American fame and fortune

Chapter 298 Debt of Favor

In the western bar, the extras were sitting in different places, unbuttoning their dirty collars in the hot and dry weather, and drinking beer in big gulps.

The local bully, who resembled Brad Pitt five to six times, wanted to molest the saint in red from the Coke Cult, but was easily subdued by the leader Martin and pressed on the table.

Martin reached out to the saint in red, Elizabeth, who opened her bag, took out a glass bottle of Coke, and handed it to the leader.

The cold Coke was pressed on his head, and the bully slid down automatically.

Martin opened the Coke and put it on the table.

The bully picked it up and started to drink, the expression on his face changed quickly...

"Stop!" Sam Mendes yelled to stop the filming, yelling at the Pitt-style bully: "Be more natural in transition, don't be so rigid."

The stylists came in to touch up the makeup, and the shoot quickly resumed.

All morning, the crew was shooting the interior scenes of the bar. Compared with the simple exterior scenes, the interior scenes are more difficult. Sam Mendes also has stricter requirements. guide.

Shortly after noon, Kate Winslet came to Park Town from San Diego, just said hello to Martin, and found a quiet place to watch the filming.

When she was acting in Atlanta three years ago, she met Martin, who was good at acting at that time.

It's a pity that almost all of Martin's scenes were cut in the midday sun of a beautiful mind, and there were only a few flashing shots in the finished film, and there were no lines.

After that, Kate carefully watched all the films that Martin starred in.

Whether it's a young football coach or a mature adult, Martin can handle them all.

Kate specifically asked her old friend Leonardo, who told her clearly that most people in the Departed Walker crew, including Nicholson and Scorsese, believed that Martin was in a state when he was filming. He is number one.

Even Leonardo himself admitted this.

A few days ago, Kate called Leonardo again.

Leonardo's words are very interesting: under Martin's handsome young appearance, there may be an old bastard's soul that is more evil than Nicholson.

Kate looked at the set again, and the people in the bar were already convinced by the leader of the Cult of Coke.

After the commercial shooting ended, the actors went out of the bar to remove their make-up.

Sam Mendes is still finishing the shot.

After waiting for a while, Kate approached and asked, "What do you think of Martin?"

Mendes said his own judgment: "In the past two days of commercial shooting, he is even better than what you said. His acting skills are outstanding, mature, mellow, and he can control the role with ease. In analogy... any actor in this commercial is better. There is no comparison."

He thought for a while: "In my personal feeling, he is no worse than Kevin Spacey when he was filming "American Beauty."

Her husband is a director, and the director who won the Oscar statuette. Kate believes in his vision and judgment, because it is very similar to what she has seen and heard.

Although Martin likes to make troubles, he is not capable, and he treats his friends well.

Kate knew that Louise encountered great difficulties after "Alexander the Great", and Martin dragged her to invest and successfully made Pacific Pictures survive the crisis.

Mendes added: "I told him yesterday that you will come, and I guess he will come to you later."

Kate nodded and asked, "Haven't you considered it yet? My new work still lacks a director who can control the overall situation."

Mendes has concerns about this: "Let me think about it."

The crew was dismantling equipment such as slide rails and cameras. Kate found a place out of the way and waited patiently for a while.

Martin quickly returned to the bar, pulled out a chair and sat opposite Kate, and asked, "On Oscar night, you said you needed to find me, and then you went on a trip."

Kate smiled and said, "So, I made a special trip to see you today."

Martin asked, "What's the specific matter? If you need help, just make a phone call."

Kate opened her bag, took out a book and a script, and handed them over directly: "Look at these first."

Martin took over, the book is the novel "The Reader" written by the German writer Bernhard Schlink, and the script is an adaptation of the film of the same name.

Kate said: "I mentioned this book to you, and then I made up my mind, convinced the author himself, got the right to adapt the film and television, and found Anthony Minghella, the screenwriter and director of "The English Patient" and "The Talented Prairie" , adapted into this script."

Martin didn't read the novel, but directly read the script: "I have a general understanding of the love story between a teenager and a middle-aged woman."

Kate nodded and continued: "The male lead has a relatively long time span from teenage to middle-aged. Some people suggest that the male lead be divided into two actors, juvenile and adult, but I don't think that's good. The appearance is too different. It's easy to make people play, it looks like a middle-aged man, recalling other people's stories."

She said her own opinion: "I tend to use the same actor. I have considered many candidates. It is not difficult for young actors to control juvenile roles, but it is not easy to successfully portray middle-aged roles. I think about it, and I only think of you."

