American fame and fortune

Chapter 448 Too Bully

Outside the Museum of Modern Art, Martin received a call from Lily. After saying a few words, he got into the car driven by Bruce: "Go to the east staff entrance."

Bruce drove the Escalade over, and as soon as the car stopped, Lily ran out of the door and got into the back seat.

Martin glanced at her and naturally switched to an Atlanta accent: "You idiot is not stupid enough to run into the exhibition hall and know that retreating early will not give him a chance to see you."

Lily was a little unconvinced, but did not refute. Instead, she reminded: "Hey, you told me that swearing is not good. I don't say swearing anymore, but you are still saying it."

Martin saw that she had indeed grown up and said, "I won't call you an idiot from now on, but at most I'll call you a fool."

"I'm not stupid." Lily muttered, "I'm still a little smart. Those rags I used to practice sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Martin turned to look at her.

Lily thought Martin was trying to get her money, so she quickly said: "The money hasn't reached me yet. The college has to deduct taxes and a large amount of operating expenses. It may not even reach one hundred thousand US dollars in my hands."

Martin would not try to steal Lily's money and said: "Stay away from the Affleck brothers in the future."

Although there is a bodyguard following her secretly, it is better for Lily to have less contact with those bad people.

Lily nodded repeatedly: "I understand."

Martin said to Bruce who was driving: "Find a place to eat and take her back after eating." He then said to Lily: "If you are willing to clean my new home, I have no objection."

Lily rushed to say this time: "Old Bu, I'll treat you and Martin to a big dinner!"

Bruce knew what he wanted, so he just found a mid-range restaurant.

After getting out of the car, Lily made another large sum of money. Her heels were dangling as she walked, and she hummed a few songs from time to time. She couldn't help but want to show off, so she asked Martin specifically: "Do you want me to call Elena?" Tell her this and let her know that I have made a lot of money again?"

Then she had another idea: "No, I'm going to take a red-eye flight to Atlanta tonight so I can tell her in person."

Martin never hesitated to hit her: "You will feel the hardness of Elena's fist."

Lily, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly became depressed and regretted having a treat tonight.

Martin gave him a head-on blow and another sweet date, saying: "Because the Joker is so popular, Warner Bros. will start this weekend to promote the full launch of Joker peripherals, and it will be made public that it is the hard work of you, an outstanding female sculptor. "

When she heard that there was money to be made, Lily's depression immediately disappeared, and everyone jumped for joy: "I'm going to make money again."

"You're a money addict now," Martin said.

But Lily said: "I want to make a lot of money and buy a house bigger than your new home in the future!"

Who is Martin? He said: "It's okay. I will continue to invite you to clean the two big houses. You will be very happy."

Lily suddenly regretted coming to Los Angeles. It was completely different from what she had imagined.


The black Ford Mustang roared as it turned off Santa Monica Boulevard, entered the community and parked on the side of the road.

Casey Affleck got out of the car and entered his home. As soon as he opened the door of the main house, he saw six sculptures placed in a conspicuous place in the living room. Some were made of plaster, some stone, and some wood. They were all bought by him at a high price. of artistic masterpiece.

Originally, the idea of ​​placing it in the living room was to invite the creator to the house, make her feel valued, take the opportunity to control her, and gain more.

Now Cassie only felt that these carvings were naked mockery.

He didn't get angry, and walked out of the main house calmly, entered the tool room, and took out a hammer and an axe.

Holding an ax in one hand and a hammer in the other, Cassie returned to the main room, came to the plaster sculpture first, picked up the hammer and hit it with a bang.

The plaster shattered and white powder flew all over Cassie's head.

But Cassie didn't care, and picked up the ax and hit the wooden sculpture again. The wooden sculpture fell to the floor with a clang, and there was a deep wound on the surface.

He moved his ax and hammer together, and the hardwood carvings quickly turned into several pieces of broken wood.

Cassie gasped for breath but still seemed very calm. She even put down her hammer and axe, went to the refrigerator and took out a can of cold beer, opened it and drank half of it.

Feeling his breathing became easier, he picked up the tool, pointed it at the next marble sculpture, and smashed it.

It took a full hour for Cassie to completely smash the six sculptures he bought into rubbish.

Maybe everyone has a different way of venting their depression. After smashing these junk things, Cassie felt inexplicably much better.

Out of sight out of mind.

He sat down on the sofa, picked up the remaining half can of beer and drank it slowly. He took the remote control next to him and turned on the TV. Warner TV appeared on the screen.

Cassie read some entertainment news, and the report suddenly turned to the currently being screened "The Dark Knight".

