American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 32: Antiques and New Generations

"So you decided to intern at Stark Group?" Schiller asked.

Peter took a big mouthful of porridge, took a bite of the sausage, and said as he chewed, "Yes, so I can explain where the money comes from on me, and I told my uncle that the Stark Group wanted to buy out my money. Employment opportunities, not only will they give me a lot of money in advance, but they will also be responsible for my college tuition.”

"Does your uncle believe it?"

Peter said: "Actually, Uncle Ben has always known that I have good grades in studies and have some genius minds. Now I finally get a chance, and he is very happy for me."

"But..." Peter put the bowl down and said a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Schiller, I want to stay with you for a few days. Our house is in disrepair. Uncle and Aunt May got the money. After that, I wanted to renovate the house a little bit. After all, it rained a few days ago, and even the skin of the outer wall fell off. They would borrow it from their old classmates, but I was almost an adult, which was a little inconvenient. "

"I welcome you here," said Schiller. "But doesn't Stark's internship provide accommodation? It's still a little far from Stark Group."

Peter sighed and said, "But the Stark Group is farther from Gwen's house."

Schiller smiled and said, "I bet you came to me because you failed in trying to stay at Gwen's house."

Peter's face turned red, and he said, "How could I make such an unreasonable request, I wouldn't say such a thing to Gwen."

"You really don't look like an American by being conservative." Schiller also took a mouthful of porridge and said.

Before the two of them had finished their breakfast, Steve ran and walked in. There was a little sweat on his forehead. Obviously, he should have run all the way. As soon as he came in, he smelled the fragrance of Schiller's porridge. He touched his stomach and said, "I want to tell you, man, you are better than the canteen of S.H.I.E.L.D., I don't know how strong you are."

Schiller pointed to the kitchen, and Steve went to make the porridge by himself. Peter turned back and forth, chewing the sweetness in his mouth like a hamster, sticking his head out and asking Schiller in a low voice:

"Who is that? He looks so handsome, stronger than the captain of my high school football team."

"Obviously, he's the one who beat up Stark, and of course, he was going to beat you, because you're hanging around New York all day," Schiller said.

Peter was choked, and when Steve came over with the bowl, Peter moved his chair aside without a trace.

It's impossible for the current little spider to beat Captain America, and Peter is obviously very self-aware. He also knows that his high-profile behavior before has caused many people's dissatisfaction, and there are more than one or two who want to beat him.

And Stark who has the ability to beat him is one. Now it seems that this strong man should also be one. After all, if he can beat Stark, he must be a master.

As soon as Steve's eyes fell on Peter, Peter jumped up like he was electrocuted and said, "I'll pack the porridge into the lunch box, and I'll take it to Matt at the hospital later."

"I advise you not to go here." Schiller said, "You forgot, last time you went there in the morning, how embarrassing was it to see Matt and his girlfriend lying on the same bed?"

Peter's face turned red again, and he muttered, "It's a hospital there, and Matt's injuries haven't healed yet. They're really crazy..."

Steve silently drank two mouthfuls of porridge, and then asked Schiller, "Is that Matt one of the good people you mentioned?"

Schiller nodded and said, "I can't even describe him as a good guy, he's a hero, a real hero.

Schiller and Steve briefly talked about Matt's life, and Steve said with some sighs: "Maybe I can't compare to him, because when I was an ordinary person, although I couldn't understand a lot of things, I didn't like it. I didn't have the courage to stop it because I knew I couldn't beat those people, and getting hurt would definitely hurt.

Schiller said: "It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so those who advance against the wind are more worthy of respect."

After Peter went to pack up, Steve asked, "This kid doesn't look like he has any superpowers at all, you know, even in my era, you don't blush when you talk about girlfriends. Piece of pizza."

Before Peter came, Schiller lowered his voice and said, "Just being a girlfriend is not enough to make him so embarrassed. His father-in-law is the chief of the New York City Police Department."

Steve frowned and said, "Didn't you say he's a lucky boy? I don't think he can handle such a father-in-law."

When Peter went to deliver Matt's meal and he came back, Schiller wasn't in the clinic, and Steve was sitting alone at the bar, playing with an old-fashioned record player.

Although it was an old-fashioned record player for this day and age, it was a novelty in Steve's day, so he was a little confused about how to put discs in.

Peter said, "You can't pull that barn door like this, it will break it. Give me the disc and I'll help you put it in."

Steve handed him the disc player and said, "The doctor is going to give that **** Stark to psychotherapy. How old are you this year? Are you graduating from high school?"

While playing with the record player, Peter shook his head and said, "Not yet, I'm just a sophomore in high school.

