American fame and fortune

Chapter 420 Wedding Photos

The Oscar turmoil was still surging, and Martin was suddenly notified by the crew of "The Dark Knight" that a data leak had occurred at Warner Bros. A hacker had hacked into the crew's database and stolen a batch of important information.

The hackers seemed to have learned from Kim Kardashian's video scandal and "sold" all the information to TMZ.

Relevant news spread quickly like a plague, sweeping through major entertainment websites at super fast speeds and being reprinted by countless print media.

Martin received a call from Nolan himself and responded to the emergency declaration issued by the crew. He was interviewed by media reporters at Los Angeles International Airport and strongly appealed to TMZ not to publish the information stolen by hackers without authorization.

After getting on the plane and waiting in the stratosphere, Bruce said, "They should give us royalties."

"Nolan planned it." Martin unbuckled his seatbelt and roughly said, "He is a great director. Ordinary directors would roll up their sleeves because of their artistic style."

Bruce asked: "What was stolen this time? It couldn't be your video of Bell, right?"

Martin shook his head: "I'm not sure either."

Bruce suddenly thought of a possibility: "Mene and Emma Thomas have always been close."

Martin frowned and thought: "Nolan is not so crazy."

By the time he arrived at the hotel from New York's JFK Airport and had another night's sleep, TMZ had already disclosed these important information.

It’s not the master film, nor the commercials or trailers, but the behind-the-scenes archived footage of the film.

All are behind-the-scenes footage from the filming period, created by Martin and Nolan!

As soon as such a real and interesting tidbit came out, it instantly attracted the attention of countless movie fans, and the attention remained high.

The crew of "The Dark Knight" took the opportunity to release the first version of the trailer, which was only thirty seconds long and featured a duel between Batman and the Joker.

Naturally, news about the psychological problems of the two protagonists Martin and Bale was brought out again.

The crew of "John Wick" is not willing to be left alone, and of course they have to ride on such popularity. The spokesperson of the crew released the news that in view of Martin's poor mental health, the crew will provide Martin with a professional psychologist throughout the filming and production.

With the hacking incident, real and interesting tidbits, the news about Martin and Bale, and the preview of the duel between the two heroes, The Dark Knight directly ended the Oscar aftermath and became the most popular entertainment event at the end of February.

It's okay in traditional media, but on the Internet, countless people are watching.

In the list of the most anticipated films for the 2008 summer season announced by major movie websites, "The Dark Knight" ranked first, beating out films such as "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Hancock."

On the way to the Brooklyn studio, Warner Bros.'s Daniel was in the same car as Martin.

He said: "Nolan is a very thoughtful director."

Martin fully agrees: "With the new director in the new era, he may become a first-line director."

As the representative of the distributor, Daniel is not only responsible for "The Dark Knight", but also signed "John Wick" on behalf of Warner Bros. a few days ago. He is very concerned about both films. For the purpose of publicity and distribution, he suggested: "MTEGALA in May, please prepare carefully."

Martin asked: "The Met Gala? The Oscars of fashion?"

Daniel nodded: "In recent years, it has attracted more and more attention. You should be in New York at that time. Take a day to attend. Warner Bros. will prepare two tickets for you."

Martin has memories of this event, and the bosses in the group in his previous life commented that it was a chaotic mess.

He thought for a while and said: "I want to come up with an eye-catching plan. If Warner has good suggestions, please let me know."

But Daniel said: "That group of idiots at Warner who have been limited in their thinking by years of habit are far worse than you, even Nolan is worse."

It's a bit of a pity for Martin that Nolan secretly learned the hype techniques of Videogate, but he couldn't collect royalties.

At the Brooklyn Studio, the crew rented two large studios and an open-air studio for filming.

In view of the fact that Martin has been attacked by drug drivers here, the crew also hired professional security personnel to patrol the set and trailer area.

Martin came to the trailer area and saw Mene.

He wears a crisp suit and his hair is slightly dyed white at the temples. He probably spends more time with successful ladies, and he has the aura of a high-ranking person.

This is the most important role in the entire series, apart from the male protagonist.

Mene prepared very carefully. After coming over, he said seriously: "Jonathan, you are late."

Martin took out a coin and handed it to Mene: "I want the safest room."

Mene led the way, helped Martin open the door of the largest trailer, and made a gentlemanly invitation: "This is the room."

Martin and Bruce entered the trailer, Mene followed and closed the door.

Soon, the costumer was in the trailer along with the styling car.

In the studio, various departments of the crew were making final preparations for filming under the supervision of Chad.

Chen Hu called several stuntmen over and told them to pay attention.

In the studio, which was decorated like a factory, the extras were already in place.

In addition to forklifts and equipment, there are also glass bottles of Coke in the rest area of ​​the factory.

After Chen Hu finished speaking, he took the extras to familiarize themselves with their positions. Martin entered the studio wearing a handmade suit specially prepared for him by Brioni.

