American fame and fortune

Chapter 485 So cool

As the premiere of "John Wick" gets closer and closer, the crew released a new trailer. The trailer reveals the key to the plot and the reason why Jonathan, played by Martin, goes on a killing spree - the dog!

Because the pet dog left behind by his deceased wife was killed by the Russians, Jonathan went on a killing spree.

For Martin, the Russians bring their own enthusiasm.

Martin is currently popular, the film is already very popular, and every piece of news can attract attention.

Under the newly released trailer on YouTube, a popular comment was quickly pinned to the top.

"They shouldn't have killed Martin's dog!"

The topic of dogs began to brew on the Internet. In addition to people who were already paying attention to Martin and the film, it also attracted a new group - dog-raising families.

Keeping dogs is too common in the United States. Too many people regard dogs as members of the family.

Using the death of a dog as the motivation is clearly different from other action movies, and it also has the right intersection with Internet culture.

There is no need for others to summarize, Jessica’s network marketing team immediately released a brand-new marketing concept.

"A murder caused by a dog!"

This sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

"Dogs are so cute, how could those bastards have the heart to do anything to them? Well done Martin!"

"Don't you know how to look at the owner when you beat a dog? Do you dare to kill Martin's dog? Don't you know the fame of Coke God of War?"

There was a reply below: "Those who have truly seen the mighty and domineering Coca-Cola God of War have already gone to hell to report to Satan."

Subsequently, Warner Bros. held a small preview screening.

Media reporters, theater managers and a few lucky movie fans were lucky enough to see the film in advance.

Pablo is one of the lucky fans.

He likes Martin very much, but unlike Martin's ardent fans, he likes Martin's movies more.

The quality is guaranteed and looks very enjoyable.

The Santa Monica Pier incident made Pablo pay attention to "John Wick".

During the entire preview meeting, Pablo was fully focused. He didn't even get distracted once. He didn't even think about whether the plot was reasonable or whether the theme was deep. He was completely attracted by the action scenes and followed the scene to the end unknowingly.

The action scenes were so exciting that he completely ignored the literary dramas.

There was a middle-aged man next to him who suddenly whispered: "There seems to be no movie in Hollywood where the action scenes are as smooth as Vaseline like Martin's.

Pablo first agreed: "Yes! Yes! The action scenes are so exciting. Most of the action scenes are long shots, and Martin's completion is extremely high!"

Then, he remembered what the other person said about Vaseline, and quickly moved his butt to the other side, worried that it would really be as smooth as silk.

The middle-aged uncle added: "In other action movies, in order to make up for the inconsistency of the actors' movements, they have to cut the shots very short and use camera switching to create action scenes. Michael Bay's movies are representative..."

Although he was worried, when it came to the film, Pablo still took the initiative to answer the question: "Because Martin is strong enough to handle long-lens shooting."

The middle-aged uncle suddenly took out a business card, handed it to Pablo, and said, "I am a reporter from Movie World magazine. Can I publish what you just said in my report?"

It turned out that the other party was a professional, Pablo nodded slightly: "Of course."

He heard that many film critics looked down on commercial action films and was worried that this person would give negative reviews. He quickly added: "I am an ordinary movie fan. From my perspective, this film is cool and refreshing. It is definitely a super action film." classic!"

The middle-aged uncle showed a lewd smile: "I think so too."

At the end of the test screening, Pablo paid special attention and walked out, listening with all his ears.

Surrounded by ordinary movie fans like him.

"Martin's action scenes definitely deserve full marks!"

"Martin is so handsome, with all kinds of realistic melee combat and crazy headshots. This is what an action movie should be like!"

"You're so cool, Martin is so cool!"

Pablo left the preview theater and drove home. He immediately turned on his computer and logged into the IMDB website. Under the "John Wick" column, there was no official movie review.

He quickly typed out the comment he had thought of on the way and sent it.

"I just watched the preview of "John Wick". It is a real murder caused by a dog. What needs to be said is that it is not like some people with dirty minds making it up. All the highlights of the film are in the trailer. It’s ten times more exciting! Martin’s action scenes are so outstanding, as clean as blowing the Russian spy’s head with a bottle of Coke on the Santa Monica Pier!”

"Guys, this movie is really awesome! In the long-shot action scenes, Martin's action scenes are extremely completed. Anyway, I have never seen them in Hollywood in recent years! The most important thing is that no villain died from talking too much. There is no villain who doesn't kill the protagonist after being caught but is killed instead. Whenever Martin takes action, he will do it cleanly and leave no future troubles!"

Pablo is just a senior movie fan, not a professional film critic. His writing skills are limited and he can only express this.

This comment was quickly liked by hundreds of people and pushed to the top of the comment column!

