American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 526: Who made Schiller murderous? (superior)

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The moment he saw the badge, Stark looked up at Steve. Although the badge was obvious enough, he still had to seek answers from the veterans who had experienced World War II.

Steve took the medal from him, with shock and nostalgia in his eyes, he rubbed his fingers on the surface of the medal, and said, "Order of the Red Banner of the Soviet Union..."

Now, the expression on Steve's face could be described as complicated, and he read out the Russian word above the red flag part of the Order of the Red Banner: "Proletarians of the world unite."

Stark showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect Steve to speak Russian, but later, he remembered the things he had seen in Steve's conscious world. He remembered that some of them were from the Soviet Union. traces below.

Seeing Steve's expression again, Stark felt a little familiar. Suddenly, he remembered that Obadiah had just woken up and went to negotiate with the military instead of him, and told the story of Howard and Anton. That's the same expression on his face.

Not only Obadiah, but even the old general on the opposite side had a very similar expression.

But what confuses people born in the post-Cold War era like Stark is that the predecessors of the Soviet Union's opponents did not completely hate and reject the country when they mentioned it.

Even the nostalgia on their faces is much more than the combination of other emotions.

Perhaps, like Steve, they miss that special era, because there is a cause they have fought for and the proof that they have existed.

Stark, who was born in the 1970s, was still a teenager during the Cold War. It was difficult for him to understand this emotion. He wanted to make a joke to ease the dignified atmosphere, but before that, Steve started from that kind of emotion. Out of the state, he said:

"I didn't expect to see this now..." He pursed his lips and looked a little serious. He asked, "Why does Schiller have this medal?"

Stark took over the medal again. He looked at the patterns and patterns on it, and asked with some doubts: "What does this medal represent? Who will it be awarded to?"

"This is the first medal established by the Soviet Union. It will be awarded to those who have made significant contributions to the cause of the country. Generally speaking, the early Red Banner medals are relatively weighty."

Stark looked down at the badly worn medal, and Steve confirmed his guess, saying, "From the details of the casting process and pattern, this should be the early Red Banner Medal, but I don't know the specifics. What year was it awarded?"

The two read the medal over and over several times, but couldn't find any useful details, so Stark handed the medal to Steve and said, "You better put it away, in case it is found. , it is said that it was left to you by your old comrade-in-arms."

"You..." Steve paused, but Stark seemed to know what he wanted to ask, he paused, and said, "That era will not come back, liberate all mankind? A very big dream, but …”

Stark shook his head, and Steve didn't know what he was denying.

But obviously, Stark did not deny it from the perspective of a capitalist. He believes that he is responsible for human civilization, and the resources, life forms and perspectives can no longer trap him.

Things in the past are always tangled, because many regrets can no longer be made up. When Steve stared blankly at the medal, Stark had reached out and opened the old-fashioned folder.

This folder looks very old. The outer hard shell is made of thin wood, and the iron clips inside are also somewhat rusted. Not to mention the paper, the ink in many places is smudged and blocked. Other letters and even some ink got on the shell,

Stark was stunned as soon as he saw the first page, because it was densely populated with people's names, and they were not famous people's names. Stark glanced roughly and found that he didn't know any of them.

The nationality and position are marked under the name, but it is a little strange that the nationality column has two countries written, some are the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, some are the United States, the Soviet Union, and some messy combinations of small countries.

After turning over a few pages, it becomes a detailed introduction, but it can be seen that the person who wrote this list is in a hurry, the font is very serious, and the quality of the paper and ink is not very good, and some places are dizzy It became a group, and it was impossible to see the specific information.

Stark had to open the scanner of his suit and said to Jarvis, "Scan all the text on it, and then conduct a comprehensive analysis."

"Scanning... Content has been entered... Analyzing... Analysis completed..."

Stark pressed the button on the boom, and a drone flew out and cast a projection on the wall. A document with photos was displayed on it. Steve turned his head and read it out in confusion. Subject of the data:

"February 12, 2001, CIA files were declassified, MI5 spies expelled... Claudson Ryan..."

"What's this? A declassified report?" Steve asked.

Stark handed the document to Steve while staring at the projection screen. Steve searched the first page and saw the name.

Scrolling back, it was full of names, and the names below all corresponded to nationalities and positions. Steve gradually widened his eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "God! This will not be a spy list. Bar?!"

"I'm afraid that's the case." Stark's expression became solemn, and he said: "Just now, in the analysis report given by Jarvis, 201 people on the list have been declassified, and their nationalities, positions and names on this list have been declassified. Exactly the same."

Steve sucked in a breath, he swallowed, and looked down at the list again.