Chad got up from the director's seat and called Martin to the set.

Chen Hu grabbed Martin and told him what to pay attention to: "All colas are specially customized. Don't hesitate when you take action. You must be quick and accurate."

Martin said seriously: "No problem, I'm good at hitting people with Coke."

Chad took a wallet and handed it to Martin: "It's a very important prop, don't lose it."

Martin opened it next and looked at it. There were change and cards inside, but the place for the photo was empty.

Chad said: "Here are the heroine's photos. There will also be group photos and wedding photos in your house. I have reserved a special time in the afternoon. The heroine will go to the Brooklyn Bridge and you will take wedding photos together."

Martin put away his wallet: "This is my first time taking wedding photos, so I must be made more handsome."

Chad laughed: "No problem, I will go to the battle to take pictures for you."

The crew first shot action scenes, almost all of which were shot in real time. After all the actors arrived, Chen Hu took Martin and others to warm up first.

Bruce checked all the firearms and took a USP pistol and handed it to Martin. Martin had been familiar with this pistol recently and used it very smoothly.

With Chad's order, the recorder hit the board and filming began.

Martin single-handedly entered the factory.

He hid on the side of the corner, listening to the footsteps on the other side. He moved the muzzle of the gun downward, hit the enemy's foot with a bang, and then rolled out.

The enemy who was shot screamed and fell to the ground. Before he could react, he was shot twice in the head by Martin.

He kicked his feet hard on the ground and rolled to hide behind the forklift. Two enemies shot in this direction, and the gunpowder buried in the ground exploded into bursts of smoke.

Martin fired from under the forklift, and the bullet hit a man in the leg. When the man fell, the USP gunfire rang out again, and the actor moved his head back, making a motion as if he had been shot in the head.

Marcus, a former professional soldier who had seen hundreds of people get shot in Afghanistan, trained his shooting movements to be realistic.

Martin stood up and flashed out from the other side of the forklift. His pistol rang out again, and the three gunmen on the opposite side fell to the ground.

He had practiced it countless times, and he could change the magazine quickly. When the bullet was reloaded, the gunshot rang out again.

This is also one of the features of this film, the refill!

The enemy who falls in front of the hero is always a completely dead enemy.

"Stop!" Chad shouted to stop the long shot and praised: "Guys, you did a great job!"

This film took more than a year to prepare, and professional training lasted for several months.

Martin's years of training, including firearms training that began in Atlanta, made the filming of the film's action scenes a few levels less difficult.

After taking a short break, I shot a few more short shots in preparation for shooting the key cola scene.

Coca-Cola is the crew's largest sponsor, and Martin is also the leader of the Coke Cult. The crew attaches great importance to Coke advertising.

Of course, there will never be an implant that is too rigid.

For example, in rural America, a bank ATM from another country appears.

Stuntman Lewis entered the set, bumped fists with Martin and said, "I'll leave my head to you next."

Martin had worked with him many times and said, "Don't worry, it won't hurt your face."

The bald Lewis touched his face: "I rely on this face to attract girls."

Shooting started soon.

Martin rushed into the rest area of ​​the factory, and with a touch of his vaginal foot, a man covered his crotch. He picked up the Coke next to him, swung it up and hit the man on the head.

There was a crisp sound, the glass bottle shattered, and the Coke flew everywhere.

Two other men holding daggers rushed over. Martin held a bottle of Coke in each hand and blew their heads.

He rolled to avoid Lewis's gun, picked up the Coke scattered on the ground, and threw it out like the head of the Burbank High School blaster.

The Coke bottle exploded on Lewis' head, and Lewis was slightly dazed. Martin rushed forward, kicked him in the eye, choked him, and knocked him to the ground.

"Where is Ivanov?" Martin asked.

"I have no idea."

Martin picked up a bottle of Coke and hit the hardest part of Lewis's forehead with a bang. When the Coke bottle exploded, he asked again: "Ivanov!"

Lewis didn't answer.

Coke God of War came online. Martin picked up the Coke, cursed Fake, and gave him another bottle.

Chad yelled stop.

Martin quickly asked: "Is everything okay?"

Lewis raised a thumb: "It's a small matter."

Neither of them moved.

The camera turned around, a prosthetic hand was delivered to Lewis, and the Coke was replaced with a commercially available glass bottle version.

Then, Martin talked about the real glass bottle of Coke, smashed the prosthetic hand, and forced the leader played by Lewis to reveal where Ivanov was hiding.

After forcing him to find out the result, he used a bottle of Coke to completely kill the character.

The entire morning was spent filming action scenes.

At noon, Chad took a special break to allow Martin to recover his strength.

After only two hours of filming in the afternoon, the crew called it a day.

Martin is going to Brooklyn Bridge Park to take wedding photos with his heroine.

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