"It is reported that clown statues and figures based on Martin Davis will be put on the market this weekend. All peripheral products this time will be designed and engraved by the young talented sculptor Lily Carter. Also on the market at the same time There is a limited edition clown statue carved by Lily Carter herself..."

"Although Lily Carter is only 19 years old, she is extremely talented and has won many awards in sculpture competitions. Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet Top artists such as Jennifer Aniston and Meryl Streep have collected her works!”

"Mr. Jones, deputy director of the Los Angeles Museum of Modern Art and an appraisal master at a famous art auction house, believes that Lily Carter's works have collection value and there is room for appreciation in the future."

The beer can in Cassie's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and she turned to look at the garbage on the floor in the living room, wanting to cry without tears.

It's not like he hasn't seen similar art hype before. Maybe that Lily Carter work will have room for appreciation in the future?

Now, he smashed it all into rubbish!

Cassie leaned back and lay on the sofa, like a super sensitive artistic young man, with two lines of unsatisfied tears flowing out of his red eyes.

This Lily Carter is too bullying!

Cassie wiped her eyes and shed more tears.

The cell phone rang, and Cassie quickly wiped away her tears and answered the call.

The caller was Da Ben: "The exhibition is over, have you done it over there?"

"Not yet, give me some more time." It was so embarrassing that Cassie was too embarrassed to tell Ben, so she simply asked: "Is everything going well over there?"

Ben said: "I entered the Adler School of Acting and gave them two acting classes, but I didn't see Elizabeth Olsen. I asked Judi Dench to help find out. Since Martin Day That bastard Wes came back to Los Angeles from New York, and she never took an acting class again.”

Cassie grasped the key immediately: "The little girl whose mind is filled with love."

Big Ben thought more: "I think we may have attracted the attention of Martin Davis. Cassie, please stop messing around and stay calm for the time being."

Cassie looked at the garbage on the floor, sighed, and said, "I won't go looking for Lily Carter again in the near future. very extraordinary."

The two brothers didn't say much and quickly hung up the phone.


As more and more people watch The Dark Knight, the film's popularity continues to grow and it has become a social phenomenon.

Just like Big Ship and Star Wars back then, the topic people discussed after dinner was always inseparable from the Dark Knight.

And the Joker is the center of attention.

On the second weekend of the release of The Dark Knight, with almost crazy popularity, the Joker series peripheral products were fully launched in North America.

Long queues formed in front of many toy stores in North America that have signed sales agreements with Warner Bros. this weekend without exception. The Joker peripheral products that had just been put on the shelves were swept away, and the business phone numbers in the production studio were directly filled with calls.

Not to mention the mass-produced clown peripherals that are not very expensive, the hand-carved versions signed by Lily Carter and Martin and priced at thousands of dollars are all sold out.

There are also price increases in the market.

Especially the hand-engraved version, you can make hundreds of dollars by grabbing it.

Among them, a version of the hand-carved clown wearing a Coca-Cola red cultural shirt originally priced at US$2,499 was sold for US$5,000 online.

In North America, after street painters took advantage of the popularity and made a fortune, a new profession emerged - dealers who resell or rob handmade clown statues on their behalf.

In addition, after the diary scandal became popular, many fans wanted to buy and collect Martin's "real clown diary" written by himself, but Martin refused all of them.

Warner Bros. immediately announced that it would publish "The Joker Diary" to meet the needs of movie fans.

The popularity of Joker peripherals comes partly from market popularity, and partly from Warner Bros.’s adoption of hunger marketing.

The shelves were cleared out, and the market was out of stock and sold at high prices, which further promoted the popularity and popularity of the Dark Knight.

In particular, those online posts asking for thousands of dollars more to purchase hand-carved clown limited editions were constantly published and forwarded by the media, easily attracting more people's attention.

This weekend, a large number of audiences still walked into the theater to continue watching The Dark Knight.

The film's North American box office trend was steady, with another US$85.14 million in the next weekend. While retaining the North American box office championship, the North American box office total reached US$338 million!

Echoing the high box office, the film's reputation is extremely strong, with a Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating of over 95% and an IMDB score of 9.6, surpassing "The Godfather" and "The Shawshank Redemption" and ranking among the top IMDB movies. The first one.

Also this weekend, The Dark Knight has launched in overseas markets such as Europe, Australia, Latin America and East Asia.

Although Batman's overseas influence is far less than that in North America, Joker's popularity has spread, and it still took in US$166 million in the first weekend overseas.

Even the most conservative market agency estimates that the global box office of The Dark Knight will be over US$1 billion.

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