American fame and fortune

Chapter 461 Vomiting blood

In the study, Martin was sitting in front of the computer, flipping through various news about Daben. He was enjoying his meal when the sound of an engine suddenly came from outside.

A red lawn cart drove to the grass in the front yard and began to mow the lawn.

In the car, a beautiful girl wearing a sunhat sat.

Martin left the study, walked out of the side door of the villa, and shouted over there: "Lily, come here."

The lawn cart made a circle and stopped beside the road. Lily, who was wearing jeans, jumped out of the car and quickly came to Martin: "Is something wrong? I still have to work."

Martin pointed to the lawn and the car: "Why did you do this suddenly?"

"You said so." Lily smiled.

Martin wondered, could it be that the constant love made this girl stupid? He said: "The last time I asked you to mow the turf was more than ten days ago, right? You never did it."

Lily said: "So I feel very guilty. I happen to have time today, so I will trim it quickly."

Martin stared at her.

Lily was worried that the iron fist of love would fall, and said honestly: "First it was Casey Affleck, and now it's Ben Affleck. I read reports in the gossip media that Ben is raising money for his younger brother."

Martin waved his hand: "Cassie has something to do with you, but Ben has nothing to do with you."

Lily didn't listen at all: "I can't help you with anything else, I can only help you with some chores."

Martin asked: "Have you carved the statue that Leonardo wants?" Seeing Lily shaking her head, he urged: "Go to work quickly."

Lily had to put down her lawn mowing work and go back to playing carving.

She drove in the car, but did not go back to the academy studio immediately. She made a special circle and came to the door of Ben Affleck's house.

There were at least hundreds of women gathered there, as well as a large number of media reporters, and a television broadcast truck was parked nearby.

"Punish the murderer severely!"

“Protect women’s rights!”

"Ben Affleck must be sentenced harshly."

Posters and banners filled with slogans were held high by them and displayed in front of the media cameras.

Lily took out the carving knife she carried with her from her pocket. Under the protection of Martin's wings, the carving knife was useless.

"These two rotten brothers!" She raised her middle finger towards the other side of the house: "I hope you spend the rest of your life picking up soap in prison!"

After Lily drove away, a commercial vehicle turned from the corner of the street and drove into the door of Daben's house that slowly opened.

Matt Damon, Cassie and Attorney Cole got out of the car and entered Big Ben's villa.

Daben sat alone on the sofa, holding a large bottle of tequila and pouring it into his mouth with dull eyes.

Damon strode over, snatched the bottle from him, and threw it into the trash can next to him. He pressed Ben's shoulders with both hands, looked directly into Ben's eyes, and said loudly: "If you don't want to go to jail, you can go to jail." I cheer up!"

Da Ben raised his head: "All the companies that cooperate with me have called me and want to end their cooperation with me. What else can I do?"

"You don't have commercial endorsements, so you won't face claims from commercial companies like Peter!" Damon wanted to drum up Daben's fighting spirit: "Don't they want compensation? Just pay it to them! Once this matter is settled, even if you can't If you are an actor again, depending on your ability, you can also work behind the scenes as a director."

His voice became louder and louder: "This is Hollywood, where people are never judged by morality. As long as you can make money for major manufacturers, they don't care what you have done!"

Daben's drunken eyes finally had a little brightness: "Where's Harvey? Harvey didn't say anything?"

Damon emphasized: "You don't want to say anything about Harvey, you understand?"

Ben nodded subconsciously: "I didn't mention Harvey to anyone."

Damon said: "It's not convenient for Harvey to come to see him, but he asked me to convey to you that he will never give up on our brothers! Only you can deal with those women. When the public opinion calms down, Harvey will find a suitable project for you." Be a director.”

The matter has reached this point, and it cannot be solved without heavy bleeding.

Cassie said, "Ben, this is all my fault."

Damon raised his hand to stop him from continuing, still staring at Ben: "As a man, it's normal to do this. There's nothing to be afraid of. What's terrible is that you don't have the courage to face it."

Daben stood up unsteadily: "I have the courage to face it, but I don't have the money to face it."

There are more than a dozen girls in the acting class, plus those girls who jumped out when working on the previous crew. It is difficult to settle without tens of millions of dollars.

After all, there is a ready-made example of Brad Pitt.

Daben turned to look at Attorney Cole: "Can my joint property be sold?"

Lawyer Cole replied: "Jennifer Garner has officially filed for divorce in the court, requesting an equal division of your common property..."

Da Ben knew that he had to calm down this messy situation as soon as possible. Who knows what will happen if it drags on? landslide!"

He said to lawyer Cole: "I want to divorce her and get this done as soon as possible. I need money urgently!"

Lawyer Cole nodded: "I will make an appointment with Jennifer Garner's lawyer this afternoon."