He Mosuo glanced at the paper, and then said: "This should be something from the 1960s and 1970s. If this list appeared at that time, it might cause the third world war..."

"Yes, although the identities of many spies have been declassified now, but at that time, it was absolutely top secret, especially these people..." Stark pointed to the nationalities under the names of several people on the list. Say: "See? USSR and US, US and USSR..."

Steve sighed and said, "It's not surprising, people in that era actually knew that the intelligence agencies of all other countries in the world together are no match for the KGB."

"Why is this?" Stark stared at the list, apparently having doubts for a long time, he asked: "People of the same age and level should have similar education levels and abilities, why does this happen? ?"

Steve pursed his lips, was silent for a moment, and then said, "You know what? It is not the Soviets themselves who are the hardest hit by intelligence in other countries, but the spies who voluntarily believe in Marxism within their country..."

"Have you heard of the Cambridge Five?" Steve looked into Stark's eyes and said, "No position, no pay...and no fear of death at all."

Stark's finger on the list stopped. To Steve's expectations, Stark showed a regretful look, then looked at the list and said, "It now seems that the story of the Cambridge Five Might be rewritten..."

He flicked his finger on the edge of the folder and said:

"...This is the sixth best."

"Then the question is, will this list be written by Schiller?" Steve asked again, and he said, "If Schiller wrote it, it proves that he has been active in the 1960s, doesn't it, Is he from the same era as me, Natasha, and Nick?"

Stark shook his head and said, "Before, I loaded the human behavior plugin in the mecha. According to Jarvis' feedback, at least the Schiller we know should be a modern person."

"Wait, who did you just mention?" Stark suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Natasha, Natasha should be from the Soviet Union?"

"You don't want to say that Natasha is Schiller's lover, right? Steve said in shock: "Impossible, have you forgotten? Natasha is Black Widow, her ex-husband is dead. "

"No, I mean, do you still remember, Natasha told us about her own experience, did you forget why she was able to live forever?"

"Red house, genetic modification experiment?"

Steve turned his head slowly and said, "I see."

"Schiller may indeed be an ordinary modern person, but his lover may be an immortal who has undergone the genetic modification experiment of the Soviet Red House, just like Natasha."

"It also explains why this medal and this document are here, which may have been left to him by Schiller's wife."

"And it also explains our previous speculation that if Schiller really met his lover who was a doctor in a mental hospital when he was a teenager and was cured, then the age difference between the two may be very large, but if one of the If one person is an immortal like Natasha, there is no such problem."

"And that so-called neurodegenerative disease may be a sequelae of the genetic modification experiment."

Stark frowned and said, "Let's reason from the beginning again."

"Natasha should have been born in 1928. Assuming that Schiller's wife and her are colleagues, they should be about the same age. That is to say, around the 1930s, Schiller's wife was born, and she was born in the 1950s and 1960s. Left and right underwent genetic modification experiments in the Red House, and began spying in the same year."

"It should have taken her more than ten years to climb to a high level in a spy agency in a certain country, and gradually collect information on espionage from various countries and organize it into such a list."

"She may have become a doctor in a psychiatric hospital in order to cover up her identity, and she happened to meet Schiller who was being treated."

"No matter what method she In short, he should have cured Schiller, and the two may have some unusual relationship."

"From this point of view, Schiller's wife may have had the same academic level as Schiller, or even stronger than him, which can explain why Schiller, who had been delayed in the mental hospital for many years, was discharged to continue her studies after being discharged from the hospital. , can still not fall behind, and still achieve such high achievements.”

"And one day, it may really be a neurodegenerative disease, or it may be the sequelae of genetic modification, but in short, Schiller's wife is on the verge of death, and Schiller has to freeze her."

"And his wife also gave her life's efforts to Schiller, but since the Soviet Union disintegrated after that, Schiller had no chance to send these things to Moscow..."

"It's possible." Steve gave an affirmative answer, but he frowned again and asked: "There is only one question left, where did the freezing technology beyond the times come from? You are not Did you keep saying that Schiller wasn't a researcher?"

"Of course." Stark put down the document, folded his arms and said, "To say that he can twist light bulbs is to lift him up. He is not suitable for appearing in the laboratory."

"Then he didn't invent this technology, who else would it be? This kind of technology that crosses the times doesn't look like... Wait, the technology that crosses the times??? Shouldn't it be from the Soviet Union..."

At this moment, the harsh phone rang, and Steve's words were interrupted. He took out his mobile phone, but Natasha's voice happened to be heard on the other end:

"Captain, please come over here. The death of the Hydra leader, Baron Zemo, requires your cooperation in the investigation..."

"I also happen to have something I want to ask you. I'll go right there."

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