American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 46: Iron Man never backs down

Peter said while eating: "It seems that the situation is not optimistic. When I went to see Mr. Stark in the laboratory yesterday, Colonel Rhodes seemed to be persuading him all the time."

Peter said: "Although I don't understand these things, I know that if those mechas of Mr. Rystark fall into the hands of the military, it may not be a good thing."

"As a friend of Mr. Stark, Colonel Rhodes may be embarrassed. After all, he also represents the interests of a group of people," Peter said.

"You're smarter than I thought. I thought you wouldn't understand the current situation."

Peter shook his head and said, "Actually, I really don't understand, but I know that everyone wants those mechas, because they are really strong."

"No, it's because it's a weapon."

"If it was just a sweeping robot, even if it could clean New York in an instant, the military wouldn't be so interested in it."

Peter was a little silent, he said: "I don't think the mecha should be handed over, but I know Mr. Stark is under a lot of pressure, do you think I should... Or should I go to comfort him or persuade him For a moment? I can't do nothing, can I?"

"I think you should settle your own affairs first. If you can completely control the power of spider mutation, maybe these things are trivial for you?"

As Peter said, the next day, Schiller's psychological clinic welcomed an unexpected guest, that is James Rhodes, that is, Colonel Rhodes.

He said to Schiller very bluntly: "The military needs Stark's mecha technology, but he seems to have an unclear attitude. I just want to ask you, what is his plan? Does SHIELD play a role in it? some characters?"

"Actually, you don't want to come either," Schiller said. "I can see it."

Rhode twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It seems that it makes sense for Tony to charge you such an expensive consultation fee."

"Obviously, your boss knows that you can't ask Stark this question, otherwise S.H.I.E.L.D. will get the answer faster than you. But it's useless for you to ask me."

"The military needs Stark's mecha. He can give us an advantage in many places...and save a lot of people from dying."

"You didn't realize that your reluctance has made your words extremely dry. Colonel Rhodes, I know you are also in a difficult situation. The military has repeatedly persecuted Stark, but he is your friend."

"So you can only make yourself feel better by deceiving yourself. In fact, you know what these armors will be used for, but as long as you convince yourself that it may be beneficial to do so, you can recover from the guilt of persecuting your friends. a little."

"It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders," Rhodes said.

"Indeed, but what about Stark? What about your friend? Repeatedly violated your friend's wishes, forced him to sell his own interests, and used friendship to kidnap him."

"You actually always knew how much Tony values ​​you. Stark doesn't have many friends, but you are definitely one of them... maybe the most important one."

"You know that he is willing to pay these prices for you, and is willing to do what he hates the most - compromise and bow his head."

"You know, Stark will be willing sooner or later. If you are cornered by your boss, he will definitely save you."

"Stop talking," said Rhodes.

He pursed his lips tightly into a line.

Schiller pressed the button of the ballpoint pen, and the crisp sound woke Rhodes suddenly. Schiller said, "Maybe it's because you have something in him that he is willing to do. The advice I can give you is, maybe Those are the things you should keep the most, Stark's friendship is more precious than the military, and it's not because he's richer—"

"It's the qualities that an arrogant genius sees in you, the qualities that he doesn't even have and that makes him willing to pay these prices for you, more worthy of your persistence and pride than those false honors, isn't it? ?"

Rhode was silent.

The next day, when Schiller went to the Stark Building, he met Rhodes walking out. There was an adjutant behind him, and the adjutant's face was clearly happy, and they seemed to have got something they wanted.

But Rhode's face didn't get better at all. He still had a tense expression on his face. He didn't look at Schiller, so he walked straight over.

After going upstairs, Stark stood in front of his armor again, and carefully looked at his work.

"Looks like you've made a decision, they got what they wanted, right?" Schiller asked.

"Okay." Stark turned, he first tightened the muscles in his shoulders, then suddenly relaxed, dropped his shoulders, let out a breath, and said, "I know, I should stick to your previous advice, that Right."

"But I didn't do it. I knew it was right. I didn't have to pay any price. I still didn't do it..."

"I knew it wouldn't work." Schiller sat at the table with the case and wrote in the notebook. He didn't look up, but said with a sigh: "Many people are willing to pay a huge price to pursue emotions. Compensation, especially for someone like you who has never lacked material conditions."

"You would rather give up the result of maximizing your interests than have the heart to see Rhodes caught in the middle. You paid the price and bought back his temporary friendship with you."

"Yes, I know what you want to say. You are friends, you think so, and so does he. But especially if both parties are not so happy, this friendship can last."

"You keep paying for it, and sooner or later you can't afford it. When you can't afford it, maybe Rhodes will understand you, but the world won't."

In the end, Schiller said: "When you raise the appetite of those people, the price you have to pay for love will never end."

Stark said: "It's not that I haven't thought about this problem. I know that once I let go, I will keep losing."

"They can use Rhodes to persuade me to hand over some of the mecha technology, and then one day, they can force him to persuade me to hand over all the mechas, or build more war machines for them."

"From the time I knew how many civilians my weapons hurt, I've known that wisdom brings not only wealth but disaster," Stark said, pressing his finger to his eye socket and saying, "I've only recently thought about it. Understand this problem, the ultimate outcome of a genius, there is always no retreat."

"When everyone knows that you have a brain enough to save the world, they will also have the ambition to let you destroy the world at the same time."

After being silent for a while, Schiller stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. Outside the window of Stark Building was the sunset of New Stark followed his gaze, the kind of dazzling light made With a hazy color in front of his eyes, Schiller said, "What do you do when you have nowhere to go?"

Stark said, "This is my home, and Pepper, Jarvis, and... all of Stark's."

"In the end, no one can force me to hand over here."

"If they want more..."

Stark's eyes that always contained various emotions stared directly at Schiller, his expression was not heavy at all, but calmly said:

"...Iron Man never backs down."

Schiller looked at him and asked:

"So, have you ever thought about overturning this ridiculous and boring negotiating table?"

"You're like a degenerate devil."

"It's much better than praying to God."

"I never pray, I don't count on God, I don't believe in those bizarre tricks, those absurd rumors and legends..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Stark saw that everything in his laboratory began to tremble slightly.

Then, everything floated up.

In an instant, it was like losing gravity, everything was floating in the air, cups, notebooks, computers, wrenches...

The sunset light outside the window shone on the places where these things should not receive sunlight. Schiller stood in the center of everything, and the light behind him cast a long shadow in front of him.

The shadows of everything overlapped into a huge web, and Stark stood in the middle of it all, he stretched out his hand, and a drop of water from the cup fell on his fingertips, and Stark looked up and looked around, he saw The countless ordinary and ordinary debris in the air, and the ordinary ceilings and walls overhead—

He saw a door to a new world.

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