The focus of the divorce is nothing more than property and children. The latter obviously has no intention of competing for custody rights. It is not difficult to retain visitation rights. The most difficult property division has reached an agreement in principle, and the rest are trivial matters.

Damon continued to encourage Big Ben: "We must get through it. Since we met in Boston, how many difficulties have we experienced, and how many difficulties have we not passed through safely?"

Daben nodded, feeling empty when he thought about the property divided in the divorce and the large amount of money that might be required to be compensated next.

After more than ten years in the film industry, how much of the net worth he has managed to accumulate will be left in the end?


In the TMZ office building, Jody received a call from the editor-in-chief and immediately put down what he was doing and rushed to the editor-in-chief's office.

"You did a great job this time, Joe." The editor-in-chief praised without hesitation: "You are worthy of being our number one TMZ leader."

Jodi will not be modest about the things he is most proud of: "These are what I am best at. After the news was published, the website traffic was booming?"

The editor-in-chief smiled and said: "The effect is very good. The big boss called me and asked me to supervise the implementation of your reward as soon as possible."

Jodi also laughed and rushed forward to grab the news. On the one hand, she loved this industry, and on the other hand, she could get money that satisfied her.

The editor-in-chief looked at the financial director who was also in the office and said, "Just hand out the rewards."

The financial director took out an envelope and handed it to Jodi: "Congratulations."

Jody took it, opened it and looked at the number on the check, and smiled even brighter: "Thank you, editor-in-chief, thank you director."

The editor-in-chief said at the right time: "I'm waiting for you to bring more exciting follow-up reports."

Jodi signed the financial receipt and was about to leave when he remembered: "There is also an informant fee. I promise to pay the informant two fees."

TMZ Energy has been receiving all kinds of dirty information and secret information. It has always been generous in paying informants. The editor-in-chief said: "Go to the finance office again."

Jody went to the finance office, received the check for $2,000 without much effort, called Ivan to make an appointment, and drove away from TMZ.

The two met again at Griffith Park.

Jodi didn't waste any time and gave Ivan the $2,000 directly, saying, "If you have any similar news, remember to find me."

Ivan collected the check with great satisfaction and said: "I got the news that Ben and Jennifer Garner are about to divorce. You can follow the news in this regard. This clue is included and there is no charge."

Jodi said, "Any other requirements?"

"Your guess is really accurate." Ivan said slowly: "Pay attention to what kind of property Ben Affleck can get."

Jody knew about Da Ben’s situation: “Da Ben and Jennifer Garner don’t have much cash. If they want to compensate the victims, they must sell fixed assets.”

Ivan nodded: "This will also help you. It can help the victims get compensation in time."

"Thank you for the message." Jody stood up and left.

Ivan also left the park, returned to the car, and called Bruce.


"Come on, cheers!"

In the living room, Nicholson picked up a champagne glass and clinked it with Martin.

Martin toasted with him.

Nicholson was in a good mood, picked up the champagne, poured a glass for each of them, and said: "This time, even if Harvey Weinstein comes forward, Ben Affleck can't be saved!"

Martin said with a smile: "Even if Harvey saves him, given the current situation, it will be difficult for Ben to come back. The key is that his tens of millions of net worth will be wiped out."

Nicholson, the bastard, has no sympathy: "From multi-millionaire to pauper, I hope he doesn't go crazy."

"You shouldn't be crazy, right?" Martin thought for a while and said: "Jennifer Garner is divorcing Ben. The divorce will definitely require the division of property. Ben will probably sell fixed assets in order to reach a settlement with the victims as soon as possible. .”

Nicholson once faced an illegitimate child prosecution case and had practical experience: "This is the best solution."

"We can keep an eye on Big Ben's movements." The boss of the trio was unambiguous, and the same was true for Martin, saying: "The economic situation is not very good now, especially the real estate market. Big Ben's fixed assets are mainly real estate. If he wants If you want to cash out quickly, you must sell it at a low price.”

Nicholson understood what Martin was thinking: "And we buy it when the price is low?"

Martin nodded slightly: "The market goes back and forth, and the high-quality real estate market cannot stay in a downturn. This has happened several times in the past many years."

"I heard that you robbed one of Daben's projects, and now you want to rob Daben's real estate?" Nicholson frowned at first, and then laughed: "I like this kind of thing best."

"I like it too," Martin said.

Nicholson suddenly began to think seriously and seemed to be thinking about the key issue. After a long time, he said: "There is also a very important asset!"

Martin thought for a while, but unexpectedly asked, "What?"

"Jennifer Garner!" Nicholson said seriously: "If you rob the project and rob the house, shouldn't you rob your wife next?"

Martin recalled Jennifer Garner's appearance, shook his head and said, "If you are interested, you better go."

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