American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 145: Coport's Happy Life (Part 2)

Cobert's been having a bad time lately, or put it another way, he's having a good time.

Oswald Cobble, he was born in the Cobble family, one of the four major gangster families in the East District, and his family was relatively wealthy when he was a child.

However, when he was young, the pillar of the family, that is, his father died of pneumonia, and the family has been in trouble since then.

Now, the era of the four big gangster families in the East has passed, and he and his mother live in an old house on a street near Living Hell.

His father made some money when he was young, and Mrs. Cobblet basically lived off the savings.

As he got older, the family's expenses increased little by little. With the help of her husband's former favor, Mrs. Cobot found a job for Little Cobot in Mooney Gang.

The Mooney Gang was originally the biggest gang in hell, but now, their boss, Fish Mooney, is a grumpy woman, and no one can go against her. Fish's favorite.

Because of this, Cobot was often sent out as a doorman or umbrella boy in other street industries.

This is not a good job. It is common to be beaten, scolded and teased by guests, and the money earned is not only given to the gangsters in the area where the property is located, but also to the Mooney Gang, which falls into the hands of Cobot himself. not a lot.

At work, Cobot was often humiliated and ridiculed by other people. He could only hide away with a gloomy face, trying not to attract the attention of those people, but he was often provoked because of his short stature and lack of strength. Some guests, beaten and scolded by the foreman, always look like a chicken in soup when they return home.

Cobot originally thought that he would have to endure such days for a long time, but what he did not expect was that Gotham changed almost overnight.

Construction projects began everywhere, the whole city was hiring, and various industries were short of people. Since this change, Cobot has worked in various occupations such as bartender, sweeper, counter and waiter. Walking down the streets of living hell, someone would ask him if he had a job.

Before that, he worked as a waiter in the largest night market around Living Hell. He said that he was a waiter, but in fact, he was helping people at the barbecue stalls on the roadside, helping to wash the barbecue plates, or opening beer bottles to customers.

Although this job is not easy, it is much better than the doorman. One is to make more money, and the other is to often eat leftovers from barbecue.

Moreover, the guests are usually all kinds of drivers. They are often in a hurry. They want a barbecue and a beer. tip.

Originally, Cobot was quite satisfied with this kind of life, at least he had taken a big step forward, but the next changes were even more beyond his expectations.

Later, the transformation of the living **** began. Although Cobot did not live in the living hell, he also lived not far away. He watched the crowded and shabby city change with his own eyes.

But then, the rhythm of his life was completely changed.

Due to the transformation of living hell, many gangsters are eyeing this piece of fat, and the Mooney Gang is hard to beat. The original Mooney Gang, only the southernmost site remains.

After the transformation was completed, the gangsters began to build a management system here, but the question came, where did they find so many people who could manage living hell?

Although the place has been remodeled, it is still intricate and complicated. These foreign gang bosses can't understand the terrain here, let alone collect protection fees.

Cobble is half a local. He often goes to the living **** to buy things. In addition, he was originally a member of the Mooney Gang, the gangster. The boss of the gang took a fancy to him, and Cobble began to do things with them.

At first, he was in charge of counting pieces at the entrance of the freight passage. As a result, the little leader in charge of freight found that he was good at math, even if he counted the pieces manually for a whole day, he would not be wrong, so he introduced him to the work. Hell's business district charges protection fees.

Because he had worked in a street stall in a night market before, Cobot soon became acquainted with the owner of a restaurant in the business district, and was responsible for delivering ingredients to the restaurant.

Originally, Kopot's life had improved a lot when he arrived here, and he was considered a small boss after all.

Cobot was not even an adult, so he was responsible for the purchase of raw materials for a restaurant. If you think about it, you can see that there is a lot of oil and water here, which is not common in Gotham.

But it's not over yet, Cobot received a good education as a child, and even lived in a wealthy area in the south, so he can write well-behaved English, and he is quite gifted in mathematics and statistics, and even Quick calculation, this is a rare talent in Gotham!

It didn't take long for him to be spotted by a big gang leader and transferred to the water management department of Living Hell.

The so-called water management department is the place responsible for connecting and maintaining tap water, and then collecting water fees.

The water bill is actually a protection fee. After a gangster gets an area of ​​Living Hell, the residents hand over the water bill to them, and these gangsters are responsible for maintaining the water system.

However, the water source of the living **** after the reconstruction and reconstruction is not like the several wells before. The modern water supply system is very complicated, with tap water pipes extending in all directions, various pipes and valves, and several specifications of water meters. These things are fundamental to gangsters. fiddling do not understand.

Once, in the process of collecting water bills, gangsters and local residents clashed, and it was Cobot who took a look at the reading of the water meter to stop the possible fire.

That's right, in the entire water management department, only Cobot can read the water meter.

So he was promoted to be the person in charge of the water system in the No. 2 area of ​​Living Hell North.

As absurd as it sounds, it's the truth, Cobot's road to promotion is so smooth, not because of how good this underage penguin is now, but mainly because the others suck.