Martin has experienced too much himself, and the mentality and vicissitudes of acting as a middle-aged man are not a problem.

In contrast, appearance is the easiest to solve.

Martin asked directly: "Are you going to use this film to hit the Oscar for Best Actress?"

"That's right." Kate's goal was very obvious, and she specifically said one thing: "When I first got the adaptation rights, I planned to get investment and production, and then find Weinstein Films to distribute. Before the Oscars, Louise and I After talking about some things in detail, I learned that there seems to be some problems between you and Harvey, so I have decided that this film will not cooperate with Weinstein Films again, you can rest assured about this.”

This film does not meet Martin's taste and style, and if it is replaced by someone else, he will directly reject it.

But when Kate Winslet approached, some things had to be considered.

In the process of climbing all the way, Martin has borrowed a lot of women's power, including Kate Winslet.

In the process of competing for the Saturn Award for Best Young Actor and Geshan Youyan, he borrowed the relationship between Kate and Harvey's wife to really get to know Wes Craven.

Behind the Departed Walker crew, Leonardo supported him without knowing him, and it also came from Kate's lobbying.

It may be a few words between her and Leonardo, but it is useless to say ten thousand words for those who are not in a good relationship.

Kate said again: "Don't worry about this matter. You should read the script carefully first. If it's not suitable, I have other ways."

Martin closed the script and asked, "Which class are you going to compete in?"

"Next year's Oscars will definitely be too late." Kate has already made a plan: "If there is no accident, it will be released in the second half of 2007, and it will hit the 80th Oscar in 2008."

Martin recalled carefully, who was the 2008 Oscar winner? The time was too long, he thought about it for a while, but he couldn't remember the names and movies of the people involved.

In this case, 80% of the actors and movies are not very famous, and even if they win an Oscar, their influence will be very small.

Martin said: "Leave the script and novel to me, and I will read them carefully first."

Kate smiled: "There is plenty of time, don't worry."

Martin asked again: "Where's the director? Are you sure?"

Kate pointed to Sam Mendes, who was still busy: "He is the first choice, and he hasn't answered the question yet." She mentioned another thing: "I pulled part of the investment from Louise, There is also some investment from the UK, and the funding of the project is not a problem.”

Sam Mendes is a former Oscar winner for best director. He has no problem directing this type of film.

Martin told the truth: "Kate, you still have the cards and want to promote a project, so easy."

Kate rubbed her forehead: "It's also very difficult. There are a lot of things to worry about. When I get the best actress, I won't talk to the academy anymore. I've had enough of them."

For so many years, her complaints have piled up as the Oscars failed again and again: "The film sold well at the box office, and I am very popular all over the world. Is there something wrong?"

Martin picked up the book, turned the back cover up, and there was an old woman on it: "Let's think of a way to dress up, isn't the heroine too old in the end?"

"Yes, old and ugly." It's not unreasonable for Kate to make such a choice, and the Nazi added ugly: "At that time, I will try to be ugly than Charlize Theron."

Thinking of that female devil, Martin felt a chill.

The two chatted for a while, and when Sam Mendes finished cleaning up, Kate joined him and left the bar together.

Martin also went back to the hotel in town, packed his luggage and prepared to return to Los Angeles.

Bruce also knew that Kate came to see Martin, and while packing his things, he said from the manager's point of view: "This film doesn't match your previous style very well, let's play for Kate..."

Martin shook his head: "I roughly read the script. In fact, the role of the heroine is as important as the heroine. From the script alone, it can be a story of a boy's growth, or a woman's painful choice amidst dignity and suffering."

Bruce was surprised: "You don't like this very much."

"If it wasn't for Kate, even if Louise and Kelly came to me together, I would reject this script." Martin now has such confidence: "Louis and Kelly helped me, but I took them together Investing, they're making a lot of money. And Kate? I've got a bloody debt."

Bruce remembered it, and the favor was still twice, and said: "Listening to what you are saying now, I doubt that you are still a bad person? Leonardo and Nicholson both know, maybe the bastard will fire you membership."

Martin couldn't help laughing: "Other people helped you, if you don't return the favor, it will affect your reputation in the future." He also considered a lot: "Of course, I haven't decided whether to pay it back this time, at least I have to go back and talk to Thomas. Say hello to the brokerage company, and we'll discuss it later."

After packing his luggage, Martin took the script and the original book with him, went to the outskirts of the town, and boarded the helicopter.

Also returning to Los Angeles on the same plane was Elizabeth Olsen.

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