American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 57: Gotham Evening Bell (Part 2)

In a dark alley, the weak reflections of the armor's activity were entangled with a denser fog.

In an instant, the gray fog condensed into a figure and stopped at the end of the alley. The sound of the armor rubbing stopped. The sound of heavy footsteps stepped on the puddles on the ground that were not dry, making a light sound like a talisman.

"Death knell?"

"That is indeed your death knell."

As soon as the voice fell, the sword light flashed, and Schiller disappeared in place in an instant, and reappeared behind the figure.

"Who is your employer?"

"You don't need to know that."

"It seems that you are very confident in your business level."

Schiller dodged two darts again, and then faced the death knell. He said:

"You shouldn't kill me."

"I can kill anyone, as long as someone pays the price."

Schiller stretched out his hand, and a cluster of flames ignited in his hand.

"No matter who your employer is, the price he pays you is wrong."

Deathstroke was silent for less than a second, then turned and left.

"Indeed, goodbye."

"How would you deal with an employer who cheated on you?"

"It depends on the situation."

"Kill him, I'll pay."

"You don't have that much money."

"The richest man in the world settles the bill."


Schiller looked at the figure in armor, and disappeared at the end of Gotham Street in a few breaths. He thought that his enemy was indeed capable and could hire Death Knell to kill him.

Several consecutive flashes cost Schiller a lot of physical strength. In such a deep alley, no car could come in, so he planned to walk back slowly, and when he got back to the church, he would call a car to pick him up.

He turned out of an alley and came to the street. Then he turned around and found that there seemed to be some movement in the deepest part of the street.

At this time, Batman was standing in a very shabby, dark and narrow room.

The environment here is very bad, Batman has never been in such a uncomfortable room in his life.

This is a third floor, the windows are nailed down, all the outer layers of the walls are peeled off, the room is extremely damp, the floor is smooth stone brick, all the furniture is not where it should be, and the rest The place is full of rubbish.

The owner of the house saw Batman, the uninvited guest, he was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, looked at his feet, muttered something vague, turned around, and picked up a jar of salt. , want to hand it to Batman.

Batman took the salt shaker, which was empty and nothing, and then the man waved as if to let him go.

It was a shriveled and stooped old man with very dark skin and deep sunken eyes. He walked with a limp and kept mumbling some curse words in his mouth.

It seems that the neighbor downstairs heard the movement, stuck his head out from under the stairs and said, "Why are you looking for this old guy? Who are you from him?"

"What's up with him?"

"What else can you do? Can't you see it? He has Alzheimer's, and now he doesn't know anyone at all. Even if you know him, he doesn't know you."

The neighbor couldn't see Batman's appearance, only a vague figure, he said: "This old guy can't pay the rent, every time the landlord comes, he gives the salt shaker to others. In those days, the salt shaker was quite valuable, but there was nothing in that salt shaker."

"But he is lucky. His landlord seems to have died in the hands of a gangster. This attic is not worth much money. If he is killed, he has to collect his body, so he has survived until now."

"No matter who you are, leave him alone. He can only pick up a little garbage thrown upstairs to eat every day, but his upstairs moved away a few days ago, so he probably won't live long."

After speaking, there was a "bang" from downstairs, and it was the neighbor who closed the door.

Batman held the salt shaker. He watched the hunched old man sit on the chair, and stared at the table without saying a word, a little saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He saw Louis's hands, which were very rough hands. Almost all the knuckles were twisted from moving heavy objects all the year round. The blood vessels on the dry palms were clearly protruding.

"Are you Louis?"

There was no answer except for Batman's own voice.

"Do you remember Thomas Wayne? Do you remember Martha?"

Batman felt his voice tremble.

A kind of extreme anger rose from Batman's chest, and he squeezed the salt shaker.

His enemies don't remember all the innocents he has hurt, so he forgets all his crimes.

This is not a punishment for him, it just allows him to escape his inner censure, Batman thought.

He asked Louis over and over again:

"Why don't you remember anything?! You really don't remember the surname Wayne?! What about Edward? What about Falcone?!"

Just when Batman said Falcone's surname, the aging Louis suddenly let out a strange scream.

He fell from the chair trembling all over, yelling non-stop, and threw it at Batman with all the things he could pick up. Tears, snot and saliva flowed down his face together.

Batman saw endless fear on his face.

Batman thought, Falcone didn't lie to him. When he killed Leif, he really scared a lot of people.

This includes Lewis.

Schiller walked to the middle of the end alley. He looked up and saw that only a room on the third floor was lit, and there was a dark shadow with pointy ears in the room.

He stood downstairs and waited for a while, and saw Batman come out, and Batman was a little surprised when he saw Schiller, but his mind was a little dull now.

Schiller looked at Batman and found that he was uninjured and showed no signs of fighting with others.

Then his eyes fell on the salt shaker in Batman's hand.

Schiller didn't know what it was, but obviously Batman, who was in a complicated mood, really needed to talk, so before Schiller could ask, Batman told the whole story.

They were chatting and walking. When they passed by the door of the church, it was almost dawn. Batman held the salt shaker and said:

"He doesn't remember all this."

When Batman said this sentence was no longer angry, a complex emotion was contained in his tone.

"You said, he still remembers someone."

"Yeah, he still remembers Falcone, why doesn't he remember Wayne, but Falcone..."

Schiller sighed, looked into the distance, and said, "Because of fear, because fear is the deepest scar in the human soul, and it is also the most difficult to remove."

"He forgot everything but fear, didn't he?" Batman said.

At this time, it was the darkest moment before dawn, the rich black almost swallowed everything, all the buildings were shrouded in shadows, and the outlines could not be seen clearly.

Soon, what woke Batman from his thoughts was the heavy bells of Gotham Cathedral. The dull bells traveled far, and the sound waves were as pervasive as darkness, even in the darkest and darkest alleys. Feel that tremor.

Batman thought, fear, fear.

If he can no longer fulfill his true revenge against the events of that era and the people of that era, if the murderer he tried his best to catch, the object he wants to take revenge on, has completely forgotten all of this, let him Full of anger and hatred all in vain.

Then he at least reminded Batman of one thing, that is, sometimes, more terrible than death, is the lingering fear.

In this case, Batman thought, he will become a dark knight who brings endless fear to all criminals in Gotham.

Years ago, with the death of his parents, it was the bat that crossed the sky with heavy shadows. Years later, he will eventually bring the fear of bats to all the criminals in this city.

Like, this permeates every street, every dark corner, Gotham Night Clock.

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