As the head of the department, life is of course much better. Cobot doesn't even have to wander around living **** himself. He only needs to have someone copy the readings on the water meter, and he can accurately determine how much a household uses. Water, how much protection fee should be charged.

However, it didn't take long for the gangsters to realize that it was not enough to rely on a genius like Cobot, who could not produce one in a hundred people, to maintain the operation of the entire system.

Therefore, they started vigorous preparations for vocational school activities.


According to Gotham's Second Law, when the school's venue is selected, the staff is ready, and even the teacher has been found, the gang bosses realize that they have no students.

The gang bosses themselves definitely don't have time to learn these things, they have enough things to manage.

And the middle-level gangsters generally don’t know what to ask, even spelling their own names wrong, and they all smoke, drink, and gamble. Their brains have not changed for many years, and they are blind to send them to school.

Therefore, these gang bosses can only choose from the second generation of black gangsters, or they are the children of some young and small bosses, preferably in their teens, and have some strange hobbies, as long as they don't drink or take drugs. .

Even with such lenient conditions, there are not enough students for 20 students.

There is no other way, the gangs can only cast a wide net, even if it is a homeless child on the street, as long as they are still about the same, they will be arrested and sent to school.

As a result, Coport, who was excellent in both character and learning, became the first batch of students in the vocational school, and when Coport entered this class, he was the top student in the first place.

He received a good education when he was a child. Not only is he good at writing, he is good at mathematics, he can even play a little violin. In this environment of prenatal education per capita, he is simply outstanding.

But it's true that he was having a bad day.

Although he came to school, the tap water system on his site still pointed him to maintain it. Cobot studied during the day and worked overtime at night. These days he lived directly in the office and even had a chance to go home. nothing.

Although he is no longer a downhearted jerk, he has also become a ruthless overtime machine.

The main theme of Coport's recent life is one word, busy.

Because the water system in his area is well maintained and the income is higher than other places, the boss of the gang intends to give him the No. 3 area as well.

Although this gang is a big gangster, it is far worse than the Twelve Clan. It does not have the ability to hire professionals. The entire system is maintained by Cobot alone.

It was also the first time Cobot knew that sitting in the office was no easier than being outside in the sun.

But to say he's doing well, it's true.

Cobot now fully understands what it means, knowledge changes destiny.

Just because he was good at mathematics, he was promoted all the way, not to mention being bullied when he was a doorman. Now he manages more than 20 gang members.

Because Cobot doesn't need others to help him calculate, the others run errands at most, and they also get a share of the water bills they receive. Many people love to do this work. They point to Cobot to make money, and naturally Compliment to him.

Cobot now has a small piece of land of his own, and even if he saves money, he and Mrs Cobot can just move out of the dark old house and find a nice apartment to live in.

Moreover, most of the teachers who have been invited by the gang have a lot of headaches about the situation here. Before they came, they never thought that the students they wanted to teach would be like this. In this environment, they study fast and concentrate. Cooper, looks so cute.

Gloomy looking? What does it matter? Look at these bastards, they are considered conservatives with less than ten metal rings on their heads.

Hook nose? He doesn't put a bunch of nose rings on his nose, and he's already paying attention to his appearance.

short? That's also better than jumping up and down in the classroom every day.

Most of the student images that teachers like have the same temperament, and Cobot just has this temperament.

He seemed cowardly and taciturn, which was seen by his peers as being out of place, but by the teachers and professors, it was the performance of a well-behaved student.

Facts have proved that in the future Gotham stage, the Penguin who can occupy a place and compete with crazy geniuses like the Joker is of course very good. These courses in the vocational school not only can't stop him, but also give him a Quite a lot of room to play.

Even Victor looked at him differently, calling Cobot "lettuce in the carrot field."

Hearing this comment from Victor, Schiller was a little dumbfounded. It was difficult for him to describe the wonderful feeling of a person who had read the original comics when he heard Frozen Man comment that the Penguin was a genius.

He also didn't know whether this was a self-organized or the sympathy between the villains and the villains. In short, Victor and Cobot began to appreciate each other gradually.

In Victor's eyes, Cobot became a studious genius who came out of the mud and unsullied, while Victor in Cobot's eyes became a good teacher who treated students equally and did not discriminate against him.

As for Schiller, after he finished that class, he left all the work of organizing classroom discipline to Victor. He drank coffee and fished in the office of Gotham University every day, and Victor was angry and scolded him. Old fritters.

And Cobert, of course, he did not forget that Schiller was a special guest he met at that time.

At that time, Schiller's speech and demeanor made him have a good impression of the profession of professor, and now, Victor has also proved that reading more books is indeed different.

Cobot even raised the idea of ​​whether or not to go to college. When this idea appeared in his mind, he felt a little absurd.

Go to university? This is a very distant thing for every low-level person in Gotham.

But this future Penguin, the thing he lacks the most is ambition.

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