The film's test screenings have received very good reviews, and theater managers have given it unanimous praise, saying it is highly entertaining and highly commercial.

Cinemark's marketing director Philip found Daniel, who was responsible for the promotion of "John Wick" at Warner Bros., at the subsequent reception.

"I admit that because of the nature of the original film and the R-rated rating, even if the film is very popular, I still underestimated it." Philip will not miss this opportunity to drive traffic. Such a film will be released in the off-season in March. Fully drive performance.

He thought for a moment: "You can give me another 300 copies, which must be in place one week before the release!"

Daniel responded immediately: "No problem." But he also had conditions: "You have seen the film. The quality of Martin's films is still so high. There is no need to worry about the business aspect. I require all Cinemark theaters not to reduce the number of films within four weeks. Filming schedule for ‘John ​​Wick’!”

Philip has been in the industry for decades and has a very keen sense of the market. He did not consider it at all and said directly: "Yes, Cinemark will definitely not reduce the film schedule within four weeks!"

Daniel smiled and said, "I'll let someone draw up an agreement."

Of course this kind of thing has to be put on paper.

As soon as Phillip left, Gray, the representative of Imperial Cinema, also came over.

He said to Daniel: "This time you have got another masterpiece, Martin's film, which is indeed a guarantee of quality."

The two are old friends, and Daniel burst out laughing: "Since I collaborated with Martin, my job has become much easier. I don't have to put a lot of thought into choosing films. Martin starring in the movie is a guarantee of success."

Regal and Cinemark are the second of the three major theater chains in North America. Although theaters make more profits from selling goods, good films are the key to attracting customers. Gray added: "Martin's new film "John Wick" ", Emperor guarantees a 60% film scheduling rate."

Daniel emphasized: "All around."

Gray thought for a while and nodded: "Okay." He then added: "For the next film starring Martin, which is the new project directed by Nolan, would Warner Bros. sign an exclusive screening agreement with Monarch?"

This meant that the film could not be screened in other theaters, so Daniel directly offered a sky-high price: "A seven-to-three share."

"This is impossible!" Gray almost shouted, he emphasized: "Don't forget that it is an original science fiction movie!"

Daniel also emphasized: "Please don't forget, it is a science fiction movie starring Martin Davis and directed by Christopher Nolan!"

Of course, the two of them couldn't negotiate this kind of exclusive agreement, so they quickly changed the subject.

But for "John Wick", Imperial Cinemas will devote enough resources to support it.

AMC soon notified Daniel and requested additional copies of the film.

Naturally, "John Wick" is confirmed to open in about 3,800 theaters in North America, surpassing "The Matrix 2"'s 3,603, and will set a new release record for R-rated films.

The current North American opening record for a Hollywood R-rated film is also held by the latter, which is US$91.77 million.

This is a sequel movie, an original non-sequel movie. If the box office can exceed 50 million US dollars in the first weekend, it is considered a super hit.

In Martin's previous life, Cameron's "Avatar" grossed more than $77 million in its North American opening weekend.

In Hollywood, original films are inherently inferior in the eyes of distributors and theater companies.

Immediately, the crew and Martin began intensive pre-screening promotion work, traveling back and forth from North America to Europe.

Roadshows, interviews, talk shows, etc., the promotion of this film does not need to be surprising, as long as it follows the conventional model, it is enough.

Because Martin almost paid the price with his life to do the best publicity.

Warner Bros. deliberately mixed the video of Martin on the Santa Monica Pier with part of the film's trailer and posted it on the Internet.

Netizens were very impressed by it and thought that there was no sense of disharmony between the two when put together.

The topic of "murderous crimes caused by dogs" is also fermenting, and more and more people are joining the discussion and enjoying the fun of making memes.

ABC TV's morning ace program "Good Morning America" ​​specially invited Martin to be a guest in the live broadcast room and shared the relationship between the protagonist Jonathan and the dog Daisy.

Host Diane Sawyer asked: "In the trailer released by the crew and other promotional materials, you went on a killing spree because of a dog?

"It's not me, it's Jonathan, the hero of the film!" Martin corrected him and said specifically: "The dog Daisy was left to Jonathan by his wife Helen before she passed away. Jonathan loved Helen deeply and quit the killer industry for her. Daisy is Jonathan’s emotional and spiritual sustenance is also the starting point for his new life.”

These are not spoilers, and the film itself is not afraid of spoilers: "Daisy represents Jonathan's normal life, and Daisy's death completely broke Jonathan's peaceful life and changed his emotional and mental state. Pick up the gun and start your journey of revenge for Daisy!"

Time quickly came to late March. After an intensive promotional trip, the main cast members gathered in New York to prepare for the premiere of "John Wick".

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