"I heard Schiller say that you are very lucky and have acquired some special abilities."

But Peter pouted and said, "Are you lucky? Maybe I thought so before, but now it seems that it's not all."

"You're a little more mature than I thought. I thought you'd be bragging, or couldn't wait to show something."

"If I would have done that a month ago, well, here it is, you just need to press the button above and it will play, and now there are not many people who use this thing, and it happens that my uncle also has one , that's why I use it."

Steve pressed the button, smiled and said, "Then do you know how to use a vinyl record player? I still know more about that."

Peter shook his head and said, "That thing is too old. I have seen it once at my uncle's colleague's house, but that vinyl record is always stuck and no one can fix it."

"Then you can ask for it, and I'll fix it. I'm very good at this job. In the army, this kind of thing is a precious thing. If it breaks, you will definitely hear a scream."

"Are you a soldier? But I can see that you are really strong, you should be at least a Master Chief." Peter said.

"Master Chief? That's about it. I have a special operations team under my command, and I will lead them on missions."

Only then did Peter become interested. He said, "Are you a special forces soldier? Which number do you belong to? Seals? Or sharp knives?"

Steve smiled and said, "We like to call ourselves the Patriots, but you should have heard a louder name."

Peter was a little curious, he said, "What is that?"

"Captain America and his friends."

Peter opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and said, "You used to be in Captain America's squad, my God! That must have been almost 100 years ago, you..."

"Oh, yes, indeed, the captain is not an ordinary person. Some of them must have lived until now. So you know the captain? God..."

Peter ran to the back room in a hurry, took out his backpack, and after rummaging around, took out a figure from it, he said:

"Look, this is the latest bottle cap figure that they cooperated with the soda company. I drank two full cases of soda to get this. It's the only one with a shield in all styles. I was at a party a few days ago. , they all envy me, it's way more showy than a break dance or something."

Steve narrowed his eyes and looked at the small figure. He took it and turned around, and found that the head of the figure seemed to move. He shook his fingers slightly, but it seemed to be too hard. The little man's head snapped off with a snap, and Peter shouted and rushed up to grab it back.

"My God, it's broken!! Glue! I need glue! It took me two months to collect this!!"

"I'm sorry, um..." Steve said, "I haven't played with this thing, I thought it could move."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. If you are indeed from seven or eighty years ago, the toys at that time were indeed much stronger than now, such as Lego. There should be Lego at that time, right?"

Steve didn't get angry when he saw Peter. He felt that Schiller's description of this kid was not very accurate. Although he was a bit exasperating and childish, he could indeed take on a big responsibility.

He said, "I think you should take a closer look at that little thing's head, doesn't it look familiar to you?"

Peter picked up the head of the little figure with some doubts. He had to say that although the quality of this figure was not very good, the carving was very fine.

Then Steve looked at the big boy across from him, looked down at the statue, looked up at him, looked down at the statue, looked up at him again, and then his eyes gradually became round, and his mouth was so wide that his jaw could be dislocated.

When Schiller came back with Pikachu in his arms, he encountered such a scene. Pikachu waved his short hand in his arms and said, "It seems that it is not the right time for us to come back, disturbing the reunion of Jack and Ruth after a long absence..."

Schiller rubbed his face and said, "Tell you to watch less romance Peter turned his eyes to Schiller again, and stumblingly asked him for proof: "He is... I mean...he, that...

Schiller pressed the button of the record player, there was a melodious old song, he tapped Steve on the shoulder and said, "Captain, it seems that he really wants to ask you for evidence, yes, I see what he meant."

The captain knocked on the table at the bar and said, "Where's my evidence?"

Natasha's sweet voice came from inside: "Here comes."

Before Peter could react, after a gust of wind, a shiny red and blue shield with a five-pointed star in the middle flew in. Steve caught the shield with one hand, and Peter said intently, "That's cool!"

Outside the door, Natasha Yi said lazily on the door frame, "Welcome back, Captain."

Steve patted the shield and said, "Looks like you guys are ready."

Schiller said to Natasha, "Okay, the sensational old story, we can talk about it later. The two-day consultation fee is 5 million US dollars. When will it arrive?"

Steve glanced at him and said, "Are you really going to charge so much money?"

"Otherwise, I asked you to set up bugs here again, and to steal food. Is it because you are Captain America?"

"I thought we were friends," Steve said.

"Of course, if we weren't friends, I could only buy one breakfast with $5 million."

"You paid the same price to that Stark?" Steve asked.

"Next time I'll charge him double."

Steve immediately turned his head, looked at Natasha, and said, "Pay me, and give me an extra 10% tip."

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