separated.

Mothers and babies always receive a lot of preferential treatment.

Some people even took the initiative to block the crowded crowd and create a safe passage for Toni.

"Thank you." Toni said as she walked away: "Thank you."

She came to the front of the red carpet and looked at the end of the red carpet. No one had come over yet.

Toni looked at the front of the hotel again, where the media area was filled with reporters.

Ben and Cassie also took the opportunity to squeeze over. They had experienced many red carpets like this. There were sparse movable guardrails in front of the isolation belt, and there were not many security personnel guarding both sides.

There were only two security personnel close to them.

Ben whispered to Cassie, and Cassie nodded: "No problem."

Movie fans and environmental supporters on both sides of the red carpet became agitated, and some shouted.

"Martin, I love you!"

"Forever Coke God of War!"

Toni craned her neck to look over there. Three people, old, middle-aged and young, came over on three bicycles, stopped at the end of the red carpet, and walked over together.

The person walking on her side was Martin Davis!

Toni was ready to move.

The person was still a little far away, so Ben quickly reminded: "Calm down."

Toni lowered her head and kissed the child, pulled away his swaddling clothes, and exposed him to the media cameras for a moment.

As for flash lights and the like, she was not considering them at all at the moment.

The person gradually approached, and Ben nodded to Cassie.

Cassie raised her foot and stepped on the foot of the person next to her. The two immediately got into a quarrel and started pushing each other.

Two nearby security personnel went over immediately to stop them from causing any further conflicts and affecting the activities.

Daben turned on the portable loudspeaker switch, stepped on the isolation belt, pulled away the mobile guardrail in front, and said: "Go quickly."

Toni hugged the child and rushed out. Opposite was Martin five or six meters away.

When Bruce saw someone suddenly running out, he immediately stepped forward to block Martin, and put his hand into his coat.

But he immediately saw clearly that the person rushing over was a woman with a child in her arms.

Bruce shouted, "Stop her!"

Security personnel nearby rushed over.

"It's me, Martin, I brought our child to see you." Toni picked up the child, let him face Martin, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Look, this is your son! Your son ah!"

The baby was disturbed and cried.

Toni didn't care about this at all and still shouted: "You said you loved me in New York, you gave me the most precious gift, and now I bring my child to see you!"

These sounds were transmitted through the portable loudspeaker, and the scene was suddenly in an uproar.

Especially the media reporters, who were following Martin and the trio. The camera turned to focus on Toni and started filming regardless.

Hundreds of reporters in the media area couldn't stay any longer and ran here like crazy.

They know very well the virtues of Hollywood stars. Martin Davis's reputation as a playboy is no less than that of Leonardo. It is normal to have an illegitimate child.

Even Leonardo and Nicholson turned to stare at Martin, thinking to themselves, this bastard is usually very careful, why did he even create an illegitimate child?

They are not ready to be godfathers yet!

Ben was worried that Martin would recognize the child on the spot. Although having an illegitimate child was troublesome, it was not a fatal injury to a Hollywood A-list star.

So, he took off his hat and red shirt. The white sweater stood out among the crowd of reds.

Reporters gathered around to take photos wildly, and the crowd around them was excited. Toni was still talking loudly, exposing the child to the flash without any scruples.

Martin did not panic and told Bruce. Under the protection of security personnel, he, Leonardo and Nicholson wanted to go around and get out of here first.

Just when he turned to look at Toni again, he saw a flash of white in the crowd behind her.

Ben Affleck was smiling in his direction.

Martin seemed not to notice, turned his head and continued walking forward.

But in his heart, he determined that this matter was related to Ben Affleck.

As for the woman holding the child, Martin remembered it when she first appeared, the head of the group of female fans who often danced.

Behind them, Bruce first reassured people: "Ma'am, let's talk somewhere else? This is not the place to talk."

But Toni shouted: "Martin wants to talk to me privately, he wants to recognize us as mother and son!"

Bruce looked at the child in the other person's eyes, which was a talisman in front of the media and the public. He did nothing and continued to invite the other person to leave first and discuss it privately.

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